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Political Courage Trumps "Armageddon" Crap
thecavemaster Wrote:May I suggest, you snivelling twit, that the President's name is Barack Obama. You've got more Stalin in the venom of your driveling heart than Barack Obama could even imagine. Demonizing those who disagree with you? Nice Stalinist tactic. Distortion of facts to produce fear? Nice Stalinist tactic. Barack Obama is a politician. "Christ" means anointed one in the Judaeo-Christian tradition. Your suggestion that a person who believes in a key role for government in a constitutionally-based democracy must be a socialist is as juvenile as it is asinine.

Correction the president was born Barack Hussein Obama and also officially registered as Barry Soetero as a student in Indonesia.
Old School Wrote:Correction the president was born Barack Hussein Obama and also officially registered as Barry Soetero as a student in Indonesia.

True enough.... and, of course, calling a man what he doesn't go by is often a term of endearment, right Schoolie?
Old School Wrote:Correction the president was born Barack Hussein Obama and also officially registered as Barry Soetero as a student in Indonesia.
Good catch! Barry was also registered as a Muslim as an Indonesian student. Whether he was ever a Muslim or not, the anti-Semitism has bubbled to the surface of his administration's policies. Iran's nuke program is too tough a problem to tackle, so Barry attacks Israel instead.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good catch! Barry was also registered as a Muslim as an Indonesian student. Whether he was ever a Muslim or not, the anti-Semitism has bubbled to the surface of his administration's policies. Iran's nuke program is too tough a problem to tackle, so Barry attacks Israel instead.

And here we go again: to criticize Israel is not to be an anti-Semite. To believe in a strong federal government is not to be a socialist. The either/or mindset, Hootie Blowhard, is tiresome.
thecavemaster Wrote:And here we go again: to criticize Israel is not to be an anti-Semite. To believe in a strong federal government is not to be a socialist. The either/or mindset, Hootie Blowhard, is tiresome.
It is none of Obama's business if Israel wants to build on the land that it won in 1967. He is letting Jeremiah Wright's rants dictate US policy toward a staunch ally.

You can say Obama is not a socialist all you want, but a large and growing number of patriotic Americans believe otherwise. In politics, perception is reality and the perception is that Obama is a left wing ideologue. He has done nothing to refute that perception. The good news for you far left wingers, is that most Democrats no longer view socialism as a bad thing.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is none of Obama's business if Israel wants to build on the land that it won in 1967. He is letting Jeremiah Wright's rants dictate US policy toward a staunch ally.

You can say Obama is not a socialist all you want, but a large and growing number of patriotic Americans believe otherwise. In politics, perception is reality and the perception is that Obama is a left wing ideologue. He has done nothing to refute that perception. The good news for you far left wingers, is that most Democrats no longer view socialism as a bad thing.

Yada. Yada. To be a federalist is not be a socialist, though finer distinctions may be hard for the either/or mindset. I would think the peace process in the Middle East hinges a bit on the settlement issue. Many voices, right and left, have voiced concern over Israel's often provocative actions in these issues, Jeremiah Wright notwithstanding. Barack Obama is not a socialist, though it is Right Wing Flirties desire that he be thought one because winning elections is the highest patriotism you know.
thecavemaster Wrote:True enough.... and, of course, calling a man what he doesn't go by is often a term of endearment, right Schoolie?

WOW!!!........Schoolie, I'm guessing it took you hours to to come up with that one. :biggrin: Really,I just don't know what to say, except I consider it an honor to join the ranks with Mr. Kimball, Hoot, Tideshoss, Joe and others, who get under you skin so badly that you resort to name calling.:Thumbs:

I found it odd that Barry was ashamed to use his middle name (Hussein) during his campaign, but proudly uses it now.
Old School Wrote:WOW!!!........Schoolie, I'm guessing it took you hours to to come up with that one. :biggrin: Really,I just don't know what to say, except I consider it an honor to join the ranks with Mr. Kimball, Hoot, Tideshoss, Joe and others, who get under you skin so badly that you resort to name calling.:Thumbs:

I found it odd that Barry was ashamed to use his middle name (Hussein) during his campaign, but proudly uses it now.

