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14th Region KAPOS
stride2 Wrote:Well Estill may have had more tumbling and difficulty then Powell but Estill's dance wasn't original. Plus they all agree to go through Kentucky pep club to get a routine because they usually get a good one. But Powell spent along time making up there cheer and dance or so i heard. I don't know I don't think that people are giving Powell enough credit like they deserve. Yes I know some of you are I ain't saying that but some people are making it sound like Powell had nothing. I was there I seen what Powell had and I seen what estill had and I think Powell should have got it. Estill is a very good team but their attitudes towards the Powell county girls after they won was crappy. You know the normal haha we are better than you thing...the evil looks and the little laughs when they walked by..Yea I seen it because i was out side and I seen the whole thing. Anyways for all you Powell County cheerleaders that are reading this, you girls did awesome and you should have won it. Estill girls good luck at state.

I hate that this has to start again. Last year Estill cheered for Powell and was so glad that they made it to state and no sooner than they were home the Powell people started dogging Estill for going to state with no competition and now they win with competition and they have to start something else like the Estill team not making there own routine up. Let's get over it and take the judges decision and move on. :mad:
Powell's pom routine had hardley any motions??? Yea thats hilarious...Everyone agreed that Powell's pom routine was way better than Estill's. But whatever everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that is mine. But anyways good luck Estill at state and Powell girls reading this tell your coaches that you all should really make a video and send it in!
You know...I do not know what you saw, but I can tell you what I have on tape..when they announced Powell as the 2nd place winner, they got up accepted their award and stood in a circle on the floor. When they announced Estill as the winner, not a single Powell County cheerleader clapped, didn't even acknowledge Estill in any way. They did not look up from their little huddle. Not once did they say congratulations, clap, anything...this is right there on the floor in front of everyone. The Powell vs Estill, in anything has became a strong rival and that is all good as long as good sportsmanship is displayed by everyone!

My thoughts on the competition:

Powell Co had an awesome routine. It was VERY clean and VERY safe! It was creative and had great execution. What Powell lacked was difficulty in the cheer and dance. They also received a .50 deduction for something and for the life of me, after watching the tape over and over, I can't figure that one out. And I think the majority of the people in here has agreed to that. Estill also had an awesome routine that was not as clean and not nearly as safe. But their difficulty is what gave them the edge to win. And, I think that the majority of the people in here have agreed to that as well. If I remember correctly, tumbling isn't even I right on that? I do not remember seeing a place to score tumbling. Now, with that being said...why would someone want to start the mud-slinging? Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but there are times when opinions should be kept to one self. In every situation as this, there are 3 sides to it....your side....their side and what actually happened. Do I personally think Powell deserves to go to, I don't, because the judges chose Estill, but KAPOS will fill every spot they can because it's will bring in more money.
cheerdad Wrote:You know...I do not know what you saw, but I can tell you what I have on tape..when they announced Powell as the 2nd place winner, they got up accepted their award and stood in a circle on the floor. When they announced Estill as the winner, not a single Powell County cheerleader clapped, didn't even acknowledge Estill in any way. They did not look up from their little huddle. Not once did they say congratulations, clap, anything...this is right there on the floor in front of everyone. The Powell vs Estill, in anything has became a strong rival and that is all good as long as good sportsmanship is displayed by everyone!

My thoughts on the competition:

Powell Co had an awesome routine. It was VERY clean and VERY safe! It was creative and had great execution. What Powell lacked was difficulty in the cheer and dance. They also received a .50 deduction for something and for the life of me, after watching the tape over and over, I can't figure that one out. And I think the majority of the people in here has agreed to that. Estill also had an awesome routine that was not as clean and not nearly as safe. But their difficulty is what gave them the edge to win. And, I think that the majority of the people in here have agreed to that as well. If I remember correctly, tumbling isn't even I right on that? I do not remember seeing a place to score tumbling. Now, with that being said...why would someone want to start the mud-slinging? Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but there are times when opinions should be kept to one self. In every situation as this, there are 3 sides to it....your side....their side and what actually happened. Do I personally think Powell deserves to go to, I don't, because the judges chose Estill, but KAPOS will fill every spot they can because it's will bring in more money.

