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Paintsville 5 Lawrence Co. 3 (57th District)
Dear Charlie Hustle,

I have tried to be ignore your negative comments towards the LC coaching staff and players because I do sympathize with your situation. However, it seems that you are just going to continue with no end in sight. I do not feel that this forum should be used as a means of attacking anyone personally, especially a kid. Kids should be exempt from attacks by adults. We need to remember we were all kids once and they all make mistakes. Our job as adults is to teach them how to behave instead of setting a bad example. I had congratulated Ethan in an earlier thread and was hoping that his dismissal from the team would not be discussed any further on here. However, it seems that it not going to be the case. You have put other players, current and former, into this situation when they had nothing to do with it. You have also shown disrespect to the very team your son was once part of and you sang praises to on here. If you have a beef with the coaches, take it up with them. The players have nothing to do with this and do not deserve any of this. No one is above making a mistake, least of all a teenager. I am sure that Ethan, as well as others who have made mistakes, regret it. No one should hold a grudge against them. I know that myself and the parents that I have talked to have no hard feelings toward Ethan. You should not have any towards any of his teammates either Not too long ago, you were cheering them all on, remember? As for the coaches, agree or disagree for you are entitled, but show them some respect too. Not long ago you were the one who chose them to coach your son.

There were actually 3 players who had a curfew violation and all 3 received the same punishment, which was in no way harsh, so I am not sure what your point is here? Are you implying that the other 2 should be dismissed from the team? This is not the reason for your son's dismissal. Curfew violations have happened in the past and have always been met with running as a form of punishment.

Also, the incident as to you are referring from last year was followed up on by the LC coaching staff. The gesture to which you refer was actually a gesture used several years ago by professional wrestlers & was aimed at one particular person, not any females, with whom the player has a long relationship with. In hindsight, the player did realize that it was very poor judgement and was not thinking as to how it could be disrespectful to the females present as they were not the intended recipient of the gesture. The coaches deemed that although inappropriate, the intent was not what it appeared to be. FYI---The player was disciplined by the coaching staff. I believe it was you that said there is always 2 sides to every story. Maybe one should get all the facts before making a assumption. Players are always disciplined when doing wrong. Not sure why you have chosen to bring up this situation in comparison to leaving a game and going to a prom. Again I want to stress that I do not in any way condone the gesture that was made however after hearing all the facts, understand that the intent was not to violate any team rules.

With regards to leaving a game to attend a prom, that was viewed a direct and intentional violation of a team rule after receiving a warning as to the consequences of that action. He was told before the first game, which started at noon, that he needed to stay for the second game, which was starting at 3. The prom was not until later that night and the game would be over in time for him to attend. The LC coaching staff understands there are times when a player must be absent, but a social function has never been an excused absence for any player. This was determined to be a well thought out action with a clear intent to violate a team rule. It was not simply that he went to the prom, but that he deliberately disobeyed a direct order from his coach. Please understand that my intent isn't to make him look bad and if I were the coach, I would have issued a one or two game suspension instead of a dismissal. However, I am not the coach & it is not my place to criticize the decisions that he makes for his team. It is also not my place to criticize a player for their actions as that is to be left up to coaches and parents.

There have been many players who have been disciplined for various reasons within the program. Some have had to sit out a game, while others have had to run. The discipline is decided on a case by case basis as all situations are not the same. Also, bringing up the actions of one player a year ago as a means to excuse or lessen the actions of another player this year is something one would expect from a teenager. Also, trying to imply that other players should be dismissed from the team as well is in poor taste. It is up to the coaches to make all decisions for the team.

As I stated before, these are Coach Feltner's dawgs. It is his job to coach the team and decide what he feels is best for his team. It is my job as a fan, to support the team.

Again, I would like to congratulate Ethan on his signing and say that I wish him nothing but the best in his future.
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Paintsville 5 Lawrence Co. 3 (57th District) - by justfacts - 05-26-2012, 04:01 AM

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