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Why are you a Republican or a Democrat?
ComfortEagle Wrote:It is your right to believe what you want, but it is not your right to impose your beliefs on others. We should not deny homosexual couples the right to receive the same benefits as married heterosexual couples just because some people think it's wrong. Yes, the Constitution includes some biblical principles, but not all things are strictly Christian and the Constitution also says there will be no establishment of religion, therefore we should not be forcing the Christian view of marriage upon everyone.

Gay marriage and murder are not the same thing and you cannot link the two together. Murder is a violation of a basic unalienable right to life, no matter what your religion. Gay marriage would be giving homosexual couples recognition as being joined and giving them the same rights as heterosexual couples.

You can also say that marriage is a holy communion for you, but it is not for all heterosexual couples that get married and you can't force upon them the belief that they must stay together because the Bible says so.

But I am done here. I feel like I am beginning to repeat myself and this thread has gone way off-topic. The topic of this thread is "Why are you a Democrat or Republican," let's get it back on track.

It is my right as a citizen of the United States of America to stand up for and vote for things I believe to be right. That is my right, and the right of every American. I am sure marijuana users don't like the rules being imposed on them either, and wish for it to be legal; however, for the good of our country we as citizens voted to have it be illegal and users punished. We have now voted in Kentucky that we do not want to recognize gay marriages. The majority voted and won by a landslide. We all impose our beliefs by a voting system, whether it be liberal beliefs or conservative beliefs. So, it is my right as a citizen of the USA to stand up for what I believe in and to vote for those rights. It is a right of the people to stand up for what they believe in. If a few do not agree with that, then they do have the right to leave or to live by the rule established. If it is voted on by the majority that our country will recognize gay marriage, then I can leave or live with it. However, I will still stand up for my beliefs no matter whether it agrees with yours or not. That is the beauty of America.

Both are acts that God has instructed us about in the Bible. So they are linked together. Murder is wrong because God first told us not to murder. Homosexuality is wrong because God said a man is not to lie with another man (nor a woman with a woman). I do not wish for homosexuals to be recognized as married in my country so I will vote against it every time. It is my right to stand against it. I believe it is wrong - naturally and religiously.

I don't force my belief on people to stay together. The Bible also gives good reason for a man or woman to separate from their spouse in case of physical abuse or non-believing. The Bible however warns us about not going into marriage so quickly, and not to be yoked together with unbelievers. It basically tells us to marry someone with similar values and morals. It tells us to have character, that things will be tough, but to stick it out. That makes us better people when we can stick by each other through thick and thin. I wish divorce was a much more difficult process so that people would take time to think before they entered such a union, and also make them more apt to work things out than just leave when things get hard. That's the problem with your view. It allows people to run away when things get hard instead of facing it head on and building character.

This is about why I am a republican. I believe they hold more to the values I have established. The party isn't perfect and neither are the democrats. Sometimes the democrats have the better candidate, and sometimes they don't. The fact is, by personal conviction, I lean more to the Republican side.
Messages In This Thread
Why are you a Republican or a Democrat? - by Beef - 05-21-2008, 10:14 AM
Why are you a Republican or a Democrat? - by BaseballMan - 05-27-2008, 11:06 PM

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