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2020 election torturing liberals thread
^^ It really doesn't require a constitutional lawyer to understand the meaning and intent of the founding documents. They were written in such a manner as to be easily understood by the citizens of this land for perpetuity. Consequently I developed my views on the gift of personal freedom and the sacrifice required to obtain those freedoms on the part the founders, and of patriotism and our national heritage in general through my own life experiences.

I know one thing for sure, I'd much rather take pride in what I have accomplished and what I have earned than what I might have received for doing nothing. What we say and do in this life defines who we are. In any case, God says men are to make their own way in this world. That said I would challenge anyone to pull out an example from Scripture in which the Lord indicates people should go out marauding and destroying their own society and demanding that which AOC advocates for. Guaranteed income for everyone, or as Milton Freedman called it, a 'free lunch.' Or that it is government's responsibility to feed the people in the socialist setting. In fact, just the opposite is true.

The provision of man is the purview of God, not government. But rejecting that we have chosen to look only to government. As I have gotten older I have learned that we are to thank God everyday for His provision, because it is He Who sustains us. Doing so is a recognition and a form of worship of the Almighty that frankly, we all owe at the bare minimum. I do not look to the President to provide anything other than strong leadership in securing the environment of freedoms upon which this nation was founded. That is what I have swallowed hook line and sinker, and it is in that light that I make judgments of the intents of Presidents. It would take a lot more than revisionist deceptions or the clever machinations of any President or leftist organization, to dissuade away the millions of Christians who pragmatically support this or any other President.
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2020 election torturing liberals thread - by TheRealThing - 07-17-2020, 06:13 PM

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