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Conservative vs Liberal
Joe Friday Wrote::what:

Cavemaster, I do admire you for your resilence and ability to stand up for your beliefs against overwhelming opposition on this forum. But, WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS POST MEAN?!

It means the clever little story that began this thread is just that.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:haha, I think you are misinterpreting batman. It's not resilience, it's just plain out denial and refusing to admit your either (A) wrong or (B) dont know what your talking about to begin with. Thus, a bunch of mumbo jumbo in the hopes that nobody can figure out what you saying and they'll ultimately forget they even asked a question to begin with.

I think we also all assume that ole cavemaster "aint gonna be raking nobody's leaves either" as long as the U.S. Mail still runs.:biggrin:

Ricky Nelson with apologies: "I went to a right wing flirt party... to debate with some old friends.... Beck and Bill were crazy, Rush was drinkin' gin...
but it's all right now...I've learned my lesson well...Kimball can't understand so he just fools himself."
Mr.Kimball Wrote:haha, I think you are misinterpreting batman. It's not resilience, it's just plain out denial and refusing to admit your either (A) wrong or (B) dont know what your talking about to begin with. Thus, a bunch of mumbo jumbo in the hopes that nobody can figure out what you saying and they'll ultimately forget they even asked a question to begin with.

I think we also all assume that ole cavemaster "aint gonna be raking nobody's leaves either" as long as the U.S. Mail still runs.:biggrin:

Are you saying Cavemaster is a 'Jive Turkey?'
Rush Rocks!

[ame=""]YouTube- Rush Limbaugh Dances To Poker Face[/ame]

Hey libs... Confusederved:
[ame=""]YouTube- Roger Ailes defends Glenn Beck to Arianna Huffington (extended version)[/ame]

Roger Ailes, Conservative, versus Baba Wawa and Arianna Huffington, LIBs, Ailes wins handily!
^ now that was interesting
Roger won in a rout! Great post. :Thumbs:
Roger Ailes said, "You call me names; Beck calls Obama names. So be it."
What an interesting spin on winning and losing. While the Right Wing Flirty Party worries mostly about "winning" and "losing" mindlessly numbing trivial debates, the working poor and the squeezed middle have to worry about going broke from illness or dying from lack of care. Interesting all right. "Roger Ailes says Fox is fair and balanced." Yes, yes, that settles it.
thecavemaster Wrote:Roger Ailes said, "You call me names; Beck calls Obama names. So be it."
What an interesting spin on winning and losing. While the Right Wing Flirty Party worries mostly about "winning" and "losing" mindlessly numbing trivial debates, the working poor and the squeezed middle have to worry about going broke from illness or dying from lack of care. Interesting all right. "Roger Ailes says Fox is fair and balanced." Yes, yes, that settles it.

:zzz: Really, you are one funny dude.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote::zzz: Really, you are one funny dude.

Another "tweet, tweet" from the Right Wing nest?
thecavemaster Wrote:Roger Ailes said, "You call me names; Beck calls Obama names. So be it."
What an interesting spin on winning and losing. While the Right Wing Flirty Party worries mostly about "winning" and "losing" mindlessly numbing trivial debates, the working poor and the squeezed middle have to worry about going broke from illness or dying from lack of care. Interesting all right. "Roger Ailes says Fox is fair and balanced." Yes, yes, that settles it.

Why are you spinning this? If you can not understand why he brought up the names he has been called then you can not be reasoned with. He pointed out the hypocricy being spewed.
Matman Wrote:Why are you spinning this? If you can not understand why he brought up the names he has been called then you can not be reasoned with. He pointed out the hypocricy being spewed.

I'm not spinning. Ailes basically pointed out the names he was called in the Huffington newsletter or something. "You punch me, then don't whine when I punch you back." Of course, Obama's characterization of FOX news as less than fair and balanced hardly meets the mud-sling fest Ailes is referencing.
thecavemaster Wrote:I'm not spinning. Ailes basically pointed out the names he was called in the Huffington newsletter or something. "You punch me, then don't whine when I punch you back." Of course, Obama's characterization of FOX news as less than fair and balanced hardly meets the mud-sling fest Ailes is referencing.

Once again, you are a FUNNY dude, dilusional, but FUNNY!:eyeroll:
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Once again, you are a FUNNY dude, dilusional, but FUNNY!:eyeroll:

Delusional? Care to explain. Or, from where you sit in the nest, do you just scratch out meaningless straw?
thecavemaster Wrote:I'm not spinning. Ailes basically pointed out the names he was called in the Huffington newsletter or something. "You punch me, then don't whine when I punch you back." Of course, Obama's characterization of FOX news as less than fair and balanced hardly meets the mud-sling fest Ailes is referencing.
This is just one more issue on which Obama finds himself at odds with popular opinion.

If Obama was really interested in the American people being well informed, then he would take away MSNBC's press credentials. They are among the least trusted sources of news in US history - but it is where Obama's personal attack dogs work.

Fox is even trusted by more Democrats than any other network. You and Obama might not like that fact but it is nonetheless a fact.