Lighten up, bro. Putting a little variation on a screen name ain't no big deal. Just keep on keepin' on, Schoolie. All the posing you guys do... maybe your models for high fat yogurt.
thecavemaster Wrote:Lighten up, bro. Putting a little variation on a screen name ain't no big deal. Just keep on keepin' on, Schoolie. All the posing you guys do... maybe your models for high fat yogurt.

Lighten up, lol I'm not upset, I find you ramblings rather amusing. :Thumbs:
Old School Wrote:Lighten up, lol I'm not upset, I find you ramblings rather amusing. :Thumbs:

Glad to be of service...
thecavemaster Wrote:Yada. Yada. To be a federalist is not be a socialist, though finer distinctions may be hard for the either/or mindset. I would think the peace process in the Middle East hinges a bit on the settlement issue. Many voices, right and left, have voiced concern over Israel's often provocative actions in these issues, Jeremiah Wright notwithstanding. Barack Obama is not a socialist, though it is Right Wing Flirties desire that he be thought one because winning elections is the highest patriotism you know.
You are right on one point. We have a federal republic and we have had such a system since the Articles of Confederation were signed. When our current Constitution was signed, the federal government gained additional powers but the founders took great pains to restrict the power of the federal government and to preserve the rights of both state governments and their citizens.

However, the Soviet Union also had a federal system. Each time our own federal government increases its power over our lives, we lose power and the states in which we live lose power. Power over one's own life is a zero-sum gain. The federal government cannot grow in size and power without depriving us of our natural rights.

If Al Sharpton can man up and admit that Obama is a socialist, then why can't you? Are you going to continue to be part of the problem, or are you going to step up in defense of your own personal liberty?

Come on over to the right side and I will take up a collection for a bottle of bumper sticker remover. What do you have to lose but your chains of bondage?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are right on one point. We have a federal republic and we have had such a system since the Articles of Confederation were signed. When our current Constitution was signed, the federal government gained additional powers but the founders took great pains to restrict the power of the federal government and to preserve the rights of both state governments and their citizens.

However, the Soviet Union also had a federal system. Each time our own federal government increases its power over our lives, we lose power and the states in which we live lose power. Power over one's own life is a zero-sum gain. The federal government cannot grow in size and power without depriving us of our natural rights.

If Al Sharpton can man up and admit that Obama is a socialist, then why can't you? Are you going to continue to be part of the problem, or are you going to step up in defense of your own personal liberty?

Come on over to the right side and I will take up a collection for a bottle of bumper sticker remover. What do you have to lose but your chains of bondage?

No need for taking up a collection, I will gladly donate a bottle or three for the liberal socialist!!! Oh, I will even throw in a few 'Right Wing Flirty' bumper stickers!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are right on one point. We have a federal republic and we have had such a system since the Articles of Confederation were signed. When our current Constitution was signed, the federal government gained additional powers but the founders took great pains to restrict the power of the federal government and to preserve the rights of both state governments and their citizens.

However, the Soviet Union also had a federal system. Each time our own federal government increases its power over our lives, we lose power and the states in which we live lose power. Power over one's own life is a zero-sum gain. The federal government cannot grow in size and power without depriving us of our natural rights.

If Al Sharpton can man up and admit that Obama is a socialist, then why can't you? Are you going to continue to be part of the problem, or are you going to step up in defense of your own personal liberty?

Come on over to the right side and I will take up a collection for a bottle of bumper sticker remover. What do you have to lose but your chains of bondage?

I'm trying to get past the whole "if Al Sharpton can man up" thing... I am going to continue to be a gadfly in your hack saddle, Hoot. And, Deacon Hoot, just share the plate among the Flirty brethren... I'm just fine. "Chains of bondage...." What is this, some sort of S & M tribute post?
As soon as I seen the word "Armageddon," I was interested!:biggrin:

I'm not sure exactly what this new healthcare bill states, but I know a little about bible prophecies. And according to bible prophecies and what I have been taught (which isn't much:p), armageddon is real.

