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Obama apologizes again
TheRealThing Wrote:Speaking of the fallen US soldiers, murdered for burning copies of the Quran. It seems that prisoners there at the base, terrorist, insurgent detainees. Had in times past, written terrorist admonitions to those who might get a chance to read from the pages of the same copy of the Quran while incarcerated there. A kind of underground system of encouragement. According to the Quran, no man may write anything in the Quan, as it is considered a form of blasphemy. By law, recorded with the original writtings of said Quran, any copy found written in, must by law, neccessarily be burned, because it has become defiled.

American soldiers murdered for following the dictates of the Quran. It seems likely to me that these copies of the Quran were provided by the US military forces there at the base. In other words, we tax payers buy insurgents copies of their own holy book and then our troops are murdered for adhering to it's teachings. THEN, of course, our president apologizes in the most sincere of terms to Karzai et-al.

One of the two murdered soldiers was 22 years old. He left behind a wife and 7 month old son. No wonder Mr Obama felt compelled to offer his/our profound apology in this matter. And, Truth is right, all an apology does is enourage these guys, and it is viewed as weakness. The only thing they understand is power. If they knew they'd be bombed into oblivion they would pull in their horns. The most naive president ever, and most novice, sits the first seat in the White House these days. Very much like Carter, Obama lectures people around the world in his liberal beliefs on everything from the green agenda to human rights. Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama, all liberals of a feather, and all thinking they can speak softly and not carry a stick. It's the hippy movement of the 60's all over again, "Peace and Love"

Two strong candidates have emerged from the pack for the Republican nomination in Santorum and Romney. Even if Gingrich winds up the nominee, all support a strong military. I hope you're right WideRight, and a lot of people have woke up. Any one of the three I have mentioned would be more than a dramatic improvement.
You are one of the very ones that say, "go fight". I told you it wasn't so easy to sit on this side shouting for the kids to go over there. You are an advocate of," go fight".
TheRealVille Wrote:Ok, so you've got me by 4 years.

Well, uh...maybe....maybe not.:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Because you, Bob, and Hoot know you don't have me by very much. I was 18 in 1983.

Bob Seger Wrote:I was 26.

I was -21 in 1979...:closeenough::happytear: :trolldad:
vundy33 Wrote:What does age have to do with the debate at hand guys? Come on, stay on topic.
They keep saying that most of us were just "teenagers" when Carter was in office. Just telling them to tell where the rubber meets the road.
Bob Seger Wrote:Well, uh...maybe....maybe not.:biggrin:
You're not Hoot, but I'll give you 8 years. :Thumbs:
vundy33 Wrote:I was -21 in 1979...:closeenough::happytear: :trolldad:

Think about what you just said Vundy. You might want to recalculate that. That would put you at about 12 years old right now?
TheRealVille Wrote:You're not Hoot, but I'll give you 8 years. :Thumbs:

Hoot could have been in his 4th year of graduate school for all we know. I've got a feeling he's got a couple of gray hairs by now. That's just a guess on my part anyways.:biggrin:
Bob Seger Wrote:Hoot could have been in his 4th year of graduate school for all we know. I've got a feeling he's got a couple of gray hairs by now.:biggrin:
No, we all know how Hoot operates. :lmao: What I've got left is gray, lol.
Bob Seger Wrote:Hoot could have been in his 4th year of graduate school for all we know. I've got a feeling he's got a couple of gray hairs by now. That's just a guess on my part anyways.:biggrin:

How dare you! We all know that Hoot has a gorgeous, full head of red hair that goes halfway down his back and looks especially good flowing in the wind with a pair of aviators on!

Bob Seger Wrote:Think about what you just said Vundy. You might want to recalculate that. That would put you at about 12 years old right now?

Oops. hehe. I confused 1979 with 1969...I was never good at math. I blame my 8th grade algebra teacher, she sucked!

-12! Hahaha
vundy33 Wrote:How dare you! We all know that Hoot has a gorgeous, full head of red hair that goes halfway down his back and looks especially good flowing in the wind with a pair of aviators on!

Then I could only dream of what Hoots got then. I would be elated with just
Bob Seger Wrote:Well, uh...maybe....maybe not.:biggrin:
Just guessing on my part, but I'd say I sit in meetings with you at least once a month, maybe two times. :Thumbs:
vundy33 Wrote:How dare you! We all know that Hoot has a gorgeous, full head of red hair that goes halfway down his back and looks especially good flowing in the wind with a pair of aviators on!

