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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House?
Maybe more has came out since I watched the news yesterday but he stated that he touched himself under the chin to explain to someone that they were the same height as his wife.

I like to take people on their word, but going to the darkest parts of my mind, I still cannot see how that is sexual harassment. Which tells me, either 1, Cain is a bold-faced liar, or 2, the women were desperately seeking money in any possible way.

I will say this to all of you Cain fans, he needs some campaign money fast because his people are handling his campaign terribly now that he has hit the spotlight. He needs a good PR person to pull him aside before he hits the news shows and give him strategy. I heard him say he did not remember it, then that he remembered one but told no details, then told the story of how one happened...........A good PR person would have had him explain that it was a long time ago, come out and tell the details then OR ask for the accusers to come forward (if they were paid off, they obviously cannot, but it is great stategy. Come forward and give credence to your story and lose your money or sit back quietly and watch the story die) He REALLY needs a good PR person fast. This could go away quickly or it could fester and boil.

I am not saying that I am a Cain fan, I will not be sending a penny to any politician, but if you are a Cain fan, you better line his pockets because he wont last long the way his recent campaign is being handled.
Cain is slowly remembering what happened. Maybe as details come out, his memory will get much better.

Quote:After initially denying any recollection of the incidents surrounding charges of inappropriate interactions with women who worked under him more than a decade ago, White House hopeful Herman Cain is slowly dripping out details of what happened.

On Fox News Monday night, the businessman told host Greta Van Susteren he could not even remember the name of one of the women who worked in the Washington office of the National Restaurant Association, which Cain led for more than two years in the late 1990s.

"But I do remember the formal allegations she made in terms of sexual harassment," Cain said, again denying he did anything inappropriate.
[COLOR="red"]What I find very interesting is that these women claim they were paid five figures, while Cain says they were paid 3 months salary. If all parties are telling the truth, these women made a boat load of money per money. Another thing I find interesting, is that it is two women that made complaints against him.
Quote:Nov. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, first saying he was unaware of any financial settlement of sexual harassment claims against him, later allowed that the restaurant association he ran during the 1990s paid a woman “maybe three months’ salary” after she complained about his behavior toward her.

Along with his description of an encounter that may have made the woman uncomfortable, this was one of several details in an evolving account of his conduct as head of the National Restaurant Association during the 1990s as the presidential candidate faced a series of interviews in Washington.

Cain, saying he was falsely accused of sexual harassment while running the association, first told an audience at the National Press Club in Washington yesterday that he was unaware of any financial settlement of the allegations.

Then he said during an interview on Fox News last night that the association’s lawyer had informed him that a woman who worked for him and accused him of harassment was “demanding a huge financial settlement.” He said the attorney told him the complaint was baseless yet “we ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement.”

Cain told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that the settlement was “maybe three months’ salary or something like that.”

Is he aware of a settlement, or not? With a memory this bad, does he really need to be President? Before the usual suspects chime in, this isn't about Obama, Bush, or Clinton. It's about Cain.
Quote:"If the restaurant association did a settlement, I wasn't even aware of it, and I hope it wasn't for much because nothing happened.”
-- Herman Cain on “Happening Now with Jon Scott and Jenna Lee.”
We ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement."
-- Herman Cain “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

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To be honest, this is all a non-issue to me. The reason I bring it up, is because I know how the "usual suspects" would have ran with this story if it was on a Democrat. I've saw it many times in the past. They would have rode this story like they were on a Wal Mart pony, with a pocket full of quarters.
TheRealVille Wrote:To be honest, this is all a non-issue to me. The reason I bring it up, is because I know how the "usual suspects" would have ran with this story if it was on a Democrat. I've saw it many times in the past. They would have rode this story like they were on a Wal Mart pony, with a pocket full of quarters.
No, that is not being honest. This is a huge issue for you. You feel threatened that a conservative black Republican might become our next president. The big union bosses would lose their clout and the Hermanator would not be transferring my hard earned money into the pockets of union thugs the way that Obama has done.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, that is not being honest. This is a huge issue for you. You feel threatened that a conservative black Republican might become our next president. The big union bosses would lose their clout and the Hermanator would not be transferring my hard earned money into the pockets of union thugs the way that Obama has done.
:thatsfunn There is no chance whatsoever that Cain will be President. I could care less if they said he harassed her, what I care about is that he lied about it.
I knew more would come out. Now it's a year's salary, and the incident happened during a bout of heavy drinking. The Hermanator is digging a very deep hole.

Quote:GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain will be on the hot seat for the third straight day as he deals with the controversy surrounding allegations of sexual harassment when he led the National Restaurant Association.

