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The deniers of God speaking about the existence of God, state oftentimes (and this includes Stephen Hawing BTW) that God like everything else had to have a beginning. A starting point. Of God's creation, we can actually 'see' precious little if you ask me. Most of it is likely hidden from us.

Again, Einstein and Hawking stated categorically that time did not even exist until the universe came into existence, which they attribute to the Big Bang. I agree with them BTW, I do not believe that time existed prior to the six days of creation. Not via any big bang, the creation was nonetheless a very 'big deal.' God's Word says that He is Creator of all things. And God has said that time has no impact on His being because after all, He created time along with everything else. In other words the Creator is not governed by that which He has created. Such a notion is ludicrous and completely misplaced.

But that is the way of men. In trying to understand all the things they see around them, that which God has created, in their arrogance they mistakenly try to force God Himself, into being governed by the laws of nature or creation. If I build a better mouse trap am I then subject to it? Or is it the other way around? Notwithstanding I might slip up and get a finger whacked in testing. But God cannot be compared, nor deterred, nor influenced. Nor can He in any way be subject, or shocked, or surprised or deceived, or deprived of the slightest detail of any of our secrets. He knows everything all the time.

But because it was He Who created all things, God existed before time, before the universe, and before men walked on the earth. Thus when Moses asked by what name God should be called, God said go tell the children of Israel "I AM" hath sent thee to them. God has no beginning and no end attributable to any imagination of man or any force of nature or any cause at all.

For men it is different however, though I believe in speaking of eternity the Lord is just referring to that point at which men will make their transition to exist as He does, outside of time. And for this reason in the Lord's eyes the second death, which will be suffered by all those who will not bow before Him during their life here on earth, literally means to be eternally 'separated' from God, which is the state of dying forever without end. If you can verbalize that nightmare you're a better man than I.

It is God Whom preordained our every physical attribute, and formed us to that end in our mother's womb. We are each of us His unique creations and as such we are answerable to Him. This the function of the Judgment. We will give an account of our entire lives before Him. And because at that point, time will have absolutely no meaning for us either, we will all have more than ample opportunity to go through every last detail of our lives. See, though we all had a starting point, birth; whether we've been reconciled to Him, having chosen to bow before Him claiming the blood of Christ. Or whether we choose to deny Him and that precious reconciliation He has provided, we will exist forever in one of two 'places' for lack of a better term to describe it. In heaven with God, The Son and the Holy Spirit along with the heavenly hosts. Or in Hell with Satan, the fallen angels and the eternally damned. And by way of a not so small aside here, every time an innocent and precious baby is aborted, no matter what men say on the campaign trail or TV or Planned Parenthood, a person; that is one of God's own uniquely created individuals, has been killed by men. The Lord makes them and men kill them. Incredible arrogance. And BTW, votes matter.

"Time is the fire in which we burn." ----Gene Roddenberry
But God has likened our time on earth to a passing mist, or vapor. As in the passing mist of a single breath on a cool morning. And like Roddenberry suggests, what we do with the time we have here, really does define us. And to that end the one thing we'd each better get right is what we will do with, or what choice we will make, regarding the lordship of Christ Jesus. And believe me, the time to choose for God is short and terrifyingly important. Because in putting off that choice, we have undeniably chosen against Him. The Scriptures say that people will live out their lives on earth as if they have forever, but all we really have is today.

James 4:14 (KJV)
14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
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