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Romney to lay out 'comprehensive energy plan'
TheRealThing Wrote:Depends, if the guy up front is a democrat and the guys behind him are dems, they're going over, LOL

That's certainly been a proven TRT. Looks like ole vector will be first in line at their next cliff jumpin following his pied
Bob Seger Wrote:[quote=vector]

Same as everybody else dumb ass. None of it.

You're too dang dumb to even come back with a smart elleck insult that makes sense. Re-read what you just wrote.

Willful ignorance, or choosing to be stupid. No amount of information will ever sway the opinion of a die hard liberal. They have chosen a side to support and that's the end of it. The liberal walk is not a journey to the truth. Rather it is a conscious denial of the truth. It's the "let the bad guy win every once in a while" concept on steriods. Hate for hate's sake.
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=Bob Seger]

Willful ignorance, or choosing to be stupid. No amount of information will ever sway the opinion of a die hard liberal. They have chosen a side to support and that's the end of it. The liberal walk is not a journey to the truth. Rather it is a conscious denial of the truth. It's the "let the bad guy win every once in a while" concept on steriods. Hate for hate's sake.

Explain to me the logic of this TRT. Bush spends 1 trillion and in the mind of these liberal morons that justfies Obama spending 6 trillion. Bush is blasted as a villian for spending 1 and Obama is a hero for spending 6.

Isn't that about the stupidest thing you've ever heard of? But it's like I said earlier, all they can do is is makes excuses for their Marxist leader and then blame someone else for his socialist agenda.
Hey guys, let's try to keep the dumb asses, assholes, dickheads and shitheads out of our debates, good deal? I'm working on it as well Confusednicker:. This isn't the rest of the site, we can debate without ruining it with getting personal. Most can take it, but there's always one who takes it too personally of course. It just makes discussion better, and much lessens the chance of it getting ruined by one who can't handle it in my opinion.

Of course, it's not against the rules exactly, I'm just recommending it, but I'd appreciate it and I think it definitely makes for better debate. Most of you guys are good enough to rip an argument apart with your knowledge and wit, unlike the sports boards, lol.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Deep recessions have always been followed by strong recoveries...until Obama took office. If Obama follows through on his threat to allow tax rates to soar at the end of 2012, and considering that he and the Democrats have not approved a budget for the past 4 years, that is a likely scenario, we will be in a recession when 2013 begins, if not sooner. Change you can believe in - change for the worse.
It's pretty hard to dig us out of the hole that GW put us in.
vundy33 Wrote:Hey guys, let's try to keep the dumb asses, assholes, dickheads and shitheads out of our debates, good deal? I'm working on it as well Confusednicker:. This isn't the rest of the site, we can debate without ruining it with getting personal. Most can take it, but there's always one who takes it too personally of course. It just makes discussion better, and much lessens the chance of it getting ruined by one who can't handle it in my opinion.

Of course, it's not against the rules exactly, I'm just recommending it, but I'd appreciate it and I think it definitely makes for better debate. Most of you guys are good enough to rip an argument apart with your knowledge and wit, unlike the sports boards, lol.


Uh, Is this Vundy, I mean is this really Vundy suggesting something like this? I mean, you've kinda been our language mentor for all these years and I really dont think any of us will ever be able to begin to ever come close to matching the standards you've set before us. :biggrin:

You know I'm just kidding with you Vundy, but for some reason the words "pot and kettle" kinda pop up in my mind . None the less, you do offer words of wisdom. I just hope you can live with and abide by your own advice in the future, and we can all learn from the example you set before us. :Thumbs:

We're all gonna be watching closely, ole buddy.:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:It's pretty hard to dig us out of the hole that GW put us in.
Nixon, Ford, and Carter dug a very deep hole for Reagan and he left a much stronger economy than he inherited and he did not blame Jimmy Carter every time that he had a microphone in front of his mouth. The unemployment rate is higher, gasoline prices are higher, the inflation rate is higher, home values are lower, and average incomes have dropped by $4,000/year since Obama took office. Most economists are predicting that we will sink into another recession in 2013, if not sooner.

There is no way to defend Obama's economic record and retain any credibility.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nixon, Ford, and Carter dug a very deep hole for Reagan and he left a much stronger economy than he inherited and he did not blame Jimmy Carter every time that he had a microphone in front of his mouth. The unemployment rate is higher, gasoline prices are higher, the inflation rate is higher, home values are lower, and average incomes have dropped by $4,000/year since Obama took office. Most economists are predicting that we will sink into another recession in 2013, if not sooner.

There is no way to defend Obama's economic record and retain any credibility.
Maybe the republicans in Washington should have worked with him, instead of blocking every move, just to "get him out of office".
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans in Washington should have worked with him, instead of blocking every move, just to "get him out of office".
Obama has not even been able to get Senate Democrats to support his budget in four years. Obama cannot even work with his own party - and yet you blame Republicans for his inability to work with them. :please:

Obama burned Democrats on Obamacare and many of them will soon join their former colleagues who took unplanned retirements in 2010 thanks to him. Deals with Congress take some work - they are not made on America's finest golf courses.

