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Biden Guarantees Crisis if Obama elected
vundy33 Wrote:You need to educate yourself.

Americans have ebcome to comfortbale in their belief that we have the ability to take on the world if need be. So not true. Our military still suffers heavily from the gutting Clinton did to it. I don't even want to imagine what it will be like if Obama was to get his red pen to it.

China would be a huge struggle for us, but combined with Russia would run us through. Not in an invasion, but in a contest of military power elsewhere in the world, say Taiwan or one of the Russian satellite states which they so desperately want to bring back under their control. A combined move by Russia into the Ukraine and China into Taiwan would leave the west with no plausible action but war. There is nothing we could do. UN would be useless since both China and Russia hold veto votes on the security council. NATO would be our only hope, but sadly European nations don't have the guts to take on those 2 powers, they are to well supplied with oil from Russia to do anything. You top that with a move by ME countries against Israel, and who knows what would happen, or what we could even do to prevent any of it.
These are all real possibilities, and these countries become closer and closer allies everyday.

This country can't even stomach to lose 600 soliders in a year, I couldn't imagine if we lost 600 or more a day.
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Biden Guarantees Crisis if Obama elected - by Beetle01 - 10-23-2008, 08:52 AM

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