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Released audio of Trump call to GA SOS
(01-05-2021, 11:47 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 01:43 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-04-2021, 11:43 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Whatever the source, the number was not accurate or it was quoted out of context. Trump did not personally call the GA SoS office 18 times, which was your claim. You are a liar who will post anybody else's lies as long as they are critical of Trump. 

Cardfan's only purpose on this forum is to attack Trump and anybody, the millions of good folks who voted for him, patriot public-servant scholars the like of Mark Levin, Godly clergy, no matter who, just as viciously as he can without getting called out by the mods on BGR. Continually distorting the record and the truth with no regard for consequence.

He does rather unwittingly provide opportunity for others however, to expose the less  than virtuous down side of the left.
I agree on all points but sometimes I think that just allowing him to post page after page of blind hate and lies would be more effective than responding to his posts at all. If people reading his irrational rants and those of most other liberals who post in this forum, then they are probably not able to discern truth from fiction any better than Half-a-Deck can.

Agreed. I suppose my default setting on all this is truth always counters lies with the greatest possible impact. Not for people who take delight in spreading those lies and are as the result, forced to hide from their own conscience by steadfastly denying reality. But for those who may be honestly putting things together, clarifying the mess is worth the effort; albeit within certain limits.

I believe the parameters suggested above define the challenge that the President has had to slug his way through on a daily basis for his entire first term. The onslaught of lies and false accusations, punctuated by Spanish Inquisition-esque daily press briefings prosecuted by a rabidly hostile media, have been historic. With a 24/7 news loop which does in fact dictate for most the direction of their thought processes, the struggle to beat back falsehoods is beyond titanic in scope. 

The frothing and rage we have seen taken to the streets has been fueled even embraced by the left. Every one of them despise DJT merely because his ideas are mostly founded on the traditional values which at one time not so long ago, were considered to be normal thought. Though portrayed as a struggle between Democrats and Republicans, this culture war is anything but. What we are watching is to this nation's shame, are the horrors associated with the fundamental transformation of America.

The issue of willful ignorance on the part of the left is far more complex than face value might suggest. Hiding from the truth is much more than errantly held opinion as the contempt fueled jeering on display on this forum clearly shows. There are the rabidly irretrievable to be sure, but there are still some who manage to think for themselves.
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RE: Released audio of Trump call to GA SOS - by TheRealThing - 01-05-2021, 03:14 PM

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