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On Day One, Biden Destroys Women’s Sports With Anti-Science Executive Order
(01-22-2021, 07:33 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(01-22-2021, 05:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-22-2021, 04:33 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(01-22-2021, 03:35 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(01-21-2021, 08:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Sounds like made up history. Attributing the fall of a civilization to homosexuality is just a form of homophobia.  

...considering the History channel didn’t name that in 10 reasons: it’s insignificant.

Since 1774 this country and it's inhabitants, sailed along history's course in one accord. Any issues of major import were dealt with honorably, and through proper channels until the Civil War, when those channels hit impasse. And what was that impasse? Democrats absolutely would not yield and allow the freeing of the slaves in the US. You can deny the role homosexuality played in Greece and Rome, and you will. But you won't be able to deny the emphasis being placed on same and as called out as this administration's priority, in the tread starter's premise.

But academia during all the time since our founding, remained consistent in their presentation of our own history and heritage and that of the world. Not until the end of the last century did the progressive revisionists do their evil work in institutions of higher learning. And not until very lately did they manage to putrefy and disrupt even the blissful naivete of kindergarten students.
"In the state of Delaware, schools must teach 30 hours of health and family life education in every grade from Kindergarten to fourth grade. This increases to 35 hours in 5th and 6th grade. In Kindergarten programs this includes self-esteem lessons progressing towards instruction in healthy relationship dynamics by 6th grade."

Man does very often define 'in his own image' what morality is, is. But he does so at his own peril. The History Channel can name what it wants to name in what ever manner they choose to name it. I prefer my own classical education over the personal bias driven drivel offered by modern day revisionists. So irony strikes again in your statement about the made up history you choose to accept as fact. And frankly that is the real difference between us.

You deny and hide from the fact that all men will face God at the judgment. And so where it comes to politics and the conditions of our founding, and history, and science, and social justice, and the viability of the Creation, you google your opinion, seeking out the opinions of those who reinforce your own biases.  I very fortunately, grew up in a time when even though liberal profs were in there pitching their heresies, students who were held fast by their traditionally conservative upbringing, could not be bullied or punished in their grade averages. I took Anthropology for example, and enjoyed challenging Darwinism's more ridiculous leaps of faith. And I temper all considerations with what I know to be the only infallible truth to be had, God's Word. And that certainly includes politics.

I grew up in the days of the very real reality of post WW2, the horrors of which gave our life of freedoms, context. Men felt privileged to be afforded the blessings and responsibilities of marriage and raising a family. They worked at a job they were thankful for and cherished life. It is a joy to pursue self sufficiency, to build one's life in a land of equal opportunity. Such are the things that give life meaning. I don't want or need some progressive's view of fairness and the oppressive taxation that goes with it, imposed in crushing fashion on the life I built with my own sweat. But I saw the whole thing mutate into the circus reality we have around us in this day. And I saw the sillies come on the scene to defend the follies and moral ignominy of the circus as 'moving the country forward.' I know better.
goodness... conservative boomer freakout. 

You’re not entitled to your own facts.

 There is so much absurdity in this post it’s too much to address.  Rather than prove your urban legend you release a sermon of other ways society is crumbing...Most likely wrong too. 

I am particularly amused by the problem you have with educating kids on family matters Big Grin.

The fact that you can google somebody else's opinion is not exactly a scholarly attribute. And while you're so busy parroting talking points and faking knowledge on any given subject, you always sidestep the obvious. I'm impervious to your brand of blather. But more importantly, it takes more than hitting the laugh icon button to overturn the truth. Past that, the simple minded very often find themselves 'amused' with simple things.

I can Google an actual Historian’s opinion—for that matter a majority of Historians’ opinions that contradict the mythology that pervades much of the conservative universe.  

That’s called not living in a “simple minded” vacuum and being open to new information.  

What truth are talking about?  
The only things you’ve taken a stance on in this thread have been incorrect.

You look only for another progressive's opinion. And here's another news flash for you, getting the last word doesn't mean a thing. New information huh? That's in keeping with the old relabeling spirit! BGR rule of thumb on truth? The opposite of what you say usually puts one in good sted.
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RE: On Day One, Biden Destroys Women’s Sports With Anti-Science Executive Order - by TheRealThing - 01-22-2021, 09:07 PM

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