As for Ailes, Huffington was attacking him and he responded with specific examples of personal attacks against him that appeared on the Huffington Post. She fired the first salvo and Ailes unmasked her as a hypocrite as time expired. If you cannot acknowledge that Ailes cleaned Ariana's clock in this little debate, then we may never witness you admitting that a Democrat lost one.

I bet Huffington's nutty readers are none too happy with her poor performance.
As Larry the Cable Guy would say, "That's funny, I don't care who you are."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is just one more issue on which Obama finds himself at odds with popular opinion.

If Obama was really interested in the American people being well informed, then he would take away MSNBC's press credentials. They are among the least trusted sources of news in US history - but it is where Obama's personal attack dogs work.

Fox is even trusted by more Democrats than any other network. You and Obama might not like that fact but it is nonetheless a fact.

As for Ailes, Huffington was attacking him and he responded with specific examples of personal attacks against him that appeared on the Huffington Post. She fired the first salvo and Ailes unmasked her as a hypocrite as time expired. If you cannot acknowledge that Ailes cleaned Ariana's clock in this little debate, then we may never witness you admitting that a Democrat lost one.

I bet Huffington's nutty readers are none too happy with her poor performance.

Basically, Republicans watch FOX news at a 16 to 1 clip. Would you like documentation? Just ask, I'll give it. As for me, I have never read or listened to Huffington, don't watch MSNBC (don't get it on my cable package). Ailes pointed out to Huffington the "good for the goose" lesson. Frankly, I don't care who wins pointless debates between talking heads and network heads. I care that the working poor and squeezed middle don't lose everything because they get sick, don't die from treatable illnesses because they can't afford healthcare. Let Ailes and Huffington sling all the mud they want to entertain the dulled masses. If all healthcare reform is is something to argue about on BGR, who cares anyway? Real people with real illnesses facing real tragedy...that's the issue.
thecavemaster Wrote:Basically, Republicans watch FOX news at a 16 to 1 clip. Would you like documentation? Just ask, I'll give it. As for me, I have never read or listened to Huffington, don't watch MSNBC (don't get it on my cable package). Ailes pointed out to Huffington the "good for the goose" lesson. Frankly, I don't care who wins pointless debates between talking heads and network heads. I care that the working poor and squeezed middle don't lose everything because they get sick, don't die from treatable illnesses because they can't afford healthcare. Let Ailes and Huffington sling all the mud they want to entertain the dulled masses. If all healthcare reform is is something to argue about on BGR, who cares anyway? Real people with real illnesses facing real tragedy...that's the issue.

Healthcare reform IS needed but a public option where the government plans on sticking their noses in IS a huge mistake . . . just ask Canadians and others who have to deal with the mess. The Robin Hood philosophy stinks in my opinion. Rob from those that have to give to those who won't work is not right. Socialism just doesn't work and never will. "TWEET" "TWEET"
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Healthcare reform IS needed but a public option where the government plans on sticking their noses in IS a huge mistake . . . just ask Canadians and others who have to deal with the mess. The Robin Hood philosophy stinks in my opinion. Rob from those that have to give to those who won't work is not right. Socialism just doesn't work and never will. "TWEET" "TWEET"

A whole lot of Canadians think their system of healthcare is just fine, which isn't surprising because, in sum, their "state of health" indicators are higher than ours. In the Old Testament, "god" instituted a little thing every fifty years called "the Jubilee." The Israelites never honored it. Wonder why "god" dreamed it up in the first place? Those who "won't work" pretty much have health insurance. I'm talking about the working poor, the squeezed middle, the ones who my friend who is a pharmacist says, "really are the screwed over ones."
"The Jubilee".... every fiftieth year... a major part of it social justice, where equality meant raising up, as well, those who were in need. Providence is for all, so the goods of the earth are the common property of all. My, my, did "god" have a little Chavez in him or her? Or, (gasp) does Chavez have a little bit of "the god spirit" in him? "Heavens to betsy, is the sky falling?"
thecavemaster Wrote:Basically, Republicans watch FOX news at a 16 to 1 clip. Would you like documentation? Just ask, I'll give it. As for me, I have never read or listened to Huffington, don't watch MSNBC (don't get it on my cable package). Ailes pointed out to Huffington the "good for the goose" lesson. Frankly, I don't care who wins pointless debates between talking heads and network heads. I care that the working poor and squeezed middle don't lose everything because they get sick, don't die from treatable illnesses because they can't afford healthcare. Let Ailes and Huffington sling all the mud they want to entertain the dulled masses. If all healthcare reform is is something to argue about on BGR, who cares anyway? Real people with real illnesses facing real tragedy...that's the issue.

Did Ronald Kessler write a book on that subject too? We have seen how reliable some of your documentaion can be.
Stardust Wrote:If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.

A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.

Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believe r, he doesn’t go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative slips and falls in a store, he gets up, laughs and is embarrassed.

If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, moans like he’s in labor and then sues.

If a conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A liberal will delete it because he’s “offended” (p.s. and call you a racist).


