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Trump's shameless money grab: Donald's anticipated 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT'...
(12-21-2022, 05:07 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: Well OSH, you have the absolute right to brand me as harsh and uninformed, but neither is true.
I watched a documentary on the Clintons, and the trail of thousands of suspicious activities that have followed them since college.  I didn't believe everything that was presented, but with all the smoke....well you know the old saying.

I'll give you another piece of information that spoke volumes to me.  I'm sure you'll find this ridiculous, but what the hey.  Hillary is very talented and manipulative.  Any kind of interview that she participates in is highly scripted and made to show her in a positive light.  Otherwise, she wouldn't do it.  BUT when she presented Chelsea's first child to the press, she didn't even know how to hold it.  And I'm not kidding.  How can ANY mother not know how to hold a baby?  But she surely didn't.

Was it the documentary that Jerry Falwell peddled a few decades back?   That was fair and balanced.  LOL

Btw, Gran, when I said "uninformed,"  I didn't mean that you fail to keep up on political matters and lack insight and knowledge.  Not at all. You, Jet, and Hoot are all very engaged in the issues of the day. I just meant uninformed in the sense that we are all (myself included) pretty uninformed about the intimate detailings of someone's personality.  Hillary may be a monster; she may be one of the kindest human beings to have ever lived. None of us know that for sure.  I just pointed out one instance where she did something nice for a dying woman. It wasn't scripted and it never made a headline. Republicans have made her out to be the antiChrist(whatever that is) but I think she probably has some true humanity about her.

She has worked hard and true for women and children ever since she graduated from law school. But it wouldn't matter if she cured cancer, she would still be a monster to the MAGA crowd. Most of her colleages in Congress(Republicans included ) liked working with her, from most accounts. Former SOS , Kissinger, was effusive in his praise for her. My mother used to LOVE her. Then mom started reading Facebook and watching right-wing "documentries" like you mentioned and now mom's Christ is Trump and the Clinton's are Satan. Just like that.
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RE: Trump's shameless money grab: Donald's anticipated 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT'... - by Old School Hound - 12-21-2022, 09:59 PM

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