No, I'm the Harley dude, not Hoot. :rockon:
TheRealVille Wrote:Just guessing on my part, but I'd say I sit in meetings with you at least once a month, maybe two times. :Thumbs:

I'm backwards and not very sociable.:biggrin:
lol. Ok, we gotta get back to our topic, haha.
See how much fun we can have when people don't get their panties bunched up?
vundy33 Wrote:I lol'd hard when you posted above about the rabbid rabbit and Pres Carter, hahahaha. Just wanted to add that.

Now, first of all, some of you need to read a bit more on this Quran burning problem we're having right now...

For one, our soldiers aren't getting "murdered", it's KIA. It's as simple as that. We all know what can happen when shit hits the fan. We don't say we "murdered" 5 derp derps today, we say we got 5 EKIA. This is war, it's not the street. The different news companies like to use "murder" to kind of make it sink in a little more..but it has the opposite effect. It gives people the idea that this doesn't happen as often as it is now...the only reason you guys or anyone else really knows about these boys who were killed is because of how they were killed. If it was in a battle, it wouldn't have even been brought up.

Secondly, we do not follow the laws of the Quran or Islam when dealing with detainee's religious crap. These detainees write crap in their Qurans every single time they have the chance too...anybody that has dealt with them know how stupid they are for wanting to kill us in the name of their God, and then doing the exact things that God says are no-nos over and over and over. We have strict guidelines set up to avoid this exact type of scenario. These Qurans weren't supposed to be in this burn pit obviously...the normal way we get rid of them is to recycle them, which I'm sure would make Afghan Muslims cry a bit too. But yeah, this was the mistake of two young soldiers and some Afghan workers...that's about it.

Finally...aplogizing to the Afghan people is not the President's job!! Gah, I'm really getting sick of this of Pres Obama and other top brass in the Admin sticking their nose into our shit whenever they feel they need too, and all they do is give us more enemies. As high as this should've went on that chain is our joke of a commander GEN John Allen, and that is IT. And he should have said the same thing we always do, not apologize 8 damn times in one paragraph! We always say something to the effect of "It's unfortunate, and this action does not represent the feelings of our armed forces"...that's exactly how it goes. Not an apology! It's ridiculous! This just shows how far our leadership, or lack thereof, is from OUR war. It's not their war, it doesn't bother them a damn bit.

Thanks, it was totally hilarious. The only person in the US that didn't take a shot at him for that one was his Mom LOL
TheRealVille Wrote:Because you, Bob, and Hoot know you don't have me by very much. I was 18 in 1983.

If I didn't hate getting old so much I would enjoy proving you wrong again. I was actually 35 in 1983.
TheRealThing Wrote:If I didn't hate getting old so much I would enjoy proving you wrong again. I was actually 35 in 1983.
Yep, you are an old fart. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:You are one of the very ones that say, "go fight". I told you it wasn't so easy to sit on this side shouting for the kids to go over there. You are an advocate of," go fight".

I fought. I hated it sometimes, but I did it. I'm smart enough to know America wouldn't last long enough for you to start spending your retirement if not for a strong deterent. I knew guys that didn't come back. I knew guys that I had to leave over there. Freedom comes at a cost, and it's never free. I firmly believe we mess around too much when it comes to military actions. I think we should go in, knock the crap out of them, and get back out again.

I've mentioned on here before, we have to go fight with our hands tied behind us over there. The rediculous rules of engagement established by politicians keeps every one of our guys in harms way. All US troops are expected to be good will ambassadors until they have at least one bullet hole to show for their trouble.

I would rather that our soldiers never had to deploy. But the simple truth is they DO have to. It's a cold hard world out there, filled with bad guys that would kill us if we were weak and reluctant to go after them. You speak from a totally uninformed position when you say I want to send "kids over there". Simply put, you're wrong and I resent the fact of your making the charge. I wouldn't take anything for my service days, I really got my eyes all the way open as a result. Tell you what RV, you stop sending all these liberal morons to Washington and maybe the rules of engagement will start to look more like something written by a General in the US Army, and less like something John Lennon wrote. I realize there isn't much difference between what happened in this matter and the Fort Hood massacre. Both times the 'friend' turned into a foe, and there is no way to be ready for that. That's why I call it murder, those guys weren't any more prepared to face an enemy at that point than were the 29 wounded and 13 dead at Fort Hood. BTW Major Nidal Malik Hasan, has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder under provisions of the UCMJ.

At least you did help make my point for me though. The lives of our troops are precious, far beyond some symbolism related to how one treats a book, for which, there are any number of replacements. Therefore, I believe Karzai should be apologizing to us. Much less have to watch Obama groveling at the feet of a puppet dictator we helped put into power, sickening.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yep, you are an old fart. :biggrin:

guilty as charged, would you believe I look good for my age?
TheRealThing Wrote:guilty as charged, would you believe I look good for my age?
Maybe, but not if you are the "carpenter superintendent" I worked for.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe, but not if you are the "carpenter superintendent" I worked for. Your first name wouldn't be Bill would it?

