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CNN analyst: Questions about Clinton’s health sexist
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Dost thou artfully construct? Why, yes, thou dost. Donald Trump did not give a whit whether the folk building his hotels and casinos and golf courses were legals. He couldn't have cared less. You know it. I know it. Revisionist? You have to be good at it to maneuver around all the Trumpisms. In my view, it doesn't disqualify him for being President. The stakes are high. Winning is the only thing. That's big time politics.

Nobody knows the truth from the talking points. Social media and Internet journalism have so polluted the water that the pebble of quartz truth at the bottom is nigh impossible to see. In reality, HRC could be on death's door, and DJT could have cholesterol off the charts. I doubt the average citizen would know it.

On another note, I have yet to find a candidate for President yet since such things were calculated that, on the night of election were upside down in likeability and trustability. Unless something drastic happens, no matter who wins, he or she will be a first in that regard.

You don't know if illegals were hired on Trump projects and neither do any of your kindred. If it could have been substantiated, not proven in a court of law mind you merely substantiated, then we'd have certainly heard of it before now. And frankly, if there is anything you and I both know, it's that just making the allegation is the stock-in-trade tactics of your side. Harry Reid stood of the floor of the Senate and said that Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years, and he knew it was bull when he said it. When later asked about having done such a thing, he just laughed it off saying of Romney "Well, he didn't get elected, now did he?"

Subcontractors must bid their way onto a project. They do so bidding against other contractors who have sharpened their pencils as much as they dare. It's no easy thing to outbid the others and the first question every contractor who wins a bid asks himself is, "Oh my gosh, what did I miss?" And to make the cheese even more binding, general contractors have to do their due diligence to make certain they've shopped the bids of their would be subordinates around enough to ensure they turn in the best price. If it were to come to pass that any sub failed to accomplish the work as promised, that means it falls to the general to find somebody else to do it right at his own expense.

That being the case and it is, no contractor with his financial life flashing before his eyes is about to let anybody tell him who he will hire to do the very work he's already scared he'll lose money doing anyway. Not only are all contractors closely scrutinized by their superiors, it's nothing for them to actually undergo a mid-job audit by the client to verify their ducks are in a row. The business matters of such a cutthroat industry dictate themselves, one cannot play fast and loose with any part of it and hope to survive to see the next project. Trump didn't hire illegal immigrants, the work was all under contract. If you understood what that means, you'd know what you said is very nearly impossible. And further, if Trump had coerced any sub to hire illegal workers they'd be blowing the whistle so fast it would make Trump's head spin in order to escape prosecution by the INS.
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CNN analyst: Questions about Clinton’s health sexist - by TheRealThing - 09-14-2016, 01:54 AM

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