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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Pee Wee Herman Strategy! Brilliant observation! Confusednicker:

Honest liberals, though few in number, have begun distancing themselves from Obama. Like Senator Baucus, they see a major train wreck rolling down the rails and they want no part of it - at least not while an election is looming next year. It is going to be interesting to see how Obama will try to suppress Republican turnout for the 2014 election now that their efforts at the IRS and Department of Justice are receiving sunlight.

He has had the wind at his back, getting by with the denigrating rhetoric when it comes to his political foes. I guess it's because he was brazen enough to declare his contempt for conservatives in such grand fashion and, in any venue, that he was able to manipulate and charm those with their hands stuck out or those that are looking for pay back.

Progressives and liberals like to call this administration's social agenda the state of 'moving forward', but I know it is really nothing more than getting even. All manner of minority see this administration as their inroad to erasing the social stigma they feel they have faced their whole lives. This long awaited social reckoning afoot as we speak therefore, has some pretty long legs. Those who voted for him will be back in his corner, long before they will allow those inroads to falter. So, the Sheila Jackson Lee's, John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi's and the James Clyburn's, will never abandon their leader. We had a pretty good run-n-go at William Jefferson Clinton which led almost nowhere, as he is still the liberal god. And yet, I believe the avalanche of dishonorable dealings coming to light these days, as the timid finally are gaining the courage to expose the illegal activities going on in nearly every branch and agency, including the state department, has even longer legs. :biggrin:
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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california - by TheRealThing - 06-01-2013, 02:43 PM

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