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Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November
(08-24-2020, 08:25 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 12:40 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Ok everyone do not bite on the topics that others try to start to change the subject. So it is my understanding that the USPO is in the constitution is that correct? If so how does that affect your thoughts on the current subject?
The Constitution authorizes the federal government to set up post offices - it does not mandate that the federal government do so. Your understanding of the U.S. Constitution has no bearing on my support for totally privatizing the USPS and ending its monopoly on home mailboxes and certain types of mail. Trump is right to resist Democrats' efforts to bring chaos to the 2020 election. They want nothing more than to undermine the legitimacy of the results and throw the decision of the presidential election to Congress. There is no legitimate purpose to sending unsolicited ballots to every name listed on voter rolls.

Exactly, fixating on the Post Office is a red herring anyway. The idea is to flood the country with as many ballots as possible. Ballots that legally could come from all corners of the earth, and which could never be validated in real time, much less be traced. Nor could anyone voting illegally get in any trouble. To further feather their rat's nest, Dems want to count any and every ballot. Signed or not, filled in legitimately or not.

The credibility, nor the lawful validity, nor the efficiency of the US Postal Service is the issue here. Americans don't mistrust the Post Office, they mistrust the Democrat Party to do things honestly. It isn't the Post Office that's sending out ballots, nor is it the Post Office deciding who all gets the ballots, or how many ballots will be sent out. They just handle mail. It is the Democrat Party's role in all this that gives concern. And talk about the weasel guarding the hen house, the whole idea is absurd.

People go to the store, they go to the Post Office BTW, they go to Lowes, they go to Church, well, they do in red states at least. They stop at the convenience store and get gas and coffee, they eat out, in fact, they go just about anywhere governors will allow. Without any particular concern for getting ill. But voting? OOH! That's like sticking your head in the noose if you ask a Dem; which fact is the whole point.

If Dems do get back in control this fall you can get ready to be told what to do and what to think about everything. And as the Democrat resistance at the federal level and Blue state governors have so openly demonstrated, all that is to be allowable in this land under their control, is liberalism. No America first, no American sovereignty. Dems will take us right back down the same road the founders sacrificed so much to get us off of in the first place. European style socialism dictated by elites who're superior in their own minds.

Biden is busy speaking openly about raising taxes right now. But ObamaCare alone, destroyed most American's hopes of a secure future. And you can bet that program will be reinvigorated. If you haven't experienced the blunt of ObamaCare yet, you will. Here is how things go, if you're on the government dole you get everything free and you get it right now. If you work and pay your own bills, you're health care costs (before you even get to a doctor), are so high many times people are choosing to forego treatment. They just can't afford it. And we haven't even considered all the rest of the taxes Biden will bring with his administration.

But I would be remiss if I did not define the real problem in all of this. Yes, elections in a society which has turned it's back on law can be manipulated. But the real fight here is secular humanism versus Christianity. We can't just pass a law and expect men to behave, (id est, see US rioting) we must enforce the law, full stop. Nor can we just form the ultimate brotherhood, (which is all globalism is really all about) and everybody will suddenly have all they wish for. Reject it or not, God is the Provider for planet earth. Honoring Him to that end brings peace and plenty for any society. But a society which willfully turns it's back on Him, brings upon itself judgment. Not only is further judgment coming, it is here. The Democrat Platform shakes it's fist in the face of the Almighty. This year's DNC did not allow the mention of God. In fact here's how they pledged allegiance---

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, ___ ___ ___, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.".

How could any lucid minded person vote for a party which openly rejects by way of omission, the Creator?
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RE: Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November - by TheRealThing - 08-24-2020, 02:02 PM

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