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All the lying to the American people
(08-27-2020, 08:52 PM)vector Wrote: the truth is they are more than likely close to 40,000,000 americans unemployed(page out of Donald's playbook)
and over 200,000 americans killed and more riots in the street since the 60's
welcome to Donald's World
PS hope Hoot, TRT and the Jet got a receipt from old Steve

Idiocy at it's most pathetic. You don't even understand the intentions of your own party--- The riots are led by your party, the thugs leading the riots are hired by your party, the riots themselves only happen in cities and states run by mayors and governors of your party, who protect the rioters from policing and prosecution. The US DOJ is righting that ship however. Thousands of these thugs will be rotting in jail before it's all over.

It is a brave new world though, I'll give you that one. But again you don't understand how the world got this way. Men turning their backs on God were left to their own devices, the given name for such confusion on the part of man is liberalism, which eventually and inevitably has led to Globalism. (Which is admittedly championed by both sides), though every last Dem is on board on your side, and only the RINO's are guilty on my side. The Globalists have given the store away in order to purchase an imaginary utopia because they wrongly believe people will behave if they have all the necessities of life. Supposedly people are out tearing down everything they can and lighting fire to everything they can't, because they're frustrated. Which of course is another liberal lie because many of the so-called protesters are hired hands and the kids of the upper middle class. Useful idiots according to Vladimir Lenin.

But to be honest vector you're only one vote in a state which went for Trump 62%, as compared to your evil step Mommy who only got 32%. Which is hilarious because Trump's margin of victory was very nearly a bigger number of voters by itself, than Hill's entire vote total. Even cheating their heads off Dems know Joe Biden has zero chance to tip the scales in this state.

Oh, and vector; it was YOUR governor who shut down this state. That's where the jobs all went.
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RE: All the lying to the American people - by TheRealThing - 08-27-2020, 11:00 PM

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