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Holder Out?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Jesse Matthew, and the black Muslim boy in Oklahoma are not what anyone, even TheRealVille, would refer to as "model citizens". Of course, assuming that Matthew did rape and kill the Caucasian girl from UVa, I'm sure it was her fault and the woman beheaded by the Isllamist towelhead surely shouldn't have gotten her neck in his way. Or, possibly, it is all GW Bush's fault.

Will Obama speak out on these atrocities? Will Muskrat Holder make a visit to Virginia and Oklahoma? Nope and nope. Wrong mix of perpetrators and victims.

Well, one would think that reality would have been visited on RV after his getting so much of the Trayvon Martin trial wrong. At any rate, most of the racially charged bru ha-ha was manufactured by the left. From bussing in protestors from afar, to the biased speculations which pass for honest reporting by the liberal media who are desperately seeking vindication for the sake of the racial divide they love to talk about so much. We don't know the facts yet because they won't come out until the trial. You know, where the accused is supposed to be given the presumption of innocence?

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