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What form of alternative energy are you for?
Ok for those of you who don't have a brain or any marginal amount of intellegence I will explain to you the global warming issue.

First, the Earth's climate has cyclical changes in heating and cooling throughout its existence. The fact that the Earth naturally has periods of warmer or cooler temperatures isn't the question. These cycles did to take around a thousand or two years to fully develop.

Next, the atmosphere surrounding the Earth is made up of different gases and air particles. The sun emits short wavelength energy which bounces of the Earth. Some of these are caught by the gases while others escape.

Finally, the issue of global warming is the rapid excerleration of the heating cycle caused by an increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere which decreases the amount of short wave energy that escapes. This has been proven by studies that show that CO2 increased in the Earth's atmosphere every year since the industrial revolution. This increase peaks in the winter and decreases in the summer. Why is that you may ask. Well in the winter trees lose their lives and give out CO2 that they had stored in them.

Back to Global Warming. The burning of fossil fuel adds CO2 to the atmosphere which helps to increase the temperature in the Earth. So how can this be proven you may ask. Well actual scientists have researched core ice samples of Antartica and they can find the CO2 levels in the ice for the time periods. This can be done because ice stores the snow from the atmosphere as it is made to snow. Also because there are areas around the world that for the first time in a long time they experiencing melting ice which reduces the reflectivity of the Earth, WHICH warms the Earth. They can also prove this because of the rapid change in climate that we have experienced.
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What form of alternative energy are you for? - by launchpad4 - 06-14-2008, 10:24 PM

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