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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays
cheerdad Wrote:Well, with that accusation, then I must live up to it!!! So, here it is, from the "Know It All".

Genesis 19 describes how two angels visited Sodom and were welcomed into Lot's house. The men of the city gathered around the house and demanded that Lot send the visitors to the mob so that they might know the angels. [The Hebrew verb yada (to know) is ambiguous. It appears 943 times in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). In only about a dozen of these cases does it refers to sexual activity; it is not clear whether the mob wanted to rape the angels or to meet with them, and perhaps attack them physically. From the context, it is obvious that their mood was not friendly]. Lot refused, but offered his two virgin daughters to be heterosexually raped if that would appease the mob. The offer was declined. God decided to destroy the city because of the wickedness of its inhabitants. The angels urged Lot and his family to flee and to not look back. Unfortunately, Lot's wife looked the wrong way, so God killed her because of her curiosity.
God was apparently not critical of Lot for offering his two daughters to be raped. However, God was angry at the other inhabitants of the town. He destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone (sulfur). He presumably killed all of the men in the mob, their wives and other adults, as well as children, infants, newborns, etc. It is unclear from these few verses whether God demolished the city because the citizens:
  1. were uncharitable and abusive to strangers
  2. wanted to rape people
  3. engaged in homosexual acts
The Church has traditionally accepted the third explanation. In fact, the term sodomy which means anal intercourse is derived from the name of the city, Sodom. But the first explanation is clearly the correct one. As recorded in Matthew 10:14-15 and Luke 10:7-16, Jesus implied that the sin of the people of Sodom was to be inhospitable to strangers. In Ezekeiel 16:48-50, God states clearly that he destroyed Sodom's sins because of their pride, their excess of food while the poor and needy suffered, and worshiped many idols; sexual activity is not even mentioned.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah actually condemns inhospitality and idolatry, not homosexuality. Read the Scriptural cross-references: Deuteronomy 29:23, Isaiah 1:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Lamentations 4:6, Ezekiel 16:49-50, Amos 4:11, Zephaniah 2:9, Matthew 10:15 / Luke 10:12, Luke 17:29, Romans 9:29, Jude v.7, Revelation 11:8
NOWHERE in the Scriptures does it say that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual sex. Even if the specific point of the story was concerning a sexual matter, rather than hospitality, the issue is rape not homosexuality. Jesus claimed the issue was simply one of showing hospitality to strangers (Luke 10:12).

There you have it my friend!!!!!
Jesus did not imply that in Luke. When he sent out the disciples, he told them that if they would not receive his word, leave. It would be more tolerable in Sodom than to reject his Word. And Ezekial says, "They were haughty, and committed abomination before me". Wonder what that abomination was? Sodom was a wicked city. God destroyed it because of its wickedness, and homosexuality was part of that wickedness.
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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by RavenBoy - 11-16-2008, 01:25 PM
Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by cheerdad - 11-16-2008, 04:08 PM
Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by RavenBoy - 11-16-2008, 04:36 PM
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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by Stardust - 02-16-2009, 07:40 PM
Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by Stardust - 02-17-2009, 08:52 PM
Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays - by Aslan - 02-17-2009, 08:59 PM

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