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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa
I'm having another one of those moments. Other such moments were the day JFK was shot. The day Ronald Reagan got shot. The day Hurricane Sandy struck the New Jersey shore. The day Romney lost to Obama. And now today, we lose a truly great man and patriot in the person of Anthony Scalia.

There was one other moment in time that I wanted to give special attention to however. The day the Judiciary Committee headed up by Chairman Joseph Biden, and top Dem Lieutenants Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Howard Metzenbaum and Dennis DiConcini robbed this nation of a great legal mind in the person of Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert Bork.

In short, Bork got railroaded and in my mind things have not been the same in this land since that unfortunate day. If one would care to get a look at a grimacing, borderline personality disorder in action, take a look at the lovable 'Uncle Joe' from Sept., 1987.

If Harry Reid can shut down the Senate and refuse to take up a single piece of Republican born legislation basically from the day of John Boehner's ascension in January of 2011, until Mitch McConnell took his job away from him last January, Republicans can darn well sit on another vacuous female SC nominee by Pajama Boy. If not, Republicans rule both Houses and if Joe can get by with his insurrection back in 1987, Republicans should be able to show just cause for their rejection of a court seeded heavily in favor of the liberal ideological pipe dream.
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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa - by TheRealThing - 02-14-2016, 02:12 AM

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