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Rats Jumping Off the Trump Train: Diary of a GOP Civil War
^^ Pelosi, who has nothing to do with directing foreign policy, nonetheless took it upon herself to fly over to Palestine back in the early 2000's between the outgoing Clinton administration and the incoming Bush Administration, to meet with the PLO's Yasser Arafat.  She came back home to triumphantly announce that she had single handedly solved the impasse in the Middle East. Anybody who knows the first thing about world affairs knows how ridiculous a statement hers truly was. BTW, Trump's example is how such things are done right.

She did try to usurp the chain of command recently in this business about the launch codes. "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke with the nation's top military officer on Friday about precautions in place to prevent President Donald Trump from ordering a nuclear strike or conducting other military hostilities as Democrats seek his removal from office."

I mean, I don't know how many  examples it would take for you guys to just admit the obvious, but Pelosi does have a history.
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RE: Rats Jumping Off the Trump Train: Diary of a GOP Civil War - by TheRealThing - 01-14-2021, 12:25 PM

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