I would say the .50 deduction came from the technical judges. Someone could have stepped on a sign/pom, etc., or a girl could have touched down on tumbling or the base's hands could have been misplaced in a stunt. A ribbon could have fallen out and someone stepped on it, a spotter could have not been looking at the flyer. Just about anything can cause a deduction.
And you're right...I'm almost completely positive that tumbling is not on the score sheet, which, IMO, is not a smart thing. But all the judges include the tumbling in the difficulty section.
By the way.....I agree with everything you said!!!
The deduction was from a girl steping on pom i believe
Well let me get one thing straight right now with you cheerdad..I was sitting in the Powell County section and yes believe me those girls did clap for estill and after the competiton they all said congradulations in the back. Whether or not you seen it they did because i was with my cousin. You don't nee to jump to stuff you don't know. Powell girls were dissapointed because they didn't get it but they all held their heads high because they had a great season and they knew that they were champs at heart.

Yes that .50 deduction was from the little girl in the back waving the flag she stepped on her pom trying to pick up the flag!

And just because you don't think Powell should go to state cheerdad doesn't mean everyone don't. Yes that is your opinion but still powell was awesome and they deserve to go to state more than anyone else out there. See this is why so much stuff gets started between these cheerleaders. Their parents get on here running their mouths and getting the cheerleaders mad at each other. I thought this site was made for athletes to talk on not parents to get on here and diss the other teams?????
cheerdad Wrote:You know...I do not know what you saw, but I can tell you what I have on tape..when they announced Powell as the 2nd place winner, they got up accepted their award and stood in a circle on the floor. When they announced Estill as the winner, not a single Powell County cheerleader clapped, didn't even acknowledge Estill in any way. They did not look up from their little huddle. Not once did they say congratulations, clap, anything...this is right there on the floor in front of everyone. The Powell vs Estill, in anything has became a strong rival and that is all good as long as good sportsmanship is displayed by everyone!

My thoughts on the competition:

Powell Co had an awesome routine. It was VERY clean and VERY safe! It was creative and had great execution. What Powell lacked was difficulty in the cheer and dance. They also received a .50 deduction for something and for the life of me, after watching the tape over and over, I can't figure that one out. And I think the majority of the people in here has agreed to that. Estill also had an awesome routine that was not as clean and not nearly as safe. But their difficulty is what gave them the edge to win. And, I think that the majority of the people in here have agreed to that as well. If I remember correctly, tumbling isn't even I right on that? I do not remember seeing a place to score tumbling. Now, with that being said...why would someone want to start the mud-slinging? Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but there are times when opinions should be kept to one self. In every situation as this, there are 3 sides to it....your side....their side and what actually happened. Do I personally think Powell deserves to go to, I don't, because the judges chose Estill, but KAPOS will fill every spot they can because it's will bring in more money.

Cheerdad I don't know why stride is getting upset with you about looks like you gave Powell a good report .. (very creative and great execution) what more can you say.Looks like he is the one putting down Estill. Estill won Powell didn't, let's move on...
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:I would say the .50 deduction came from the technical judges. Someone could have stepped on a sign/pom, etc., or a girl could have touched down on tumbling or the base's hands could have been misplaced in a stunt. A ribbon could have fallen out and someone stepped on it, a spotter could have not been looking at the flyer. Just about anything can cause a deduction.
And you're right...I'm almost completely positive that tumbling is not on the score sheet, which, IMO, is not a smart thing. But all the judges include the tumbling in the difficulty section.
By the way.....I agree with everything you said!!!

I don't think anyone on here has said anything bad about Powell Co. They did a good job Estill was just better.:confused:
Cheerdad may have gave Powell a good report but the fact of the matter is he said Powell had bad sportsmen ship....and Powell County clapped and even told Estill congradulations....thats what makes me mad. Estill did do a very good job but in my opinion I think Powell should have got it because their whole dance didn't come straight from a movie. But what ever Estill did a great job
Only part of Estill's dance that came from the movie was "Grease Lightening" and the "Hand Jive" and the judges absolutley LOVED that part thank you very much.
Stride, I do believe you are the one causing the problems. Your taking what everyone else is saying the wrong way, you may need to go back and read what you have posted.
Nobody said Powell did bad. Nobody said Estill did bad. They both are good teams, just with different talents and different strong points. Estill's strong point is tumbling and stunting and dancing. Powell's strong point is sharpness and being "safe". Both teams had large amounts of pep, spirit, and ability to lead the crowd. But obviously judges saw more in Estill then in Powell.

And if Powell does send in a tape then they better get a move on, because time is almost up.
stride2 Wrote:Well let me get one thing straight right now with you cheerdad..I was sitting in the Powell County section and yes believe me those girls did clap for estill and after the competiton they all said congradulations in the back. Whether or not you seen it they did because i was with my cousin. You don't nee to jump to stuff you don't know. Powell girls were dissapointed because they didn't get it but they all held their heads high because they had a great season and they knew that they were champs at heart.