It never ceases to amaze me at how eager you are to avoid blaming Obama for any of his many major failures. Successful presidents learn to work with Congress, no matter which party controls the majority. Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 did it - Obama has not. If Obama wins a second term, things will get worse because he shows no signs that he has learned anything from the mistakes of his first term.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans in Washington should have worked with him, instead of blocking every move, just to "get him out of office".

Chalk that up to lack of leadership skills. From the get go, Barry had tunnel vision and shunned not only the republicans in Congress, but all of us.

In the private sector, in a leadership position that required results, Barry would be fired without hesitation.
Bob Seger Wrote:That's certainly been a proven TRT. Looks like ole vector will be first in line at their next cliff jumpin following his pied

no but i will be the first one to throw you off the cliff
vector Wrote:no but i will be the first one to throw you off the cliff

lol...Well, you better start eating your Wheaties then....Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans in Washington should have worked with him, instead of blocking every move, just to "get him out of office".

How can you blame the Republicans for blocking every move? The democrats had control of the house and the senate for the first two years by a wide margin. Obama could have done anything he wanted, regardless of the small republican opposition. That sure changed in 2010 though when people woke up, didn't it?

BTW. The recent electoral college (which hasn't been wrong since 1980) shows, Obama will be destroyed in the polls this November. Your man had better be campaigning hard in all 57 states if he wants to be re-elected.
WideRight05 Wrote:How can you blame the Republicans for blocking every move? The democrats had control of the house and the senate for the first two years by a wide margin. Obama could have done anything he wanted, regardless of the small republican opposition. That sure changed in 2010 though when people woke up, didn't it?

BTW. The recent electoral college (which hasn't been wrong since 1980) shows, Obama will be destroyed in the polls this November. Your man had better be campaigning hard in all 57 states if he wants to be re-elected.
Confusednicker: You best go back to school, and get you some more learnin'.
WideRight05;1478781[B Wrote:]How can you blame the Republicans for blocking every move? [/B] The democrats had control of the house and the senate for the first two years by a wide margin. Obama could have done anything he wanted, regardless of the small republican opposition. That sure changed in 2010 though when people woke up, didn't it?

BTW. The recent electoral college (which hasn't been wrong since 1980) shows, Obama will be destroyed in the polls this November. Your man had better be campaigning hard in all 57 states if he wants to be re-elected.

Just keep in mind that RV doesn't use reason to defend the laughable Obama administration. Dodge and parry, bob and weave, I know you are but what am I, and parroting DNC talking points, are the chosen modus-operandi. Honest debates are avoided from those on the lowest rung on the liberal ladder to the highest. Rather, dems sift through the bulk of the conservative argument searching for some infinitesimal subpoint so they may derail the debate into a back and forth in a sort of safe zone about nothing.

For instance, Romney has a brilliant fiscal record as governor of Massachusetts, not to mention the fact that he worked pro-bono, didn't accept one dime for his 4 years as governor. So, how do dems get around that point, and avoid discussing the comedy of errors which is the Ogoober administration's fiscal record, and the fact that he will be the first president in history to serve out an entire term as president without a budget? Well, they divert attention from Ogoober, by falsely charging Romney with not paying taxes for a decade, so absurd it couldn't pass muster on the Leno Show. An effort in which, the main stream liberally biased media are oh so willing to help with, by running the lie daily on the 24/7 (not) news loop. And, how about this one, Ogoober blows through 6 trillion in just over 3 years and they say "oh, all this spending is W's fault" I mean, who's really gonna believe that other than a democrat?

No, it's more of an emotional commitment for the liberal than an attempt to understand the truth, for the sake of the common good. Liberals would more likely say to h*** with the everybody that doesn't vote democrat. Just look at the ship of fools that has partnered together to form the democrat voting base. Every looney toon coming and going. Dominated by contempt, they feel very comfortable justifing, spreading and perpetuating, any lie they can dream up if it will help them hold on to the white house.
vector Wrote:

this is what happen's when the republicans control all three branch's of
I could careless what a CEO of a publicly traded company earns. He answers to the stock holders and the company is in business to make money:Sad04:I know the Democrats view that as such an awful thing but............. That's the American Way not From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Chalk that up to lack of leadership skills. From the get go, Barry had tunnel vision and shunned not only the republicans in Congress, but all of us.

In the private sector, in a leadership position that required results, Barry would be fired without hesitation.
In the private sector, Barry's background check would have limited his career options.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans in Washington should have worked with him, instead of blocking every move, just to "get him out of office".
When was the last time the President went to the Hill to work with Congress?
Bob Seger Wrote::yikes::yikes:

Uh, Is this Vundy, I mean is this really Vundy suggesting something like this? I mean, you've kinda been our language mentor for all these years and I really dont think any of us will ever be able to begin to ever come close to matching the standards you've set before us. :biggrin:

You know I'm just kidding with you Vundy, but for some reason the words "pot and kettle" kinda pop up in my mind . None the less, you do offer words of wisdom. I just hope you can live with and abide by your own advice in the future, and we can all learn from the example you set before us. :Thumbs:

We're all gonna be watching closely, ole buddy.:biggrin:

Hahaha...that's why I said I was going to work on it as well, lol.

