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Released audio of Trump call to GA SOS
(01-05-2021, 10:04 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 07:01 PM)Van Hagar Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 03:59 PM)The Outsider Wrote: I have a question for any Trump supporter on here. 

What character traits and values do you see in Trump that are good, moral or Christian like that maybe the rest of us are missing?

  And do you notice that no matter how many times this question is asked, it never gets a response from our resident spiritual advisor (TRT), or our resident white power conspiracy theorist (Hoot). Because they’ve got nothing. So they ignore it. Grow a pair gents, and ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!

I have responded ad nauseum. NO man, according Scripture, has the right to set himself apart as being one iota better than DJT. End of story. Why would I cast more good pearls after bad to make a list to impress a man who's interested in the truth not one bit?

THE singular qualifier in God's eyes, and believe me His are the only ones that matter being that every man will be judged by Him and Him alone; is whether the man in particular has humbled himself before God and asked for forgiveness in true repentance for his own sin, let alone the President's sin.

The Apostle Paul, who btw actually penned at least two thirds of the New Testament, and referred to himself as "chief among sinners."
1 Tim 1:15 (KJV)
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

Paul was a vicious mercenary of the misguided religious Orthodoxy of his day. Rome held control over Israel by means of a Governor named Pilate who had been appointed to mercilessly enforce order from his seat of power in Jerusalem. He did so, and ultimately presided over Christ's crucifixion. During and after which Saul of Tarsus, later to become the Apostle Paul upon his conversion, was zealously about the business of persecuting the Church of Jesus Christ. He was a very bad man. But God chose to use Paul, and that after all, is what being the Sovereign of this universe is really all about.

There was a very good reason why God chose the chief among sinners to take the lead in the early establishment of His Church. He alone is judge and no man has leave to usurp the authority of God or question God to that end.
Romans 14:4
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

Seriously Van, Outsider, whoever, if you guys want to stick your necks out that far like they say, this is a free country. But all men who die outside of God's grace will be required to face Him at The Great White Throne Judgment.

But to synopsize, I don't need to list DJT's redeeming qualities any more than I needed to list those of the Apostle Paul. We were all born into this world undone and deserving of an eternity separated from God due to our fallen sin nature. The one and only redeeming act or trait that any man has in this life or the one to come, is the choice each man MUST make either by commission or omission ---  whether or not to accept the blood of Christ (bled on the cross) to wash away each man's sin in atonement. Restitution. In short our good deeds are not measured against our bad, and we certainly are not judged against each other as if better. We are judged in comparison to the perfect character of Christ. We can't live with God if we're not willing to admit we are undone before Him. Accept Him as Savior or you take your chances on your own.

You, me, Saint Augustine, the entire who's who of Christendom. Nobody. Is worthy of salvation on his own merit.
Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Now you can throw all of that out where it comes to man rationalizing and making judgments from his own lowly and unlightened estate. So, do continue casting your stones boys. If you dare.

So, basically, you should never post.  If you can't judge a man, you should never post.  I'll have to say this site will be a bit boring without you, TRT.
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RE: Released audio of Trump call to GA SOS - by Cardfan1 - 01-06-2021, 10:46 AM

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