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Is America the most divided it has been since the civil war?
TheRealVille Wrote:He gave 2600.00, and you think he's one of the biggest supporters? FTR, I don't believe one word in this video. It's from someone not in Grimes campaign, and drunk at a bar. It'll give you guys here something to hope for, though.

Another FTR, if it isn't being mined clean, and keeping the selenium, and other stuff out of the water, I don't care if some coal mines leave. I'm not as big a fan of coal, as some of you guys.

What is there in this world that could in any way come close to replacing coal? Industry relies on coal. We can burn it cleanly and civilization depends on it. All La-La liberalism consists of is talk (which is ironically symbolic of the inefficiency of wind power BTW). Every time liberals get their way things begin to go afoul. From Keynesian Economics to ObamaCare, to trying to convince the rest of the world to lay down their arms. None of it works and as the result, we look weak and stupid to bad guys like Putin and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
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Is America the most divided it has been since the civil war? - by TheRealThing - 10-08-2014, 02:09 PM

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