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Top 5 WORST U.S. Presidents
OrangenowBlue Wrote:1. Herbert Hoover - his ineptness and lack of action led to the worst economic times in US history. He would spend billions in overseas aide to other countries but did not believe in spending any in his own country. He also used military troops(led by Douglas Macarthur) in attacking and beating military veterans protesting in front of the US capital wanting their bonuses.

2. Jimmy Carter - may be the most honest but also one of the most incompetent. Way over his head in handling the recession he inherited. His policies failed miserably and he could get along with neither Democrats or Republican congressmen.

3. Warren G. Harding - may be the most corrupt president of all time. Almost all of his cabinet members was corrupt and on the take. Death saved him from future impeachment over the Teapot-Dome scandal.

4. Andrew Johnson - just because he was impeached. I do not know many presidents who could have done a good job with the mess he had in inheriting the Reconstruction period of US history.

5. Richard M. Nixon - history has not been kind to him. He gets credited for getting us out of Vietnam. He actually was an ardent supporter of the war and escalated it to new levels with the bombing of Cambodia but do to public opinion and he wanting to get reelected he decided to pull out. He was a fervent anti-communist as vice president as he cowtailed to the drunk and psychologically imbalanced Joe McCarthy in the anti-communist witchhunts and then later on got in bed with the Chinese and Chairman Mao. History has shown that he may have been one of the most unscrupulous presidents in keeping his presidency and attacking his enemies.

:Thumbs: Awesome post!
Tea bagger.
DevilsWin Wrote:Tea bagger.

Say it loud and proud DW.:USAFlag:
I blame the top SOCOM and CENTCOM brass for letting Bin Laden get away in the months following 9/11...

I don't think we would have found him even if we had not invaded Iraq.

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