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Party Loyalty Can’t Make Me Vote for Clinton
TheRealThing Wrote:You know, when you first came on here I noted that you're a retread, a fact that you did not deny. I have always wondered why when your write, it doesn't seem to bother you that your inflections, phrases, cadence and vocabulary so closely mirror my own. That's why I said at that point that I recognize my own style of writing when I see it, and I also recognize the tremendous impact that I've actually had on you.

That being said, I always clearly state what I mean to say. You on the other hand always have to spin what I say so that you may inject some new argument into the conversation. The divine right of kings was a false doctrine of 17th and 18th Century England and France by which certain kings of those countries claimed divinely inspired guidance and absolution. To say I would ascribe such lunacy to the Republican Party is asinine. Just as it is asinine to suggest that because God allows sin, He somehow will not judge sin. Gay people already had protection under the law, as they did the same full set of rights we all had. Your argument is therefore ridiculous. Just as is the act of granting legislative carve outs and privileges for homosexuals, thusly creating a newly protected class based on nothing more than sexual deviancy. Homosexuals have always had the right to sin, "men with men working that which is unseemly," with each other. We chose not to pester them about it and sort of hid them humanely under a don't ask don't tell policy. But no, that wasn't good enough for the liberal ever on his secular humanistic bent. Passing legislation validating that particular sin is unacceptable to all Christians, hence the overwhelming referendums on the issue are an enduring matter of record. As it should be unacceptable with anyone who recognizes the sovereignty of God in this world.

This one deserves it's own paragraph. The only reason there is a choice at all, is because God only wants to share eternity with a people who choose Him. Therefore, there must be something else of which to choose from. Man then chooses his own way, which is anything at all which is contrary in any way to God's clearly stated Word on the matter of salvation:
Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
or he chooses God's way:
John 3:17 (KJV)
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Through sin, this world is condemned and only the knowledge of Christ and Him crucified is worthy of men's praise.

The Democrats have openly campaigned for abortion on demand and gay rights since Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro got their heads handed to them for daring to come out with the suggestion back in 1984. The court whether that be the Supreme Court or District Court, is out of line when it rules in contravention to the will of the people as was in the case of gay marriage. The Executive Branch was just as clearly out of line when it pushed to get DADT repealed while the Dems still enjoyed a Super Majority in 2011. There was a reason Dems rammed the repeal through when they did, and many of them fell on their political swords for doing so, as it cost many a Dem dearly when the Republicans swept the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.

As I have explained to you in times past, I believe that I am in good company in the way I understand how faith should interface with politics. I agree with the Founders on the matter, and I can substantiate my case to that end far easier than you can explain what ever essential liberty is supposed to be. As I said, nary a mention of the phrase exists anywhere in any finalized founding document. The Founders either purposefully edited it out, or just did not recognized it at all. It is beyond amazing that you would redefine the entirety of the US Constitution on a two word phrase the Framers rejected. That says all that needs to be said on the matter. One thing is certain. In this day of lies, many Americans have had a belly full of the deceit and that is why they're voting for Mr Trump.

Christian reconstructionism notwithstanding, our Founders, at least a great many of them, and the most influential, did not exist in an intellectual vaccuum. They knew full well the movements sweeping Europe.

The words in the Constitution do not exist in a vaccuum either. Essential liberty and freedom of conscience are concepts that shine through.

You are in the "good company" of Christian reconstructionists, who, frankly, deny that this country, from the beginning, had ample example of the frailty of human nature, its faults and foibles and failures. From its misogyny, its prejudice, imprisonment of debtors, its "Trail of Tears," America has reason for humility and caution in the midst of triumphalist exceptionalism. This is a great nation, not a perfect one. Our Constitution, viewed at its highest common denominators, is a magnificent document. It illuminates our failures and lights a path of progess and freedom and equality. And that, friend, is no "retread" of what you are so often selling.
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Party Loyalty Can’t Make Me Vote for Clinton - by The Urban Sombrero - 09-27-2016, 03:57 AM

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