Yes that .50 deduction was from the little girl in the back waving the flag she stepped on her pom trying to pick up the flag!

And just because you don't think Powell should go to state cheerdad doesn't mean everyone don't. Yes that is your opinion but still powell was awesome and they deserve to go to state more than anyone else out there. See this is why so much stuff gets started between these cheerleaders. Their parents get on here running their mouths and getting the cheerleaders mad at each other. I thought this site was made for athletes to talk on not parents to get on here and diss the other teams?????

WOW,,,,hmmm...Well, since this "tyraid" was posted, I have read it several times trying to understand why and where it came from. Trying to figure out how she/he can accuse me of " their parents get on here running their mouths and getting the cheerleaders mad at each other. I thought this site was made for athletes to talk on not parents to get on here and diss the other teams?????" when this is exactly what she/he is doing herself/himself in a previous post by saying "Well Estill may have had more tumbling and difficulty then Powell but Estill's dance wasn't original". There is NOT a single routine done by any squad that is "original". Everything has been copied from something, whether it be a movie, a TV show, a dance move that was seen in a video. Just like in Estill's routine; when they did the hand-jive...they did it to the song that "back in the day" that is what they did...they did the hand-jive. Just like Powell when the Chinese music started playing, they put their hands together and bowed, just like they do in China. See my point??? These routines had a theme and both squads executed moves that related to their theme respectively. Estill's theme was music from the movie GREASE, thus, they did the dance moves from the movie GREASE.

I wasn't/hadn't/didn't diss anyone. I thought I had given praises, acknowledment and congratulations as they were deserved. If anything, I thought I would have been accused of dissing Estill because I said, "Estill also had an awesome routine that was not as clean..." No where in my post did I EVER say that Powell was/is not good or did not do a good job. Powell execute their routine exactly the way they were suppose to. They did it just the way they wanted to do it. What amazes me the most is how some people think they know more or better than a judge does. Whatever happened to the day when you didn't win, you didn't win, not because of "the judges" but because someone was just better than you on that particular day? What happened to competitions that when you won, the reward of winning was moving to the next level and not going to the next level because they are slots to fill? I have questioned this several times since KAPOS started doing this...and again this is just my is not meant to be vacisious in any way, I am NOT dissing another is just my opinion.

Stride, if you would please go back and re-read my post, you will see that what I was talking about was what happend ON THE FLOOR...I did not say anything about what was said "in the back" I wasn't in the back. I was just saying what I have on a tape.

Thank you SC for pointing that out to me about the deduction. SC and everyone else, thank you for seeing what I actually said and what I actually meant.

Stride, from one parent to another, I am sorry if my comments offended you and that you took them personal, my comments were not meant to do that in any way, form or fashion to ANYONE!!! This is a forum and a forum is just that, a place for discussion.
Great post cheerdad! We need more fair parents on here IMO
Thanks Central Cheer Chick!!! I was hoping that it came across the way I intended for it too!!! In these forums, so many times, when you say something, unfortunately it is taken totally out of context. I just hope that what I have said this time cannot be done that way!!!

Don't know where you are from, but are you all going to state? If so, CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!!!!!
No, I graduated last year, but the team I cheered for is going, and thanks so much! I'm sure they'll do great! I have a lot of faith in them. Good luck to your girls too
cheerforblue Wrote:I don't think anyone on here has said anything bad about Powell Co. They did a good job Estill was just better.:confused:

I didn't say anywhere in my post that anyone said anything bad. I was just trying to explain why they could have had a deduction, so???? I don't know what that was for and I'm sorry if I offended anyone! I was just saying that I agreed that Powell looked good just Estill was better, just like you did.
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:I didn't say anywhere in my post that anyone said anything bad. I was just trying to explain why they could have had a deduction, so???? I don't know what that was for and I'm sorry if I offended anyone! I was just saying that I agreed that Powell looked good just Estill was better, just like you did.

sorry SC this was not intended for you , it was intended to Stride2. But I agree with cheerdad all the way
Wow!!! Im really sorry about all of this confusion. My sister has been on my account here supposedly "just reading" what everyone is saying. So since this is my account I am going to put my say so in what I thought.

Since I am from Powell County I will start with them. I was at your competition and I was really amazed on how well you all did!! That was the best I have ever seen the routine. It was super tight, sharpe and clean. You all deserve more respect then what your fellow students give you!!!