The New York Times reports one of Cain's accusers received $35,000, a year's salary, in severance pay after an incident with Cain that made her uncomfortable. The story said the incident came "in the context of a work outing during which there had been heavy drinking."

Joel Bennett, the attorney for another Cain accuser, said last night that he plans to ask the National Restaurant Association to release his client from a confidentiality agreement so she can tell her story.

"She's been very upset about this since the story broke...because Mr. Cain has been giving the impression she came out and made false allegations," Bennett said on CNN. "That's certainly not true."
Quote:WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain faces accusations from a third woman, who considered filing a complaint against him over sexually suggestive remarks and gestures.
The allegations are similar to accusations of unwanted behavior that led to separate settlements in the late 1990s with two other women who went on to pursue successful careers after leaving the organization Cain once headed.
The latest allegations come from a woman who said in interviews with The Associated Press that Cain was aggressive and inappropriate with her, even extending a private invitation to his corporate apartment when she worked with him at the National Restaurant Association. The woman said Cain's behavior occurred at the same time two co-workers had settled separate harassment complaints against him while he was leading the association.
Those two women, now the focus of an intensifying scrutiny after their settlements became public, moved on professionally and personally after their time at the restaurant association. One woman thrived in her pursuit of her communications career and the other moved up in positions focusing on political outreach and public policy.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Republican Party said Thursday the furor surrounding Cain won't damage the GOP's chances of defeating President Barack Obama next year.
"I don't know what's true and what's not," Reince Priebus said, telling NBC's "Today" show the key issue is that the public wants change at the top, and saying that sentiment will not fade.
"I'm not going to get in the middle it," he said of the Cain brouhaha. "We're not the Sherlock Holmes of the presidential primary field."
Cain's third accuser was located and approached by the AP as part of its investigation into harassment complaints against Cain that were disclosed in recent days and have thrown his presidential campaign into turmoil. She spoke only on condition of anonymity, saying she feared losing her current job and the possibility of damage to her reputation.
The woman said she did not file a formal complaint against Cain because she began having fewer interactions with him. Later, she learned that a co-worker - one of the two women whose accusations have rocked Cain's campaign - already had done so. She said she would have felt she had to file otherwise.
She said Cain told her that he had confided to colleagues how attractive she was and invited her to his corporate apartment outside work.
Political Correctness run amok. These events happened when the entire work place sexual harassment/cruel jokes policies were just being put into place. The vast majority of businesses back in late 1990's didn't have a policy in place and as they started to put them into place charges were made based on new policies that weren't very well thought out. (if you look at most school districts that why they went away from zero tolerance policies because to many younger kids were being expelled for toy weapons).
This seems to be falling into this catagory
No excuse for all this. He is done, IMO.
nky Wrote:Political Correctness run amok. These events happened when the entire work place sexual harassment/cruel jokes policies were just being put into place. The vast majority of businesses back in late 1990's didn't have a policy in place and as they started to put them into place charges were made based on new policies that weren't very well thought out. (if you look at most school districts that why they went away from zero tolerance policies because to many younger kids were being expelled for toy weapons).
This seems to be falling into this catagory
You think telling someone they look very attractive,making sexual innuendoes, and inviting them back to your private apartment is not harassment, when you are the boss?
They's no way in hell the republican party is going to

put a black man in the white house
vector Wrote:They's no way in hell the republican party is going to

put a black man in the white house
Even though you childishly (that's an opinion) put "to KNOW it all HOOT" on your post...I would like to ask you to clarify you're statement.
no way the republican party is going to put a black man

in the white house it's simple
TheRealVille Wrote:You think telling someone they look very attractive,making sexual innuendos, and inviting them back to your private apartment is not harassment, when you are the boss?
in 1999 attitudes were just changing over. Is it inappropriate yes. Today the 3 martini lunch is also inappropriate but 20 years ago..................
TheRealVille Wrote:To be honest, this is all a non-issue to me. The reason I bring it up, is because I know how the "usual suspects" would have ran with this story if it was on a Democrat. I've saw it many times in the past. They would have rode this story like they were on a Wal Mart pony, with a pocket full of quarters.

Well, it's kinda different when one had the bad judgement to email pictures of his tallywhacker to women across the US. That's a hard cannon ball to dodge.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, it's kinda different when one had the bad judgement to email pictures of his tallywhacker to women across the US. That's a hard cannon ball to dodge.
So sending naked pictures is more wrong than sexually harassing 3 different women?
TheRealVille Wrote:So sending naked pictures is more wrong than sexually harassing 3 different women?

