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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
TheRealVille Wrote:Will you share in all the killings of war? Again, did you vote for Ernie after he vowed to destroy the unions, and make KY a "right to work"(for less) state? Did you stand on the steps of Frankfort to try to help keep KY a "collective bargaining" state? You might as well be a union buster like Hoot, and all the other republicans that try to destroy unionism. You are no more union than the guy that works nonunion, and the people that try to kill unions.
Anybody who supports Obama and his opening of the floodgates of cheap illegal labor from Mexico is not supporting American workers, union or non-union. Private sector jobs have been lost under Obama. You do not seem to understand that neither the federal government nor unions create jobs in this country.

Supporting an oppressive, socialist political agenda - as you are doing - is not helping your job prospects, and more importantly, it is destroying the economic security of future generations of Americans who deserve better.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by Hoot Gibson - 07-14-2012, 05:03 PM

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