Mr.Kimball Wrote:Did Ronald Kessler write a book on that subject too? We have seen how reliable some of your documentaion can be.

Ah, Kemba, there you are... back from your other clowning to clown around here I see. Well, my friend, Kessler hasn't backed off from his source. And, as any fool could see, I simply cited Kessler. Now, now, I know you won't like this answer, but it is an answer, Kemba, yes, it is.
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Kemba, there you are... back from your other clowning to clown around here I see. Well, my friend, Kessler hasn't backed off from his source. And, as any fool could see, I simply cited Kessler. Now, now, I know you won't like this answer, but it is an answer, Kemba, yes, it is.

Not like it? I find it amusing. You couldn't have answered it any better. And here I was accusing you of not answering a question with an honest answer no matter how foolish you made yourself look.:biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Not like it? I find it amusing. You couldn't have answered it any better. And here I was accusing you of not answering a question with an honest answer no matter how foolish you made yourself look.:biggrin:

The Right Wing Flirty Party thinks an answer is not an answer unless it suits its purposes. Yes, yes, Kemba, dear, I'm terribly distraught about the whole thing. Of course, it is true, I don't have a picture of myself hanging in Kessler's study.
thecavemaster Wrote:Basically, Republicans watch FOX news at a 16 to 1 clip. Would you like documentation? Just ask, I'll give it. As for me, I have never read or listened to Huffington, don't watch MSNBC (don't get it on my cable package). Ailes pointed out to Huffington the "good for the goose" lesson. Frankly, I don't care who wins pointless debates between talking heads and network heads. I care that the working poor and squeezed middle don't lose everything because they get sick, don't die from treatable illnesses because they can't afford healthcare. Let Ailes and Huffington sling all the mud they want to entertain the dulled masses. If all healthcare reform is is something to argue about on BGR, who cares anyway? Real people with real illnesses facing real tragedy...that's the issue.
Yet you have time to get on message boards and argue about it? You realize how much time your spending talking about something you could instead be doing something about? Not that I care if your on here 24/7. It makes no difference to me at all, but I would think that a man so possessed with seeing that the poor, the sick, and the oppressed are taken care of would not have near the time to waste on this type of thing. You would think they would be out there in the trenches trying to make a difference. I see that Health Care is your life's work and mission just as it was Teddy Kennedy's. I see you use the same philosphy and have the exact same work ethic as him as well. Complain about how nobody else is doing their part, while you sit back and watch everybody else work their hind end's off and do the dirty work. I true soldier in the crusade would not be on here.Your a hypocrite batman!!!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Yet you have time to get on message boards and argue about it? You realize how much time your spending talking about something you could instead be doing something about? Not that I care if your on here 24/7. It makes no difference to me at all, but I would think that a man so possessed with seeing that the poor, the sick, and the oppressed are taken care of would not have near the time to waste on this type of thing. You would think they would be out there in the trenches trying to make a difference. I see that Health Care is your life's work and mission just as it was Teddy Kennedy's. I see you use the same philosphy and have the exact same work ethic as him as well. Complain about how nobody else is doing their part, while you sit back and watch everybody else work their hind end's off and do the dirty work. I true soldier in the crusade would not be on here.Your a hypocrit batman!!!!!

Ah, peeved Kemba, you have more posts than I do...and since you write and think more slowly, probably spend more time. And, per usual, assume more than you know. I did not know I was complaining or evaluating who was doing what part. I thought I was suggesting that healthcare reform is about real people having real illnesses suffering real tragedies. Don't you remember how upset you got when someone questioned your love for Johnson County sports? How you pointed out your great works? Well, I'm more into "not lettin' the left hand know what the right hand's doin'," so I'll just let your little tirade slide.
thecavemaster Wrote:The Right Wing Flirty Party thinks an answer is not an answer unless it suits its purposes. Yes, yes, Kemba, dear, I'm terribly distraught about the whole thing. Of course, it is true, I don't have a picture of myself hanging in Kessler's study.

I guess we're all just waiting for an honest unspun answer on anything from the Left Wing "fart" Party.

Guess they dont think much of you either, huh?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I guess we're all just waiting for an honest unspun answer on anything from the Left Wing "fart" Party.

Guess they dont think much of you either, huh?

Relevance? Beyond peeved Kemba swelling up chest, sticking in thumb and saying, "Take that"?
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, peeved Kemba, you have more posts than I do...and since you write and think more slowly, probably spend more time. And, per usual, assume more than you know. I did not know I was complaining or evaluating who was doing what part. I thought I was suggesting that healthcare reform is about real people having real illnesses suffering real tragedies. Don't you remember how upset you got when someone questioned your love for Johnson County sports? How you pointed out your great works? Well, I'm more into "not lettin' the left hand know what the right hand's doin'," so I'll just let your little tirade slide.

No, you just want everybody else to do what you are too honery and lazy to be out there doing yourself. Make a differnce batman, do something yourself. Get off the message boards and change the world!!

Peeved? lol...Hey batman, I'm having a blast.:biggrin:

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