Of course not. I was referring to your statement about the usual suspects running with this story. Whether you wiill admit it or not up to this day, there is plausable deniability here for Cain. On the other hand, Weiner was caught, dare I say it? red handed. Virtually in the act. And, don't forget, main stream media types avoided the story, and only in the face of irrefutable evidence did they finally give a cherished liberal over to his very deserving fate. Conversely, Cain is a 24/7 three ring spectacle on the main stream news these days. Their zeal to talk about Cain's past, how long ago was it, 12 years? is obvious.

Even Fox News gave Weiner the benefit of the doubt until his guilt was proven by the emerging facts. Besides all this you continue to miss the point. The reason I dropped the quarters on the likes of Anthony Weiner is this. It takes men and women of honor to successfully serve and govern with wisdom. Be they democrat or republican, just make them honorable. Not nitwits blinded by some ideology or junk science. Just rational, upstanding, fairminded folk that will uphold the constitution of the United States so help them God. Not haters, that fan the flames of insurrection and anarchy by starting an 'us against the rich' war of words. Not unlike those coming out of the white house no less. That's where the 99% versus the 1% propaganda originated. It's inflamatory hate speak pure and simple and, it needs to stop.

Honestly, I really don't know why people can't figure out that candidates will always be subjected to the highest scrutiny, especially the candidates for President. The facts will come out about Cain as they will about every candidate. The other hopefuls could learn something from Cain's courage and willingness to take a stand for traditional American values. 21 percent of all Americans are liberal the rest are either conservatives or independents, either way, this 79% group espouses traditional values. That is the secret to Cain's undeniable popularity. Maybe conservatives should counter the 'Occupy' lunacy with the slogan, I'm a 79 percenter!
Someone throw Cain a lifejacket, even Republican women are turning against him.

Quote:Three-state poll: Obama could lose to Romney, but GOP prefers Cain

A majority of voters in the three most-important swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania disapprove of the job President Barack Obama is doing and most believe he does not deserve to be reelected.
The voters’ most-favored Republican: Mitt Romney, who is statistically tied in theoretical matchups with Obama. Only in Florida, though, does Romney show a lead against Obama by 45-42 percent split.
"Of these three swing states President Obama carried in 2008, Florida was the biggest surprise and had the closest margin," Pollster Peter A. Brown said in a written statement. "Florida is shaping up to be the closest swing state again in 2012 and it’s a fair bet that a year from now, it will be the toughest of the Big Three for Obama to carry."
Florida has 29 Electoral College votes — more than 10 percent of the total needed to win. Without carrying Florida, Republicans will likely lose the race for the White House because the larger states of New York and California lean so heavily Democratic.
Though Romney does best against Obama, he probably wouldn’t face him if the election were held today and confined to the big three swing states.
The poll shows that Florida Republican voters favor Herman Cain over Romney by a 27-21 percent split. Newt Gingrich is in third with 17 percent. Cain also leads Romney in Ohio, with Gingrich in third. The two are tied in Pennsylvania at 17 percent each, with Gingrich tying for third with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Cain’s lead might be short-lived amid numerous allegations that he sexually harassed women — charges he vehemently denies. The polls, though, show Cain is starting to have a problem with female voters. At last night’s debate, Cain might have done more damage by derisively referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "Princess Nancy," a phrase that led some Republican women to react negatively on Twitter.
"Ay yi yi,” Dana Perino, the former spokeswoman for George W. Bush said on Twitter after the comment. “former Speaker Pelosi called a princess in the debate? Not fair. We may disagree on policy, but she earned the Speaker title."
Brown said the poll shows that voters trust Romney more than Cain as the frontrunner fends off the charges against him.
"While the immediate effect hasn’t been catastrophic, it’s unclear whether the story will have legs that will make a larger dent in the ’Cain Train’ as we get closer to the actual primaries," Brown said. "Nevertheless, there is a negative effect from the controversy on his standing among non-Republicans that gives him overall negative ratings on voter comfort level with him as president and whether he is honest and trustworthy. The gender gap is large as women in each state are more negative on Cain."

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Isn't this the woman that Herman Cain denied ever knowing?

why it just might be

what do you think KNOW IT ALL HOOT:problemgirl:
I'm confused, does God want Cain, Perry or Bachman to run?

