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Planned Parenthood drops a bomb.
TheRealVille Wrote:You do realize that welfare has a 5 year lifetime limit, right?

:hilarious: You know, you really need to get in touch with this guy and stop him from embarrassing himself in these articles. "The USDA accomplished its mission: approximately 25% of black Americans are now enrolled in SNAP, and many of those households have been receiving food stamps for two generations."

You also might want to pay particular attention to the picture posted along with the author's name and short bio. "Bishop Harry Jackson is chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, MD, and co-authored, Personal Faith, Public Policy [FrontLine; March 2008] with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council." Now, those are remarks of a truly smart and patriotic man.
TheRealThing Wrote::hilarious: You know, you really need to get in touch with this guy and stop him from embarrassing himself in these articles. "The USDA accomplished its mission: approximately 25% of black Americans are now enrolled in SNAP, and many of those households have been receiving food stamps for two generations."

You also might want to pay particular attention to the picture posted along with the author's name and short bio. "Bishop Harry Jackson is chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, MD, and co-authored, Personal Faith, Public Policy [FrontLine; March 2008] with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council." Now, those are remarks of a truly smart and patriotic man.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one. It is not exactly something you need a Harvard degree to comprehend.

Where is the babies choice in this?
TheRealVille Wrote:

You can kid yourself if you want to. I know better. Credible sources have brought this issue to light decades prior to your indoctrination and subsequent efforts at recruitment.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Where is the babies choice in this?

I apologize for sidetracking the thread Tigerfan, obviously infanticide will be something all these butchers will have to answer for. Now, if you or I walked up to one of the monsters who make their living murdering the innocent and punched his lights out. Not only would it be national news within the hour, we'd wind up spending more time in the hoosegow than Jodi Arias will.
TheRealThing Wrote:You can kid yourself if you want to. I know better. Credible sources have brought this issue to light decades prior to your indoctrination and subsequent efforts at recruitment.
My wife works in the field that takes care of welfare sign ups and cutoffs TRT, no you don't know better. There is a lifetime 5 year limit for welfare payments.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Where is the babies choice in this?
Until it's viable, it has no choice. If this is happening after the viable time limit, the responsible parties should be jailed.
TheRealVille Wrote:Until it's viable, it has no choice. If this is happening after the viable time limit, the responsible parties should be jailed.

This logic astounds me.
TheRealVille Wrote:My wife works in the field that takes care of welfare sign ups and cutoffs TRT, no you don't know better. There is a lifetime 5 year limit for welfare payments.

nky said welfare and food stamps. You carved out one word (welfare) of his post and tried to make it look like there is presently a 5 year cap. One of the things that Obama considered worth his time, other than playing golf, was to immediately begin to alter the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act passed signed into law by Clinton. It presently bears no similarity to the it's original form.

On the other hand. There is no limit on how long people can receive food stamps.
TheRealVille Wrote:My wife works in the field that takes care of welfare sign ups and cutoffs TRT, no you don't know better. There is a lifetime 5 year limit for welfare payments.

Quote: Welfare Reform's Fifth Anniversary

Aug. 22, 2001 -- Five years ago today, a massive overhaul of the nation's welfare system was signed into law. "Welfare should be a second chance, not a way of life," then-President Bill Clinton said as he approved the bill. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act imposed a five-year lifetime limit on assistance to welfare recipients. That cap kicks in this year and next for tens of thousands of families.

Clinton faced vehement protests from some of his staunchest supporters when he signed welfare reform bill. But today, the measures aimed at getting people off assistance and into jobs are generally deemed a success. At its peak in 1996, Aid to Families with Dependent Children -- the main government program providing income assistance to the poor -- had a caseload of 4.55 million families. It is now less than half that.

Quote:States with 60-Month Limits
There are 32 states that have 60-month lifetime limits on transitional assistance benefits. Once the 60-month limit is reached, the state either closes the assistance case or removes the adult from the assistance program. Those states are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and South Dakota. The District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico also follow the 60-month limit.

Read more: Which States Have Welfare Time Limits? |
TheRealThing Wrote:nky said welfare and food stamps. You carved out one word (welfare) of his post and tried to make it look like there is presently a 5 year cap. One of the things that Obama considered worth his time, other than playing golf, was to immediately begin to alter the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act passed signed into law by Clinton. It presently bears no similarity to the it's original form.

On the other hand. There is no limit on how long people can receive food stamps.
I was letting NKY know that welfare was temporary. I said there was a 5 year lifetime limit on welfare. I didn't mention foodstamps because there is no limit on them. Food stamps are given not only to people not working, but also to people that work, and make under the poverty level pay. It would be pretty hard to live on just foodstamps if you didn't work, after the welfare gets cut out.

Care to show where the five year lifetime limit has changed?
Here's the Obama change you mention. Notice there is no change in the 5 year limit. It all had to do with job requirements.

