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The Debunking Thread: Hunter Biden and More False Claims Debunked Here
(07-05-2021, 11:33 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Glenn Greenwald

How do the people and outlets which spent five years trying to scare Americans into believing that Russia took over the US and controlled its institutions through sexual blackmail not have any self-awareness when they try to accuse *others* of being deranged conspiracy-mongers?

They showered themselves with Pulitzers and enriched themselves with NYT best-selling books for spreading demented conspiracy theories about Moscow so of course they don't recognize that they're the functional equivalent of Q Anon (except with more power) but they are.

The idea that the Kremlin seized control of the levers of American power was as batshit and deranged a conspiracy theory as anything you'll find on Q Anon. It just doesn't seem that way to those who spread it because all their friends who they think are smart were repeating it.

Reality in our day, finds itself up for debate and redefinition. One wonders how on earth this could be true especially in America, the country that saved freedom for the planet as the tip of the spear in WW2. We were without question the leader and deciding force in the preservation of the traditional moral standards and fair play long established in this world as normal. All of those standards of moral normalcy both here and abroad, are now washed away. Still the question remains, how could this have happened?

There is only one explanation. 2 Thessalonians chap 2
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The context of the verse is the end of time. And it is my contention that we now live in those days. The only way people could miss the fact that all of the charges and defamations of the recent past leveled against over half of government were false, is if they just preferred that they be true. And were willing therefore, to ignore the exposed truth in favor of that which their own heart craved. People WANT Trump to be the poster boy of the right. They despise people of moral standard; 2 Tim chap 3
3 false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Notice the specifics of verse 3 above and again, the context is set in the last days;
1 - men will be false accusers. Today we see epic false accusers; these threads are full of false accusations.
2 - fierce. Even a minor annoyance in traffic can escalate into a murder scene, and the riots and so-called protests are merely forerunners of the evil to come along those lines. Innocent people are attacked on sidewalk cafes or dragged from their vehicles and beaten, sometimes to death.
3 - despisers of those that are good. Don't ever doubt this, the left hates the right. And they will do or say just about anything to get or keep the upper hand on them.

What we're seeing is far from logical or factual. It is spiritual. God has sent strong delusion so that those who prefer the lie, will believe the lie.
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RE: The Debunking Thread: Hunter Biden and More False Claims Debunked Here - by TheRealThing - 07-05-2021, 01:34 PM

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