How are the republicans going to deal with Romney's take on abortion, especially the religious ones? It also goes against the party platform.
TheRealVille Wrote:Confusednicker: You best go back to school, and get you some more learnin'.

Thanks, but I'll pass. I have three degrees under my belt and I don't need any more liberal venom shot at me.

BTW, is that all you got in response to that post? That further goes to show that there is absolutely no way that any sane person would be able to defend obama's record.

Obama has hit up the golf courses quite a bit during his time in office. Get ready TRV because after November he will have a lot more time to golf.
WideRight05 Wrote:Thanks, but I'll pass. I have three degrees under my belt and I don't need any more liberal venom shot at me.

BTW, is that all you got in response to that post? That further goes to show that there is absolutely no way that any sane person would be able to defend obama's record.

Obama has hit up the golf courses quite a bit during his time in office. Get ready TRV because after November he will have a lot more time to golf.
The electoral college didn't say Obama was in trouble, two professors from Colorado did. Most other studies of the electorate says Obama is ahead by about 30 votes.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just keep in mind that RV doesn't use reason to defend the laughable Obama administration. Dodge and parry, bob and weave, I know you are but what am I, and parroting DNC talking points, are the chosen modus-operandi. Honest debates are avoided from those on the lowest rung on the liberal ladder to the highest. Rather, dems sift through the bulk of the conservative argument searching for some infinitesimal subpoint so they may derail the debate into a back and forth in a sort of safe zone about nothing.

For instance, Romney has a brilliant fiscal record as governor of Massachusetts, not to mention the fact that he worked pro-bono, didn't accept one dime for his 4 years as governor. So, how do dems get around that point, and avoid discussing the comedy of errors which is the Ogoober administration's fiscal record, and the fact that he will be the first president in history to serve out an entire term as president without a budget? Well, they divert attention from Ogoober, by falsely charging Romney with not paying taxes for a decade, so absurd it couldn't pass muster on the Leno Show. An effort in which, the main stream liberally biased media are oh so willing to help with, by running the lie daily on the 24/7 (not) news loop. And, how about this one, Ogoober blows through 6 trillion in just over 3 years and they say "oh, all this spending is W's fault" I mean, who's really gonna believe that other than a democrat?

No, it's more of an emotional commitment for the liberal than an attempt to understand the truth, for the sake of the common good. Liberals would more likely say to h*** with the everybody that doesn't vote democrat. Just look at the ship of fools that has partnered together to form the democrat voting base. Every looney toon coming and going. Dominated by contempt, they feel very comfortable justifing, spreading and perpetuating, any lie they can dream up if it will help them hold on to the white house.

Confusednicker: To the bolded, Pee Wee Herman style! Right? Haha!

I also think it's pretty lame how they're trying to call out Romney on his taxes. After all, he is doing what is required. It's not like he is avoiding any requirements. One thing I have learned in recent months, which includes two recent debates with college professors, is how liberalism is more of an emotional thing. Liberals get all torn up over the slightest thing - I think, how in the world can you survive in the real world if your sensibilities are bruised over the slightest remark? How can you take criticism from your boss on the job?

Thankfully TRT, we won't have to deal with this for much longer. Obama will be history in November and we will claim this country back!
TheRealVille Wrote:The electoral college didn't say Obama was in trouble, two professors from Colorado did. Most other studies of the electorate says Obama is ahead by about 30 votes.

And those two professors certainly know a lot to have nailed every one of these since 1980. The other studies you're talking about are probably NBC, ABC all of those studies which aren't worth taking seriously.

And again, you are avoiding my point completely about the democrats having complete control the first to years of obama's presidency. You better get ready because the hammer is going to hit the dems hard this November!
WideRight05 Wrote:Confusednicker: To the bolded, Pee Wee Herman style! Right? Haha!

I also think it's pretty lame how they're trying to call out Romney on his taxes. After all, he is doing what is required. It's not like he is avoiding any requirements. One thing I have learned in recent months, which includes two recent debates with college professors, is how liberalism is more of an emotional thing. Liberals get all torn up over the slightest thing - I think, how in the world can you survive in the real world if your sensibilities are bruised over the slightest remark? How can you take criticism from your boss on the job?

Thankfully TRT, we won't have to deal with this for much longer. Obama will be history in November and we will claim this country back!
Is he doing what is best for America, by hiding money overseas? Is that the type of person we want running America. If he loves our country so good, why is he hiding money, and cheating America?
^was that illegal?
nky Wrote:^was that illegal?
So, would you give a democrat hiding money, and skipping out on taxes a free pass? It doesn't matter if it's legal or not, it about what's right for America, and paying his fair share is what's right. Is it about what's legal, or what's the right thing to do?
56% of Americans favor raising taxes to help save Social Security. You will see that play out in November.

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