Poll: Abortion and Birth Control
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I am for the birth control pill, but pro-life
I am against the birth control pill, but pro-choice
I am for the birth control pill and pro-choice
I am against the birth control pill and pro-life
I have no idea
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for?
catsfan072 Wrote:I am very much pro-choice, which does not mean I am telling every person on my left and right to go and get an abortion.

Regardless if abortion is kept legal or not, women are still going to do it, and you can guarantee many more women will die from it.

Just as someone posted before, it is her body, her choices, her salvations she has to answer for. God will deal with her how he pleases when it is time for her to meet him, so why should you be the ones to judge?

My rebuttal to each of your points...

First, everyone who is pro-choice says that they are not out on the street telling people to get abortions. As if that supposedly relieves their conscience of any guilt. That's like saying, "I don't believe in murder, and I'm not telling other people to go out and kill, but it's none of my business if they want to kill someone." If you support the right to kill, you're still supporting the right to kill.

As for making abortion legal in order to prevent "back-alley" abortions, that is a weak argument. Just because people would break the law, is a reason to not have a law against something? No matter what law you're talking about, there will always be someone who will break it, possibly getting hurt in the process. The solution is not to eliminate every law, so as to protect the law-breakers.

Finally, the "her body, her choice" argument. You're correct, it is her body, all except for that little mass of cells that she is trying to get rid of... that is not her body, it belongs to another life. The anti-abortion position is not about legislating God's commandments, it's about protecting human rights, and the fight against those who believe unborn children have no rights.

Messages In This Thread
Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for? - by More Cowbell - 10-27-2008, 10:53 AM

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