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Has Donald already Made America Great
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm not a Trump hate but I am not a Trump worshipper either. The man is a pathological liar but he is still a whole lot better than the crook that he defeated and 80 to 90 percent of the members of Congress. I don't expect the Trump worshippers to find any fault with him, but failing to repeal (or even to attempt to repeal) Obamacare in its entirety is not my idea of making America great again. Neither is continuing to pay the crook who is running the IRS, failing to pursue a real investigation into Hillary Clinton's crimes, or letting Reince Preibus into the Oval Office - let alone naming the RINO his Chief of Staff.

Trump has done a lot of good things so far, but he should be reaching out to conservative Republicans instead of treating them worse than Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. If he alienates conservatives, then we will have no choice but to bribe a few liberal Democrats into supporting his agenda. The math is pretty simple and if he attempts a real repeal of Obamacare, which he promised to do, then he will have the support of every conservative in Congress.

I agree with most of this, although I think you get Trump worshipers confused with those who've had enough of the RINO's and the Dems, and who as of this point still seem to have no other option. That and my opinion, which is narcissists and pathological liars make strange bedfellows. We're not even two months into the Trump Administration so I think it's too early to write his review, not that you're doing that, but he'll need time enough to get things done. You may have a better track on this than I do, but is he treating conservatives worse, or is he taking them for granted? As things stand, he will have to run over the subversive efforts of the deep staters, the judicial activists, and likely every last Democrat other than Joe Manchin though, and that will cost him even more time.

Now, I'm not defending Republicans in what they're doing as that pertains to the idea of legislative bridging for the poor from ObamaCare/Medicaid, to whatever plan they come up with. All I'm saying is they're worried about how they're going to do it, because they see that as a backbreaker for the continuance of Republican leadership. And between iconic civil rights activists who inhabit the Congress, and the media who specialize in the Hollywood level production of applied human suffering which they air nightly on the News-turned-soap-opera, the two together manage effectively to hang around the necks of Republicans the blame for all ills. Nonetheless, even though most people who do have ObamaCare get it mostly paid for by the federal government, I can see why they don't want to just drop everybody currently on the rolls. I don't like it, but I see the problem.

ObamaCare has cost the taxpayer dearly. From the 'Cornhusker Kickback' to the 'Louisiana Purchase' to the cozy deals for insurance providers, to every last subsidized premium for the poor, the taxpayer have spent 14 thousand per ObamaCare enrollee to date. How does one just throw a switch and say to heck with it at this point? Bottom line, it cost us to get down the river this far, and it will likely cost us even more to get back to where we were. I know there was not the first Republican vote behind the passage of this mess. For the time being, I am willing to let the process work itself out and see where Republicans lead us, there is still much hope in that prospect. The alternative is more Democrat leadership and like I said, we've had enough Nancy in Wonderland for a lifetime.
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