Estill county girls....your routine was great. Like said before you all could have been sharper and more clean but you all did great. I really liked the cheer and you all did it great, I wasn't so much digging the pom routine as much as i did Powell Counties but hey I guess the judges did.

Powell cheerleaders I am so proud of you all. You really did great. Hold your heads up all had a great season and you all are champions at heart!

Estill County girls...Goodluck at state! Show em' how its done girls!
Cheerdad...Im really sorry. My sister tries to get on here and make Powell County look all big and bad and like the judges made the wrong choice. This is my first time on here in like 5 days. I do see where you are coming from on what you are saying about the competition and I do have to agree with you on all of it except the part about Powell girls not giving respect to Estill. Powell was dissapointed but they still showed the estill girls respect. They clapped for Estill and then some of the girls even said congradulations when they went back to their rooms. I think estill is awesome but you know I have to go with my home team and want them to win and always say they deserved it.
Just heard that the powell county girls recieved a at large bid to state....looks like the girls will be visiting state afterall....congrats powell co
bobcatfan22 Wrote:Just heard that the powell county girls recieved a at large bid to state....looks like the girls will be visiting state afterall....congrats powell co

wow! Congrats Powell! good luck at state
IMO, I dont think STATE should do that. I think whoever wins Region should proceed and move on to STATE.
Whats the point in having Regions if they are going to let "whoever" compete at State?
State to me is an award for winning Regions. Now, say if the first place team dropped out and/or wasnt able to go and compete at State, then it would be logical for the 2nd place team of that division to go and compete.
But ohwell, I guess it is all about the money.
loves2cheer Wrote:IMO, I dont think STATE should do that. I think whoever wins Region should proceed and move on to STATE.
Whats the point in having Regions if they are going to let "whoever" compete at State?
State to me is an award for winning Regions. Now, say if the first place team dropped out and/or wasnt able to go and compete at State, then it would be logical for the 2nd place team of that division to go and compete.
But ohwell, I guess it is all about the money.

Your and estill fan...i can tell lol
They are letting teams have a bid so that there will be more competition. They don't just let "whoever" go. They're only letting the ones who are very competitive go. Like, you know how Dunbar and Tates Creek usually go against each other? and both win nationals (pretty sure)? Well, Tates Creek might noy make it out of region but still be a great competitor at state. So if another squad from a different region is unable to attend then Tates Creek would have the opportunity to send a video in and earn their chance to go. There are regions who have really really competitive squads and not all of them have the chance they deserve to show what they have at state. So now they can, BUT they have to earn it. Showing scoresheets/videos stuff like that. They don't just let anyone go.
loves2cheer Wrote:IMO, I dont think STATE should do that. I think whoever wins Region should proceed and move on to STATE.
Whats the point in having Regions if they are going to let "whoever" compete at State?
State to me is an award for winning Regions. Now, say if the first place team dropped out and/or wasnt able to go and compete at State, then it would be logical for the 2nd place team of that division to go and compete.
But ohwell, I guess it is all about the money.

Hmmm... What and interesting post!!! I think your just mad because Powell gets to go like they deserve. It ain't all about Estill now and they are mad. I don't care I think that Powell deserves to go to state more than anyone....:mad:

It was a close competition and it doesn't matter....both teams are absolutley AWESOME and they both deserve it. Get over yourself and move on...Yea Estill beat Powell at regions but ONLY BY 5 POINTS!!!!! Do you not understand how close that is????

I have been involved in cheerleading for a very long time and I hate to see KAPOS giving in to the almight dollar. What's the point of having regional competitions...just do like all star competitions do and let everyone compete regardless of their ability or whatever. Pay an entry fee and have at it. Yeah, yeah, they can say they sent in videos and all that but it all comes down to wanting more money. It really give cheering a bad name when it's controlled by how much money the schools and parents have to shell out in order for their daughters and sons to compete. Funny....seems in basketball the TOP 16 teams play in the state tournament....guess we can start sending in ball tapes too and have a free for all at RUPP and Western.....I am not throwing off on Powell County or anyone else... any coach in their right mind would want to give their teams this opportunity. I am complaining about KAPOS and their decisions. ( so please don't start saying I am in any way worried about Powell being in Bowling Green...I have no dog in that fight whatsoever and wish everyone well) Just wish the love of money didn't run everything, but sadly it does.

