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Has Donald already Made America Great
TheRealThing Wrote:You only want to be exposed to truths of which you have some level of comfort, that has been obvious for some time. There's nothing wrong with opening up one's eyes completely to a certain subject, that is unless he has a political ideology he's trying to protect.

I hardly see the legitimacy of your compartmentalizations. Gut said and I concur, that globalism is the harbinger, the thinking if you will, that ushers in a certain consciousness. Globalism is the result of interfacing super computers and the 24/7 news loops among other things. Ironically the king of Saudi Arabia for example, seems to be more informed of this President's stand on the issues facing the Arab World nations, than are the people of the US whom he represents. I used the Biblical reference to this time, Daniel 12:3-4 (KJV)
"3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
as transitory link on the matter to make the point in more profound terms. After all, knowledge doubled every century at the time of our founding, whereas at present it doubles every 13 months and soon owing to the build-out of the internets it will double every 12 hours. Knowledge is increased old friendo. And Scriptural truth never takes on the Deist/agnostic slant of your advocacy. Never does Scripture, especially prophesy, take a separate fork in the road from world affairs.

But as always, you took offense and reacted negatively as is again evidenced in your protestations of my statements. Protestations which you ironically attribute to religious grievance, and then there is your clever attempt of subliminal messaging to the mods that my comments should be restricted to the religious forum. You'd love to think those imagined malleable masses on here would follow you around like a bunch of little ducks then huh?

Amusing, as you and Bob count hands raised. "Malleable masses"? On BGR? Laughable.

Now, let's see, you and "Gut" are of the "globalization consciousness" crowd: that would be the one world government/ antichrist group, right? That sees these other manifestations of globalism all of a piece, a mosaic leading to apocalypse tile by tile, according to prophecy? That's cool, brother, but it simply was not the gist of my post.

As to "subliminal" stuff, I spoke plainly and truly: on a lot of forums many of your posts would get moved to the religion section. I have zero belief that will happen on BGR, and that's A-OK by me.
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