You tryin to say a slick head ain't pretty?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What does this have to do with Obama's apology? It sounds like an attempt to smear somebody's reputation or divulge enough information to allow others to guess somebody's identity. Why don't you get back on topic and get off the tangents?
Was I addressing you? If not, don't worry about it.
TheRealThing Wrote:I realize there isn't much difference between what happened in this matter and the Fort Hood massacre. Both times the 'friend' turned into a foe, and there is no way to be ready for that. That's why I call it murder, those guys weren't any more prepared to face an enemy at that point than were the 29 wounded and 13 dead at Fort Hood. BTW Major Nidal Malik Hasan, has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder under provisions of the UCMJ.

At least you did help make my point for me though. The lives of our troops are precious, far beyond some symbolism related to how one treats a book, for which, there are any number of replacements. Therefore, I believe Karzai should be apologizing to us. Much less have to watch Obama groveling at the feet of a puppet dictator we helped put into power, sickening.

I know what you're saying...but I just don't like seeing it used like that when talking about a war zone. Especially since we still have people who think they are "informed", when they don't even know we're still fighting everyday in Afghan.

Do you guys realize, specifically Truth, that winter is cold as hell in Afghan with feet of snow in the mountains where I'll be going, on the border with Pakistan? Do ya also realize that that is where the toughest fighting takes place, where this past summer we lost 50+ men a month? It will go to the same KIA amount this summer too. I don't call that already withdrawn...
TheRealThing Wrote:You tryin to say a slick head ain't pretty?
HEHE no, I pretty much have one.:biggrin:
vundy33 Wrote:I know what you're saying...but I just don't like seeing it used like that when talking about a war zone. Especially since we still have people who think they are "informed", when they don't even know we're still fighting everyday in Afghan.

Do you guys realize, specifically Truth, that winter is cold as hell in Afghan with feet of snow in the mountains where I'll be going, on the border with Pakistan? Do ya also realize that that is where the toughest fighting takes place, where this past summer we lost 50+ men a month? It will go to the same KIA amount this summer too. I don't call that already withdrawn...
Like I said, be damn careful, we want you back here.
I didn't mean to mention that to sound tough or anything like that dudes, so don't think I'm like that, lol. I just meant that the war is still hot, very much so, and pretty soon you will start to see alot more casualties. Maybe CNN, MSNBC and Fox News might start to actually cover the war again? Never know, lol. But yeah, that comment by Truth just kind of ticked me off because of how many people I've seen say the same just amazing to me how many Americans have no clue. I'm infantry, our mission will be to find Talib's and end them and to teach the Afghan Army, who is half Taliban as it is, how to do it. We wouldn't be going with another 2 infantry battalions if the war was over.

But yeah, don't think I'm like that, lol. I'm definitely more worried about bringing my boys home, and looking over our shoulders so the Afghan Army doesn't get pissy and decide they want to shoot us in the back. That crap is happening more and more often, especially in the east on the Paki border..shit kills me everytime I hear it. And thanks again, I appreciate it.
vundy33 Wrote:I didn't mean to mention that to sound tough or anything like that dudes, so don't think I'm like that, lol. I just meant that the war is still hot, very much so, and pretty soon you will start to see alot more casualties. Maybe CNN, MSNBC and Fox News might start to actually cover the war again? Never know, lol. But yeah, that comment by Truth just kind of ticked me off because of how many people I've seen say the same just amazing to me how many Americans have no clue. I'm infantry, our mission will be to find Talib's and end them and to teach the Afghan Army, who is half Taliban as it is, how to do it. We wouldn't be going with another 2 infantry battalions if the war was over.

But yeah, don't think I'm like that, lol. I'm definitely more worried about bringing my boys home, and looking over our shoulders so the Afghan Army doesn't get pissy and decide they want to shoot us in the back. That crap is happening more and more often, especially in the east on the Paki border..shit kills me everytime I hear it. And thanks again, I appreciate it.
Remember the old " barroom" thing, keep your back to the wall.
Also, for those of you that think the war is winding down...

All this Quran burning crap did was signal the Taliban, Haqqani and Al-Qaeda to leave their families in Afghan and elsewhere and head to Afghan, if they're not already there. This last link, look at the winter months compared to the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October. I think once you see those you'll kind of be pissed at how we get overlooked somehow.

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