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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
TheRealThing Wrote:Now really is the time to (1)refer to the George W administration. Things were exactly as you suggest under his leadership. They only tagged terrorists and Muslims suspected of terror ties back then. (2) Now they 'data mine' everybody's every call and every online key stroke.

And, as to the bolded. Of course they will bother you. This administration already has been proven to have used the power of the federal government to unfairly win a second term and political opposites of liberals have been targeted by the IRS, EPA, OSHA and likely the DOJ, among others. All of which is intended to discourage free speech and honest elections. You're good with all of that no doubt because, like I have said, democrats would vote for the devil if he ran as a democrat.

Ironically, Satan will ultimately appoint his man to run things as soon as the evils of data mining reach their ultimate ends. Nothing will be private. All any government official will have to do is type in your name, your phone number, your address, or your social security number and volumes of your personal info (all of it actually) will be instantly laid out before some government agent's prying eyes. You will have no secrets at all, zero as you like to say. When there are no more secrets, there will be no more privacy. Government therefore, will rule with absolute power. And, as the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Thus, when at some point, everybody has to receive "the mark" in order to take part in any commerce, or worse, avoid being branded a criminal or enemy of the state. Maybe then, your eyes will open. Information is power, and when government holds all the cards men's freedoms will be completely gone.
1) Exactly what they do now.

2) False.
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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california - by TheRealVille - 06-09-2013, 04:50 PM

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