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School threats (not shootings) & how to stop the problem
I know I'm diving in to Very Very deep water with this topic, but I think it is worth discussing. The topic of this post is about the ongoing threats made towards schools, not school shooting. The school shooting topic is one I don't wanna get in to.

Since the Marshall County HS catastrophe, the list of schools that have been cancelled or placed on Lockdown status because of threats made is getting ridiculous. All of the threats I have seen have been unfounded. There could be some I don't know about that have been credible.

My point is, the Commonwealth Attorney's for the counties where these situations are happening need to press for the maximum penalties and put these kids on trial in adult court. This will continue to be a trend until kids are shown there are real consequences for these type of actions.

Social media messages and posts do come with consequences. The kids in school now have grown up with an iPad or cell phone in their hands, living on social media. Any type of violent threat or similar situations needs to be dealt with in a court setting. Our kids, for the most part, feel entitled and that they can get away with anything and have no type of punishment. This is a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.
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School threats (not shootings) & how to stop the problem - by Pulp Fiction - 02-20-2018, 07:39 PM

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