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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
TheRealVille Wrote:Did I not say I worked in, and was out of, Michigan for years? At the time I was up there you didn't have to be a plumber to run med gas. Call it what you want, med gas license or certification, you aren't allowed to run it without having it. I have ran miles of medical gas.

You don't have to be a plumber to run HVAC, I know. Fitters run a lot of copper. If you will notice, I never said plumbers run the VAV boxes in Martin county. I said the fitters did.

I don't care what your bid package says about VAV boxes, I know what the UA constitution says.

Like I said, when I was in Ann Arbor's local, I was a local hand. Most of the time, my work was up there. I stayed there for several years. When I transferred in to Huntington, I am a local hand in Huntington. When I worked in Ashland, I was a traveler. When I work in Lexington, I am a traveler.

You would be best served to not try to tell me about my line of work. You will end up looking more foolish the more you try. You can't read out of a Kentucky code book, because none of my med gas days were in KY. Again, unlike you, my skills can carry me outside of the Ashland area. Different states have different codes.

As would you mine. I'd like to think I can back up what I say. I know what the KY Code Book says is way different from what you say, as well as area practice. As I have pointed out before, those of your ilk have taken to claiming victory as a matter of course. Even though in so doing, self deception must be taken to ever increasing extremes.

I looked up the UA Constitution just for kicks. This is the section listing all claims to work jurisdiction, didn't see VAV boxes.