Quote:ATLANTA (AP) – Republican Herman Cain said God convinced him to enter the race for president, comparing himself to Moses: "'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

The Georgia business executive played up his faith Saturday after battling sexual harassment allegations for two weeks, trying to shift the conversation to religion, an issue vital to conservative Republicans, especially in the South.
In a speech Saturday to a national meeting of young Republicans, Cain said the Lord persuaded him after much prayer.
"That's when I prayed and prayed and prayed. I'm a man of faith — I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I've ever done before in my life," Cain said. "And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"
Once he made the decision, Cain said, he did not look back.
Quote:ATLANTA -- A new woman has come forward with allegations against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, this time claiming the two had a 13-year extramarital affair, but Cain and his advisers deny the claims, just as they have denied the sexual harassment claims that have set back his campaign.
Cain, in an apparent effort to get ahead of the story, appeared Monday afternoon in a cable news interview to say the woman is "someone who I know, who is an acquaintance, who I thought was a friend," though he denied an affair.
He later issued a statement suggesting the woman's story was another example of "dirty politics and smear tactics" and evidence some people are "affraid of a Cain presidency."
"My plan is to continue to spread my vision on how I would renew America and keep her safe," he said. "I will not fight false claims, as it is not what America needs or wants."
The woman, an Atlanta businesswoman named Ginger White, made the claims in an interview with the Fox affiliate in Atlanta that aired later Monday, details of which were released on the station's website,, after Cain came forward.
"It was pretty simple," White told the station. "It wasn't complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship."
She said they met in the late 1990s when Cain, as president of the National Restaurant Association, was making a presentation in Louisville, Ky. He later would fly her to cities where he was speaking and give her gifts, she told the TV station.
Cain never harassed her or treated her poorly, though their physical relationship ended eight months ago, just before Cain announced his candidacy for president, White said. She provided some text messages and phone bills as documentation of her contact with Cain.
The station also released a statement from Cain's attorney, Lin Wood, who said the allegations of "private, alleged consensual conduct between adults" is not "not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public."
Taking a picture with someone doesn't necessarily mean you know them, especially when you're a person in the spotlight.

But, with that said, none of this is good news for Cain..
vundy33 Wrote:Taking a picture with someone doesn't necessarily mean you know them, especially when you're a person in the spotlight.

But, with that said, none of this is good news for Cain..
This new one isn't the same woman as the woman in the picture. With that said, if I were a person thinking of voting for Cain, this latest one wouldn't bother me. It was consensual, as was Bill and Monica. As long as it's between two adults, and both want it, not harassment, I don't think it's any of my business.
TheRealVille Wrote:This new one isn't the same woman as the woman in the picture. With that said, if I were a person thinking of voting for Cain, this latest one wouldn't bother me. It was consensual, as was Bill and Monica. As long as it's between two adults, and both want it, not harassment, I don't think it's any of my business.

Then why did you bother to post an article where a woman claims she had a consensual affair with Cain? Which you say is none of your business? Because you are full of crap, which we already know.

Nice try ultralib, just come out and say give me free shit. It's ok, we know.

(I tried to quote you. lol, My bad \/\/)
jetpilot Wrote:Then why did you bother to post an article where a woman claims she had a consensual affair with Cain? Which you say is none of your business? Because you are full of crap, which we already know.

Nice try ultralib, just come out and say give me free shit. It's ok, we know.

(I tried to quote you. lol, My bad \/\/)

I have to say, I lol'd. :trolldad:
TheRealVille Wrote:This new one isn't the same woman as the woman in the picture. With that said, if I were a person thinking of voting for Cain, this latest one wouldn't bother me. It was consensual, as was Bill and Monica. As long as it's between two adults, and both want it, not harassment, I don't think it's any of my business.

I was referencing the old picture period. Didn't know there was a new one until now...

If he can help our country..I'll take him. Or on the cabinet. lol.

That's another thing. I don't like how Obama lacks that leadership quality...but I like how the guy is realistic, by answering a question about why he shook hands with Hugo Chavez. We are in a shitty time though...we need a leader.
jetpilot Wrote:Then why did you bother to post an article where a woman claims she had a consensual affair with Cain? Which you say is none of your business? Because you are full of crap, which we already know.

Nice try ultralib, just come out and say give me free shit. It's ok, we know.

(I tried to quote you. lol, My bad \/\/)
I posted it to see what the conservatives think about it. It is a Herman Cain thread.

I don't get free shit. Yet again, you prove you don't know how to interact with people on an adult level.:eyeroll:
TheRealVille Wrote:I posted it to see what the conservatives think about it. It is a Herman Cain thread.

I don't get free shit. Yet again, you prove you don't know how to interact with people on an adult level.:eyeroll:
As a conservative...I don't know what to think of all the allegations. It's really hard to trust what comes from all the media digging, including Fox TRV. I'm not condemning him but I do think the Hermanator is fazing out of the race. He's done.

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