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irs targets conservative voting groups
TheRealThing Wrote:Actually I'm not looking over anything. Liberals had to come up with plausible deniability with regard to their very public flip flop. All these conclusions and surmises were 'cooked' and deliberated over for years. One minute liberals are asserting that Bush is a moron, the next they're saying he went before the congress and totally flim flammed them into believing a masterfully elaborate tale of intrigue, and subterfuge involving the military capability of Iraq. So, again I ask the question. If Saddam didn't have WMD's. How did he manage to kill so many thousands of Kurds with them?

If at any other time, democratic members of congress were to admit they are too stupid to interpret intel and world affairs of and on their own resource, that would be an admission of their own failings and ineptitudes. Now, because their initial very public support of the military action in Iraq, they are somewhat limited as to how they can dodge any responsibility for that war, so they are forced to admit they don't know how to effectively govern? LOL, I'll have to go along with them on that.

At any rate, it is yet again the same old smoke and mirror job. Divert attention away from their own responsibility in the matter by calling George W a liar. Thus we see the entire life cycle of something born on elementary school playgrounds at recess. That being the practice of character assassination to get the edge. Point, name call and laugh one's foe to scorn. Fine tune the act through high school and college making it an art form at the levels of state and federal government. This has become the new sad reality of what was once referred to as statesmanship.

I would readily admit it if George W had lied. The obvious fact that I believe you are conveniently looking over is that this was a congressional joint resolution. The matter was debated by the full House and Senate and spoken to publically by Pelosi, Kerry and Hillary Clinton among other notable democrats. Everybody thought they had a handle on things and frankly, I think they did. The facts suggest the WMD's were moved out to Syria. It's called politicizing and dems are notorious for it.
The Intelligence Committee report says he did. Go for it.
Messages In This Thread
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-11-2013, 10:40 PM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-13-2013, 08:57 AM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-13-2013, 09:38 AM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-13-2013, 10:04 AM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-13-2013, 10:32 AM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by TheRealVille - 05-13-2013, 11:14 AM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-22-2013, 01:43 PM
irs targets conservative voting groups - by nky - 05-22-2013, 01:44 PM

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