Tisk Tisk...:mad:
Well the ones who make it to state aren't neccesarily the best teams. You might have 5 of the top 10 teams from one region. That means other teams who aren't up to par can make it out of their region and therefore compete agains the more talented teams. So this way it is pretty much the best of the best going against each other. It really has nothing to do with the money. At least, money was not mentioned in the meeting I attended when they explained why this was decided
pompommom Wrote:I have been involved in cheerleading for a very long time and I hate to see KAPOS giving in to the almight dollar. What's the point of having regional competitions...just do like all star competitions do and let everyone compete regardless of their ability or whatever. Pay an entry fee and have at it. Yeah, yeah, they can say they sent in videos and all that but it all comes down to wanting more money. It really give cheering a bad name when it's controlled by how much money the schools and parents have to shell out in order for their daughters and sons to compete. Funny....seems in basketball the TOP 16 teams play in the state tournament....guess we can start sending in ball tapes too and have a free for all at RUPP and Western.....I am not throwing off on Powell County or anyone else... any coach in their right mind would want to give their teams this opportunity. I am complaining about KAPOS and their decisions. ( so please don't start saying I am in any way worried about Powell being in Bowling Green...I have no dog in that fight whatsoever and wish everyone well) Just wish the love of money didn't run everything, but sadly it does.

Tisk Tisk...:mad:

I honestly dont think money has anything to do with it....powell and estill was a very close call....both teams deserved to go to state and thats how it turned out...good luck to both squads
I'm glad Powell got a bid. They looked good at region, and BOTH Powell and Estill will represent their region well.

This is all the more reason why I think the state competition should be run like nationals. Either it should be open, or squads should send in video bids. They could select the top 20 or 25 teams to compete on one day, and have the finals with about 10 squads on the next day. That way, you definitely get the best from throughout the state. How many times have we gone to state and seen a team that couldn't even beat an elementary school but made it to state because they were the only ones in their division at region? Honestly, it is painful to watch sometimes because you just feel bad for them. It's great they got to go to state and see what else is out there, but sometimes those teams are not the caliber that should compete at state. If they did state this way, good teams from very competitive regions could get to go (which they would not have gotten to do unless they won) and probably make the final round. I'm sure there are alot of good squads from the Lexington and Louisville area that don't make it because they always compete against a powerhouse. I know that the 15th region is very competitive and many of their teams could make it if state was structured this way.

There could still be a regional competition, and the scores from there could be factored in to the selection of squads, just how they are doing with the video bids.
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:I'm glad Powell got a bid. They looked good at region, and BOTH Powell and Estill will represent their region well.

This is all the more reason why I think the state competition should be run like nationals. Either it should be open, or squads should send in video bids. They could select the top 20 or 25 teams to compete on one day, and have the finals with about 10 squads on the next day. That way, you definitely get the best from throughout the state. How many times have we gone to state and seen a team that couldn't even beat an elementary school but made it to state because they were the only ones in their division at region? Honestly, it is painful to watch sometimes because you just feel bad for them. It's great they got to go to state and see what else is out there, but sometimes those teams are not the caliber that should compete at state. If they did state this way, good teams from very competitive regions could get to go (which they would not have gotten to do unless they won) and probably make the final round. I'm sure there are alot of good squads from the Lexington and Louisville area that don't make it because they always compete against a powerhouse. I know that the 15th region is very competitive and many of their teams could make it if state was structured this way.

There could still be a regional competition, and the scores from there could be factored in to the selection of squads, just how they are doing with the video bids.

That sounds like a great idea!!!
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:I'm glad Powell got a bid. They looked good at region, and BOTH Powell and Estill will represent their region well.

This is all the more reason why I think the state competition should be run like nationals. Either it should be open, or squads should send in video bids. They could select the top 20 or 25 teams to compete on one day, and have the finals with about 10 squads on the next day. That way, you definitely get the best from throughout the state. How many times have we gone to state and seen a team that couldn't even beat an elementary school but made it to state because they were the only ones in their division at region? Honestly, it is painful to watch sometimes because you just feel bad for them. It's great they got to go to state and see what else is out there, but sometimes those teams are not the caliber that should compete at state. If they did state this way, good teams from very competitive regions could get to go (which they would not have gotten to do unless they won) and probably make the final round. I'm sure there are alot of good squads from the Lexington and Louisville area that don't make it because they always compete against a powerhouse. I know that the 15th region is very competitive and many of their teams could make it if state was structured this way.

There could still be a regional competition, and the scores from there could be factored in to the selection of squads, just how they are doing with the video bids.

Nice Post:thumpsup:

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