In July 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services released a memo notifying states that they are able to apply for a waiver for the work requirements of the TANF program, but only if states were also able to find credible ways to increase employment by 20%.[11] The waiver would allow states to provide assistance without having to enforce the work component of the program, which currently states that 50 percent of a state's TANF caseload must meet work requirements.[12] The Obama administration stated that the change was made in order to allow more flexibility in how individual states operate their welfare programs.[13] According to Peter Edelman, the director of the Georgetown Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy, the waivers would reduce restrictions that increase the difficulty for states in helping TANF applicants find jobs.[14]
The change has been questioned by Republicans including Dave Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and Orrin Hatch, who requested further details from HHS over concerns that the memo would remove the main focus of PRWORA.[12] Mitt Romney attacked the measure, saying that Obama was "gutting welfare reform". However, fact checker PolitiFact debunked the claim, stating it was "not accurate" and "inflames old resentments," giving it a "Pants on Fire" rating.[15] CNN also reported that assertions that Obama was "taking the work requirement off the table" was false.[16] In response to Republican criticism, Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services said that states, including some with Republican governors, had previously asked Congress to allow waivers.[17]
Food stamps are a form of welfare assistance, are they not? nky said they should be temporary, as should all the other forms of welfare. I agree with nky. A safety net is a must for our country, generations of folks on food stamps, on the other hand, is destructive. And are we not looking at nearly 50 million who get them? The article I posted the link for, mentions that there are families with a multigenerational history for having received food stamps and to make matter worse, this administration is actively and aggressively out recruiting folks sign up for food stamps as we speak. Some parts of welfare are limited to five years while some are not.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm saying there is a 5 year lifetime limit to welfare. Look it up.
Have you wondered why more people are getting on disability?
nky Wrote:Have you wondered why more people are getting on disability?

Excellent point. The Ferrari of welfare benefit programs is disability. "(by John Merline, Investors Business Daily) – Almost as many people signed up with the federal government’s permanent worker disability program as got jobs in March, according to two sets of government data, continuing a troubling trend throughout the Obama recovery."
TheRealVille Wrote:Until it's viable, it has no choice. If this is happening after the viable time limit, the responsible parties should be jailed.

Now we're getting somewhere!
TheRealThing Wrote:Food stamps are a form of welfare assistance, are they not? nky said they should be temporary, as should all the other forms of welfare. I agree with nky. A safety net is a must for our country, generations of folks on food stamps, on the other hand, is destructive. And are we not looking at nearly 50 million who get them? The article I posted the link for, mentions that there are families with a multigenerational history for having received food stamps and to make matter worse, this administration is actively and aggressively out recruiting folks sign up for food stamps as we speak. Some parts of welfare are limited to five years while some are not.
I never said I didn't agree.
^ I think everybody would agree that we need to get the "slugs" off of assistance.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
But, we have to remember that TANF(welfare) is .5% of the budget. It's kind of like the "everybody's got their pet sin" thing. We all use the tax money, and welfare isn't near the biggest percentage of where tax money goes, or even the largest chuck of what we as citizens use.


Quote: "The submerged state" is Cornell professor Suzanne Mettler's term for the slew of government policies that most Americans don't know exist or don't realize are government policies. As part of her paper -- gated, sadly -- exploring how these invisible programs affect the politics of social policy, she designed a study asking people first whether they'd ever used a government program and then later whether they had ever taken advantage of 19 specific programs. The percentage of people who didn't think they used government programs and then admitted using government programs is shockingly large. This graph tells the tale. For each program, it shows the percentage of people who said they used it but had originally said they hadn't used any government programs:

Of course, it's not as if these folks really don't know they're taking advantage of these programs. Try eliminating the mortgage interest deduction, or the tax break for employer-sponsored coverage, and you'll find that out real fast. But Americans tend to distinguish between benefits they feel they've earned -- Social Security, say -- and benefits they consider giveaways. It's not a very useful distinction, but it's a convenient, and thus a powerful, one. We have a vast welfare state for the middle and upper classes, but the politics of it are entirely different.

For instance: Among the more mind-blowing facts about the health-care system is that the tax break we give to employer-provided insurance dwarfs the cost of the entire Affordable Care Act -- and, if you want to take the concept a bit further, this means those of us who don't get insurance from our employers are being forced, even mandated, to pay for those of us who are. But this break is largely uncontroversial in American politics, while subsidies to help people who can't afford health insurance are extremely controversial.
TheRealVille Wrote:But, we have to remember that TANF(welfare) is .5% of the budget. It's kind of like the "everybody's got their pet sin" thing. We all use the tax money, and welfare isn't near the biggest percentage of where tax money goes, or even the largest chuck of what we as citizens use.

Bogus SSI claims also constitute welfare and people receiving disability payments has soared to record levels under Obama. The numbers began to climb after Clinton and the Republican Congress joined to reform welfare in the 90s, but the number of people receiving food stamps and disability payments exploded over the past 5 years. Focusing on only one welfare program is very misleading.