1. All piping for plumbing, water, waste, floor
drains, drain grates, supply, leader, soil pipe, grease
traps, sewage and vent lines.
2. All piping for water filters, water softeners, water
meters and the setting of same.
3. All cold, hot and circulating water lines, piping
for house pumps, cellar drainers, ejectors, house
tanks, pressure tanks, swimming pools, ornamental
pools, display fountains, drinking fountains, aquariums,
plumbing fixtures and appliances, and the handling
and setting of the above mentioned equipment.
4. All water services from mains to buildings,
including water meters and water meter foundations.
5. All water mains from whatever source, including
branches and fire hydrants, etc.
6. All down spouts and drainage areas, soil pipe,
catch basins, manholes, drains, gravel basins, storm
water sewers, septic tanks, cesspools, water storage
tanks, etc.
7. All liquid soap piping, liquid soap tanks, soap
valves, and equipment in bath and washrooms, shower
stalls, etc.
8. All bathroom, toilet room and shower room
accessories, i.e. as towel racks, paper holders, glass
shelves, hooks, mirrors, cabinets, etc.
9. All lawn sprinkler work, including piping, fittings,
and lawn sprinkler heads.
l0. All sheet lead lining for X-ray rooms, fountains,
swimming pools or shower stalls, tanks or vats for all
purposes and for roof flashings in connection with the
pipe fitting industry.
11. All fire stand pipes, fire pumps, pressure and
storage tanks, valves, hose racks, fire hose, cabinets
and accessories, and all piping for sprinkler work of
every description.
12. All block tin coils, carbonic gas piping for soda
fountains and bars, etc.
13. All piping for railing work and racks of every
description, whether screwed or welded.
14. All piping for pneumatic vacuum cleaning systems
of every description.
15. All piping for hydraulic, vacuum, pneumatic,
air, water, steam, oil, or gas, used in connection with
railway cars, railway motor cars, and railway locomotives.
16. All marine piping, and all piping used in connection
with ship building and ship yards.
17. All power plant piping of every description.
18. The handling, assembling, and erecting of all
economizers, super-heaters, regardless of the mode or
method of making joints, hangers, and erection of
19. All internal and external piping on boilers,
heaters, tanks and evaporators, water legs, water
backs and water grates, boiler compound equipment,
20. All soot blowers and soot collecting piping systems.
21. The setting, erecting, and piping for all smoke
consuming and smoke washing and regulating
22. The setting, erecting and piping of instruments,
measuring devices, thermostatic controls, gauge
boards, and other controls used in connection with
power, heating, refrigerating, air conditioning, manufacturing,
mining, and industrial work.
23. The setting and erecting of all boiler feeders,
water heaters, filters, water softeners, purifiers, condensate
equipment, pumps, condensers, coolers, and
all piping for same in power houses, distributing and
boosting stations, refrigeration, bottling, distilling,
and brewing plants, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
24. All piping for artificial gases, natural gases, and
holders and equipment for same, chemicals, minerals
and by-products and refining of same, for any and all
25. The setting and erecting of all underfeed stokers,
fuel burners, and piping, including gas, oil, power
fuel, hot and cold air piping, and all accessories and
parts of burners and stokers, etc.
26. All ash collecting and conveyor piping systems,
including all air washing and dust collecting piping
and equipment, accessories and appurtenances and
regulating devices, etc.
27. The setting and erection of all oil heaters, oil
coolers, storage and distribution tanks, transfer
pumps, and mixing devices, and piping thereto of
every description.
28. The setting, erecting and piping of all cooling
units, pumps, reclaiming systems, and appurtenances,
in connection with transformers, and piping to switches
of every description.
29. All fire extinguishing systems and piping,
whether by water, steam, gas, or chemical, fire alarm
piping, and control tubing, etc.
30. All piping for sterilizing, chemical treatment,
deodorizing, and all cleaning systems of every
description, and laundries for all purposes.
31. All piping for oil or gasoline tanks, gravity and
pressure lubricating and greasing systems, air and
hydraulic lifts, etc.
32. All piping for power or heating purposes, either
by water, air, steam, gas, oil, chemicals, or any other
33. All piping, setting and hanging of all units and
fixtures for air-conditioning, cooling, heating, roof
cooling, refrigerating, ice making, humidifying, dehumidifying
and dehydrating by any method, and the
charging, testing, and servicing of all work after completion.
34. All pneumatic tube work, and all piping for carrying
systems by vacuum, compressed air, steam,
water, or any other method.
35. All piping to stoves, fire grates, blast and heating
furnaces, ovens, driers, heaters, oil burners, stokers,
and boilers and cooking utensils, etc. of every
36. All piping in connection with central distributing
filtration treatment stations, boosting stations,
waste and sewage disposal plants, central chlorination
and chemical treatment work, and all underground
supply lines to cooling wells, suction basins, filter
basins, settling basins, and aeration basins.
37. All process piping for refining, manufacturing,
industrial, and shipping purposes of every character
and description.
38. All air piping of every description.
39. All temporary piping of every description in
connection with building and construction work,
excavating and underground construction.
40. The laying out and cutting of all holes, chases
and channels, the setting and erection of bolts, inserts,
stands, brackets, supports, sleeves, thimbles, hangers,
conduit and boxes, used in connection with the pipe
fitting industry.
41. The handling and setting of boilers, setting of
fronts, setting of soot blowers, and attaching of all
boiler trimmings.
42. All pipe transportation lines for gas, oil, gasoline,
fluids and liquids, water aqueducts, water lines,
and booster stations of every description.
43. All acetylene and arc welding, brazing, lead
burning, soldered and wiped joints, caulked joints,
expanded joints, rolled joints, or any other mode or
method of making joints in connection with the pipe
fitting industry.
44. Laying out, cutting, bending and fabricating of
all pipe work of every description, by whatever mode
or method.
45. All methods of stress relieving of all pipe joints
made by every mode or method.
46. The assembling and erecting of tanks, used for
mechanical, manufacturing or industrial purposes, to
be assembled with bolts, packed or welded joints.
47. The handling and using of all tools and equipment
that may be necessary for the erection and
installation of all work and materials used in the pipe
fitting industry.
48. The operation, maintenance, repairing, servicing
and dismantling of all work installed by journeymen
members of the United Association.
49. All piping for cataracts, cascades (i.e. artificial
water falls), make-up water fountain, captured waters,
water towers, cooling towers, and spray ponds used
for industrial, manufacturing, commercial, or for any
other purposes.
50. Piping herein specified means pipe made from
metal or any other material used for the purpose of transferring any liquid or gas.
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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california - by TheRealThing - 06-02-2013, 11:09 PM

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