By the way, sorry if I changed the topic. Sad If I did, please ignore this post. Smile
thecavemaster Wrote:I'm trying to get past the whole "if Al Sharpton can man up" thing... I am going to continue to be a gadfly in your hack saddle, Hoot. And, Deacon Hoot, just share the plate among the Flirty brethren... I'm just fine. "Chains of bondage...." What is this, some sort of S & M tribute post?

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Al Sharpton admits Obama = Socialism[/nomedia]
thecavemaster Wrote:I'm trying to get past the whole "if Al Sharpton can man up" thing... I am going to continue to be a gadfly in your hack saddle, Hoot. And, Deacon Hoot, just share the plate among the Flirty brethren... I'm just fine. "Chains of bondage...." What is this, some sort of S & M tribute post?
Just trying to save you some embarrassment. The sooner you come to grips with the fact that Obama wants to micromanage your life every bit as much as he wants to boss right wingers around, the happier you will be. If you want to become the Michael Dukakis supporter proudly driving (or pushing) his used Yugo around so that he can display his out of print left wing bumper stickers to his shrinking group of liberal friends, then that is fine with me. The offer will remain open until we rid the White House of the resident socialist in 2013.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Just trying to save you some embarrassment. The sooner you come to grips with the fact that Obama wants to micromanage your life every bit as much as he wants to boss right wingers around, the happier you will be. If you want to become the Michael Dukakis supporter proudly driving (or pushing) his used Yugo around so that he can display his out of print left wing bumper stickers to his shrinking group of liberal friends, then that is fine with me. The offer will remain open until we rid the White House of the resident socialist in 2013.

Barack Obama is not a socialist...and all your heel clicking and wishing to the contrary just don't make it so. Perhaps your Right Wing Flirty friends would throw a brick through the Yugo's window?
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama is not a socialist...and all your heel clicking and wishing to the contrary just don't make it so. Perhaps your Right Wing Flirty friends would throw a brick through the Yugo's window?

And then again one of your Left Wing Fart Party buddies could shoot a bullet into Eric Cantors window too. Oooops they already did that, didn't they? But then again, you dont want to mention stuff like that, do you?

And by the way, yes he is a socialist.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:And then again one of your Left Wing Fart Party buddies could shoot a bullet into Eric Cantors window too. Oooops they already did that, didn't they? But then again, you dont want to mention stuff like that, do you?

And by the way, yes he is a socialist.

The whole scenario points to this: Lighten up, Francis. And, yes, yes, Kimball, it is, per usual for you, highly accurate to equate the quantity of incidents across the ideological lines. At any rate, those on the left who would throw bricks and shoot windows: "Lighten up, Francis." And, for the record, Barack Obama is not a socialist, though he does shoot a pretty good jumper.
Just finished reading Marx and Engels, obama is mighty close to these guys.
thecavemaster Wrote:The whole scenario points to this: Lighten up, Francis. And, yes, yes, Kimball, it is, per usual for you, highly accurate to equate the quantity of incidents across the ideological lines. At any rate, those on the left who would throw bricks and shoot windows: "Lighten up, Francis." And, for the record, Barack Obama is not a socialist, though he does shoot a pretty good jumper.
Just felt it my duty to ensure that this conversation retained that "fair and balanced" theme. I know how you cherish those ideals.:biggrin:

But when will he ever start playing some defense?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:And then again one of your Left Wing Fart Party buddies could shoot a bullet into Eric Cantors window too. Oooops they already did that, didn't they? But then again, you dont want to mention stuff like that, do you?

And by the way, yes he is a socialist.

did someone shoot at Eric Cantor?
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama is not a socialist...and all your heel clicking and wishing to the contrary just don't make it so. Perhaps your Right Wing Flirty friends would throw a brick through the Yugo's window?
Are you kidding? Liberals driving Yugos and their modern day equivalents are miserable enough already without giving them something else to be bitter about. I am perfectly happy to let liberals suffer in peace as long as they are willing to leave me alone. :biggrin:

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