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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Donald Trump, at the least, sought favor for a friend and caninet member. He then fired the person in charge of investigating a possible "big deal" scandal. At this point, I have said the Special Counsel will make a finding, and, seeing the process carried out, that is enough for me, no matter the result.

Donald Trump won the election. He ran a smarter campaign (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) and tapped into what other politicians did not fully comprehend. I disagree with getting tough on Cuba while softening on Russia. I diagree that global warming is a hoax, though the climate accord was flawed, no doubt. I am eager to see the G.O.P. gang's healtcare plan. However, I do not want to see an American President impeached, though it is clear to me that Donald Trump sought to impede an investigation, if not stop it altogether.

As for your "if you hate America," please refrain from the "adult in the room" stuff while waving a whiffle ball bat whining, "if you don't like my backyard rules, just get out."

Oh so now we are changing the terminology?....What happened to "fired the man who was investigating "him" that you no less than 100 times referred to it as?....I think I remember finding those 100 quotes and highlighted such.

That's the kinda stuff you do when you get exposed as being a fraud, isn't it? It's exactly like when you go from being a disciple of the '70's Coming Ice Age crowd, and that doesn't come to pass, so you pick up the terminology from that great scientific genius of our time (aka Al Gore) a decade or so later and then start calling it Global warming...Then when you are proven to be nothing short of a bumbling fool, you give it a new facelift, and call it Climate Change. Guess what Geraldo? The whole world still sees nothing but a bumbling fool.

You are a dishonest little piss ant to the core, Geraldo....An honest man with just a hint of credibility would simply say, I was wrong.
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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA - by Bob Seger - 06-21-2017, 01:31 PM

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