Poll: Abortion and Birth Control
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I am for the birth control pill, but pro-life
I am against the birth control pill, but pro-choice
I am for the birth control pill and pro-choice
I am against the birth control pill and pro-life
I have no idea
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for?
catsfan072 Wrote:I am very much pro-choice, which does not mean I am telling every person on my left and right to go and get an abortion. How about some of you men put yourselves in a womans position and imagine if you got pregnant. I guarantee many people would change their opinions then. Also, everyone acts like it is always the woman who "want" to get the abortion because it's an easy way out, when in reality many women are pressured into it by the man. Everyone says "the women should know what she is getting herself into".. well so should the man involved.

I do not however, agree in using abortions as birth control. But, can you imagine if you had a 13 or 14 year old daughter who was raped and became pregnant. If she kept the baby, she would have to live the rest of her life knowing that that child was a mistake and was unwanted. Others may not feel the same as I, but if that was me I would feel hatred towards that child every day of my life; and that may sound horrible, but everyone has their own opinions.

Regardless if abortion is kept legal or not, women are still going to do it, and you can guarantee many more women will die from it. Just as someone posted before, it is her body, her choices, her salvations she has to answer for. God will deal with her how he pleases when it is time for her to meet him, so why should you be the ones to judge?

I absolutely agree with you. I'm sure many people do not know many 14 year olds that have been raped and gotten pregnant by the assailant, but I do. A rape is a traumatic, awful thing to happen to anyone, much less to get pregnant during the process. Can you imagine your 14 year old child starting their first year of high school pregnant, and having to explain to people the reason why? It's hard enough to tell parents/police/doctors, and it's sort've hard to hide. Everyone will judge, especially in high school. And there are always those who scream 'put it up for adoption.' Well that's great, but why should a 14 year old child, who has already gone through a horrendous amount of trauma, go through nine months more? And taking a morning after pill? Right, like thats the first thing on someone's mind after being raped. And, if I read everyone's opinion correctly, that is abortion.

Like you said, it is not my choice to make. How many people want the government piping in on life changing events? Not many, I'm sure. I will not have to live with the decision, she will. I do not believe in abortion as birth control, only in certain circumstances, (rape, mother's health), but the fact of the matter is, it would be difficult to define that in a law. By outlawing it completely, you are preventing the women who SHOULD have the right to an abortion to do so. I'm all about human rights and babies and children. I'm going to be a teacher. But it's more about minding your own business, and worrying about your own problems.
Everyone speaks of people trying to 'play God' to end lives, but what about those who are 'playing God' by judging others and making decisions for them?
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for? - by Brittany0121 - 11-04-2008, 07:53 AM

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