Participation in the labor force has plummeted under Obama and most of those people are being funded by those of us who are still working and paying taxes. I notice that the column to which you linked is over two years old and spending has continued to increase over the levels shown.
We have to cut all spending!
Were broke, and this administration wants to spend, spend, spend.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:We have to cut all spending!
Were broke, and this administration wants to spend, spend, spend.
Talk to the House, they are in charge of spending. Let us in the spending Obama is doing by himself.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:We have to cut all spending!
Were broke, and this administration wants to spend, spend, spend.
It's not all that Obama wants to do. He also wants to tax, tax, tax. The only area of federal spending that he has shown much interest in cutting is our military. He is a typical tax and spend liberal.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's not all that Obama wants to do. He also wants to tax, tax, tax. The only area of federal spending that he has shown much interest in cutting is our military. He is a typical tax and spend liberal.
What can/does Obama do in spending and taxing, that doesn't have to go through the House.
TheRealVille Wrote:What can/does Obama do in spending and taxing, that doesn't have to go through the House.
Nothing and nothing that the House does in terms of appropriations goes anywhere without passing the Senate and being signed by Obama. IMO, Boeher and the House Republicans need to send a balanced budget to the Senate and let the federal government shutdown, but we all know what the response to a government shutdown from liberal Democrats would be.

There are too many working aged Americans who refuse to work but are ready to march on Washington at the request of the community organizer. This exactly how educated people of the late 18th and early 19th century predicted that democracy would die in this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nothing and nothing that the House does in terms of appropriations goes anywhere without passing the Senate and being signed by Obama. IMO, Boeher and the House Republicans need to send a balanced budget to the Senate and let the federal government shutdown, but we all know what the response to a government shutdown from liberal Democrats would be.

There are too many working aged Americans who refuse to work but are ready to march on Washington at the request of the community organizer. This exactly how educated people of the late 18th and early 19th century predicted that democracy would die in this country.
Again, where is all his taxing and spending that he is doing without the House?
Quote:You may have missed it, but over the weekend congressional Republicans admitted that they are terrified that any Social Security cuts will lead to their defeat.

If you have been paying attention to the politics of Obama’s chained CPI offer, you may have noticed that Republicans have been running away like their hair’s on fire away from his proposal.

The reason why is that Republicans are afraid that the president is setting them up. Roll Call reported, “The debate Walden’s remarks has set off inside the GOP shows many Republicans harbor deep-seated fears about publicly supporting the entitlement cuts they supposedly back and have demanded Obama and other Democrats embrace since taking control of the House in 2011…Many GOP operatives fear Obama’s embrace of chained consumer price index, a mechanism to slow the growth of Social Security benefits over time, is a trap — a means of getting Republicans to support the policy on the record only to see Democrats savage them for it down the line.”

The Republican strategists who suspect this are partially correct. President Obama is using Chained CPI to set up a win/win/win situation for Democrats. Republicans have to choose between raising taxes in order to get the Chained CPI, arguing for Chained CPI without the tax increase, or rejecting Chained CPI. If Republicans express any desire to cut Social Security, Democrats will savage them for it during next year’s election. If Republicans agree to raise taxes at all, the base of their party will erupt in rage. If Republicans split and some of them reject Chained CPI, it will never become law. (Chained CPI probably won’t become law anyway, because Harry Reid and many Senate Democrats have promised to oppose any changes to Social Security.)

While the activists on the left continue to completely ignore the political realities unfolding before them, it is looking more and more like Obama’s Chained CPI offer was designed to call the Republican bluff on Social Security.

The truth is that outside of the right wing ideologues, many Republicans see real political danger in messing with Social Security.

Here’s the deal in plain English. Republicans will get nothing on Social Security, unless they agree to raise taxes. Since they will never raise taxes, Chained CPI is pretty much DOA.

Democrats have constructed an elaborate political trap for Republicans. If they make the mistake of going on record as supporting Social Security cuts, President Obama and his party will snap it closed.

President Obama called their bluff, and many Republicans are being forced to admit that they are scared of the political fallout that would come if they cut Social Security.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, where is all his taxing and spending that he is doing without the House?
Don't comprehend much, do you? I never said that Obama is taxing and spending without the House. In fact, I have criticized Boehner repeatedly for caving into Obama's demands. There do not seem to be any Obama policies for which you are willing to hold him accountable, including his tax and spend agenda. As I said, this is how democracy dies. With people refusing to work and supporting leaders who are willing to loot the treasury on their behalf, run up enormous debts, and then pass the bill on to future generations.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Don't comprehend much, do you? I never said that Obama is taxing and spending without the House. In fact, I have criticized Boehner repeatedly for caving into Obama's demands. There do not seem to be any Obama policies for which you are willing to hold him accountable, including his tax and spend agenda. As I said, this is how democracy dies. With people refusing to work and supporting leaders who are willing to loot the treasury on their behalf, run up enormous debts, and then pass the bill on to future generations.
Both you, and RIUTG are calling him a tax and spend President. I just want you to show how he is taxing and spending.

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