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Generals and Admirals Endorse Romney in Ad
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The list of retired admirals and generals who have endorsed Obama is very, very short. It is good to know that the general officers in the military have remained mostly immune to the attempts to instill political correctness in them.

The cost of freedom was and is too high to barter off for some item social justice advocates are willing to rave on about. That is why I was so disappointed to learn of support for DADT from some, enough in this case, high ranking military, including those as high as the Joint Chiefs and the Pentagon. Obama can't concieve of what the sacrifice of countless heros of our nation's history really means, some sacrificed as recently as 9/11/2012. Those of us who survived war experiences have without exception, lost friends and brothers, in those very same experiences. I like the way the Lord puts it, John 15:13 (KJV) " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. "

Ex navy seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty laid down their lives for their friends and their country, and I can assure folks of one fact. The sacrifice of their actions on this year's anniversary of 9/11, eclipse the sum total of everything Mr Obama imagines himself to have done for this country by light years. Their greatest moment of self sacrifice IMO was simutaneous with Obama's greatest moment of shame, national shame in fact. When he gave up those two guys he gave up his manhood in my eyes. No longer willing to afford Mr Obama further latitude with regard to his stone-walling tactics with regard to coming clean about the Benghazi Scandal, War hero and former POW John McCain said last night, "Let's call it what it is, a cover up"

Enough big guns are out there blazing away on the matter now that I am confident exposure is certain prior to election day this Tuesday. In short, when you try to run over or take ex military for granted, you've gone your 'bridge too far'.
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Generals and Admirals Endorse Romney in Ad - by TheRealThing - 11-04-2012, 03:43 PM

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