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Trump offers to triple Obama’s amnesty number in exchange for tougher security laws
hitter Wrote:It doesn't matter if republicans gave everything democrats wanted in a bill or vise versa they still wouldn't vote for each other. It's like a bunch of grade schoolers running the country

Yes you are correct to a large extent. But our freedoms are being tag-teamed here by the Dems and some of the more prestigious of the Republican aristocracy who are arrogant and combative to a fault. Senators John McCain, Jeff Flakey, Susan Collins, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham and Ben Sasse are the mainstay of the Republican opposition. But don't ever kid yourself about Marco Rubio, Shelly Moore Capito, Bob Corker, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, and bringing up the somewhat distant rear is Rob Portman. Many of these guys would happily bury the hatchet in Trump's back if opportunity presented itself. In all there are an even dozen rats in the Republican woodpile, and these guys/gals are no friends of the administration. No matter what the basis or how cleverly characterized, any sort of government conceived and prosecuted resistance that may take root in defiance of the people, is tyranny. When we're talking about people in government overturning the will of he people, that means our form of representative government is gone.

But from among the 100 'Kings' of the Senate, you have 49 Dems who're sworn oppositionists along with the 12 Republican RINO's, and the ratio of the disloyal opposition becomes 61-39. Mitch McConnell likes those odds so much that he's staking the entirety of his political legacy on the rule of cloture, which of course requires a supermajority of 60 votes to pass legislation. But in saying that I digress.

The dirty tricks, the fake dossiers and the 'resistance' if you will, all come from the Dems. But with the help of those RINO's listed above, all of whom participating in their occasional treacheries, and you get the composition of the swamp. And I contend, (owing to the obvious layers of pie-scum), that nobody emerging from a room where a food fight rages continually can escape blame, whether they participate or not. And that's the strategy here. Dems are being exposed daily for their lies and offenses, so their only hope is to drag down into the ditch with them any and all who would dare to expose them. It's a case of character/witness assassination, pure and simple. An unfair deceit we see played out in the courtroom every day in this country. Lawyers know the likely guilt or innocence of their clients, but their win/loss case ratio is important if they want to make money.

I say when we hear the media types trying to say this thing is merely a back and forth between Dems and Republicans, we know that even though exposed, they are still in the throes of advancing the liberal agenda. Funny how if all this supposedly goes both ways, why the raging hope for the coming midterms is nonetheless, for a Democrat sweep. I guess I must be confused about that because if both sides are guilty, why will only one side take it's lumps with the voting public? Hillary tried to steal the election just like she stole the nomination. And she had PLENTY of help doing it.
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Trump offers to triple Obama’s amnesty number in exchange for tougher security laws - by TheRealThing - 02-07-2018, 09:46 PM

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