Poll: Abortion and Birth Control
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I am for the birth control pill, but pro-life
I am against the birth control pill, but pro-choice
I am for the birth control pill and pro-choice
I am against the birth control pill and pro-life
I have no idea
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for?
thecavemaster Wrote:"god" has killed more babies ("miscarriages") than the whole human race combined. Absence of medical insurance helps kill people. Handguns, passed out like candy, help kill people. I did not say an "eagle egg" has more relative value than a human being. God does not get sick to his stomach, as I understand it, as "spirit" does not have gastrointestinal difficulties. You sound like a quote book from Jerry Falwell.

I have finally figured out your angle. You talk in circles to confuse everyone including yourself. Yes, God has allowed miscarriages. But man in not God. To argue that we can abort a baby just because God allows miscarriages is scary. If that is so, then God has allowed wars, so it is okay to stand in the streets with an assault rifle and pick off everyone we don't like. God allows people to die in car wrecks, so we can get in the largest vehicle we can buy and run people down just because we don't like how they drive. Just because God allows things to happen in his plan doesn't mean we get to take the reins and do it for him. As for the stomach, Rev. 3:16 says, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither coldnor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth". Whether that mouth is literal or figurative, I don't know. But whichever it is, then so is the stomach. Genesis 6:6 says, "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart". There's two verses that refer to a heart and a mouth. As far as man wanting to do what he wishes, Luke 16:15 says, "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God". So just because it makes man happy doesn't mean it makes God happy. As as far as homosexuals, Genesis 19 tells the story of two angels that came to visit Lot. The men of the city wanted the men, and we can find in verse 7 that Lot says, "I pray you, brethern, do not so wickedly". That tells us that it is wicked. If you will bother to read the rest of the chapter, you will find how that wickedness caused God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. So go ahead and kid yourself. Then is you that Luke talks about when he calls it an abomination in the sight of God.
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for? - by Shady Grady - 11-11-2008, 10:38 PM

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