Poll: Abortion and Birth Control
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I am for the birth control pill, but pro-life
I am against the birth control pill, but pro-choice
I am for the birth control pill and pro-choice
I am against the birth control pill and pro-life
I have no idea
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for?
Abortion mainly involves 2 beings. The mother and the baby inside of her. Yes it is her body, but the baby is also a human being, no matter what stage of life it is at. It desreves the chance to live, grow, and learn just like the rest of us had. It is not our job to play God. I believe that every child is a gift from God. He put that child in you because He wanted you to have it. "God will never give you more than you can handle."

If the doctor thinks that something will be wrong with the newborn, that is still no reason to abort it. You can argue that the baby won't have much of a life at all, but how do you know? You aren't inside that child's head. Just being with their mom or dad could make their day. Not all handicapped children are depressed. I haven't known of one person to ever wish they would have been aborted.

Abortion is murder. Some people think that if you don't legalize it then it will just happen in an unsafe way anyhow. No, you can't always stop it and that sucks. But don't make it easier. Its awful when you can just walk in a building with a child inside of you and walk out hours later with that child gone forever. Not even having the chance to live. If you have an abortion, you have killed a person. And just like every other murderer, you should go to prison. Murder is murder.

So, what about the rape argument? Anyone can walk in a clinic and claim they have been raped so they can get an abortion. If they make it to where you can only have an abortion if you were raped, then the girl who was raped needs to have a police report or something. Some kind of proof that she was actually a victim. Maybe this could get more rape victims to report what happened. I still don't believe in abortion, but this could be a pretty good argument.

This will always be a tough subject and I'm sure people will disagree with my opinions. I don't expect everyone to see it the way I do and I'm not going to argue with anyone or belittle anyone for what they say. Just putting my opinion up here.
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for? - by *Central_Cheer_Chick - 10-19-2008, 01:33 PM

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