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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA
Bob Seger Wrote:Just exactly what I thought..

Isn't it funny how the media and the left build up Trump to be the inciter of hatred, when all the while even throughout the campaign, it is the Sanders followers who are responsible for most of the violence that spreads across this country supported by the financial backing of George Soros.

There is no doubt that Sanders is a bona fide fruit loop, who now has to take responsibility for being the single most influential cause of political based violence in this country..And it takes a real fruit loop as well to throw this lunatic any type of support. He has yet one time to step up and condemn the stuff that has gone on and tell his supporters to knock it off.

Pink Panties Patti is exactly the type of person who needs the finger pointed at them as well...Patti has blood on his hands as much as the physical Sanders supporters rioting in the streets by supporting and condoning their ideology.

Exactly right Bob. But it's not lack of access to the truth that limits libs. It's their rejection of truth.

As I have pointed out in days past, all truth exists in a sort of sweet spot I like to call reality. Part of all truth and in fact, central to all truth, is the factual existence of the Lord Jesus as both Creator and Judge. Conservatives know this and are summarily assaulted verbally and on many occasions physically by the left. Why? Because the stand conservatives take reminds them of the God they have rejected and must someday face (regardless of the show they put on in public). The left of course means mainstream media and most Democrats. I mean, how can one associate himself with the cause of Christ and at the same time run on gay rights and abortion rights? Not to mention 'belly up to the bar boys, IT'S ON THE TAXPAYER," economic policy? I said the tax payer would eventually wake up and they have. Meantime, we got genius talking head Dems out there slamming labor. Calling apprenticeships indentured servitude.

The Dems are self destructing and no amount of calling attention to it will deter them.
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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA - by TheRealThing - 06-14-2017, 08:49 PM

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