Poll: Abortion and Birth Control
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I am for the birth control pill, but pro-life
I am against the birth control pill, but pro-choice
I am for the birth control pill and pro-choice
I am against the birth control pill and pro-life
I have no idea
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for?
Ok. I am a Pro-Choice, College educated female. I love how many of you men on here have such strong opinions on a matter that really have no effect on you whatsoever. Imagine this, Say that men could get pregnant as well as women. Say you are the star quarterback on your high school football team and you just signed to play at the reigning NCAA national champion college football team. You are walking home from practice one night and you are jumped by a group of girls and they rape you. Now you are pregnant and your future in officially down the toilet because someone decided that you had to be a father for you. Now make your decision.

I do not believe that abortion should be allowed after a certain time period. A baby cannot survive outside of the womb before 5 months. It is medically impossible as far as I know. People will always abuse rights that they are given. That is how we are. If somoene is having an abortion every 6 months then they have to live with that and one day they will pay for their decision. My arguement is that people make the decisions that are best for them under the circumstances. Why is it your responsibility to protect a fetus, or a mass of cells, that has nothing to do with you? I feel like the only responsibility we have is to give those women in our lives the best advice that we can in this situation. So if your mother, sister, cousin, best-friend, girlfriend, etc. comes to you personally for advice, that is your time to step in and voice your opinions. Enough with all the religious reasons. Not all of us are Christians or any other religion and we do not want to hear about it.

On the subject of the morning after pill, as ComfortEagle pointed out earlier, 4 days is the point when the fertilized egg is a 16-cell organism. The morning after pill is only effective during the first 72 hours, or 3 days. So up to this point the mass of cells is only between 2-8 cells. Also, the morning after pill is large dose of birth control. They both contain the same chemicals. My other point of why the morning after pill should be allowed is that people who are practicing safe sex (condom for example) and it fails (condom breaks) I feel like the morning after pill is a viable back up. It is not fair to punish those that are trying to be responsible.

Basically here it is. Most religious groups do not believe in any kind of birth control, but they all know that everyone is having sex and they would rather not talk about it or teach it. If people practiced safe and controlled sex, abortions would not even have to be an option. So instead of denying that kids are going to have sex even if you teach them not to, take some responsibility and keep your children protected.

If you feel like abortion is wrong, then do not get one. But taking away someones options and choices is just as wrong.
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Birth Control and Abortion - what are you for? - by PvilleCheerAlum - 11-30-2008, 02:58 AM

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