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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump is as conservative as he has to be to get votes. If the situation demands it, he will be as liberal as he has to be to get votes. It is all about the Trump brand.

Thomas Sowell has said that if you want to help a man, you tell him the truth but if you want to help yourself, you tell him what he wants to hear.

Trump wants to help the country. He sees the slide and like the rest of us he is not ready to accept defeat.

It's true Trump was a Democrat and its true he once espoused liberal positions. However, it is also true that the Democrat Party has fallen into the hands of liberal/progressives. Thus Democrats no longer represent the interests of all the people. Rather, they represent only the special interests of minorities and those with an ax to grind. The condition of our nation reflects this as while our enemies crowd in on us with weapons bared, the self absorbed and the selfish all with a gripe or an issue to air, have their hands stuck out. And so, 'for hire' Dems are available to do the bidding of 'for sale' voters who bring nothing to the table but demands. Of course as I said, these demands have been provided for under the founders vision of equality of opportunity. But then, we're talking about getting up with the chickens and going to work everyday in order to earn one's way. That will not happen because we've already trained them to stay home and look to government handouts. In short, Democrats were subject to a hostile takeover by outside forces which have completely redefined them. Their new mission is to change the US into La-La Land.

I therefore can readily accept that once a Democrat who happens to be a man like Donald Trump who, goes out into this world and makes his mark with a certain zeal, could well have had an awakening to the truth. I know I did. And I could see where such an awakening could be both sweeping and sudden.

Donald is a typical New Yorker, a bit gruff and a bit plain spoken. He is none the less in the conservative's corner these days, and I believe him. In my mind we have two excellent choices then for President before the list then slides into also-ran territory. Cruz and Trump. And it is Trump who has framed the issues in plain spoken terms that I believe has given rise to whatever level of courage the rest of them have shown in this primary season.

Here's to a genuine awakening of "the people" whose voices will be heard this cycle.
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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa - by TheRealThing - 02-18-2016, 05:37 PM

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