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Party Loyalty Can’t Make Me Vote for Clinton
Pick6 Wrote:

You can really feel the Trump momentum building now. The African American outreach seems like it has been very effective. Resurrecting the Birther issue shows that the Dems are threatened by this out reach!!

Agree. The diehard liberals still only make up about 22% of the electorate, but though the DNC knows they may be depended upon to vote for Hillary as early and as often as possible, political sects once reliably beholden to Dems are suddenly very much in play. In fact, the Reagan Democrats, the unforeseen and surging number of crossover voters, and the so-called independents are deserting the liberal cause in droves, along with people of conscience from all walks of life that threaten to tip the balance for Trump. Said balance BTW, being the work product of much time, treasure and toil for the Dems, is a threat to the health of this nation IMHO. Here's why; Those who demand material things from government should never be in the position to vote their political champions into power in order to ensure that they get those material things because it is the working class who're forced to pay for them. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN-------"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

If the voter does succeed in breaking the power of the establishment this election cycle, maybe we will finally see voter ID's and a return to accountability for elected officials in this country. That being said you are exactly right, the resurgence of the birther controversy is a direct reflection of the left's desperation. Oh never mind the fact that the birther movement got its start in the Hillary campaign of 2008, the useful idiots will believe anything. :please:

I believe Trump will out perform Romney among the traditional Democrat strongholds we've heard so much about recently from the Trump detractors. Put everything together, and I would disagree with the fallback rhetoric of the left as to which candidate one would rather be right now at the end of the day.
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Party Loyalty Can’t Make Me Vote for Clinton - by TheRealThing - 09-22-2016, 06:25 PM

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