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Romney to lay out 'comprehensive energy plan'
TheRealVille Wrote:Is he doing what is best for America, by hiding money overseas? Is that the type of person we want running America. If he loves our country so good, why is he hiding money, and cheating America?

Why has Obama continually run up the deficit? Why did Obama cheat America by telling the Russian premier that he would leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal with a second term?

Dude, is that all you can come up with? Again, you completely avoided my point in the post!
WideRight05 Wrote:Why has Obama continually run up the deficit? Why did Obama cheat America by telling the Russian premier that he would leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal with a second term?

Dude, is that all you can come up with? Again, you completely avoided my point in the post!
Republican lying talking points. Would wars on two fronts, and a hole that was almost impossible to dig out of have any affect on the deficit? You are typical of your two twins.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, would you give a democrat hiding money, and skipping out on taxes a free pass? It doesn't matter if it's legal or not, it about what's right for America, and paying his fair share is what's right. Is it about what's legal, or what's the right thing to do?
Anyone with that kind of money does the same thing. I could careless democrat or republican or even Whig, I don't envy someone else's earnings. This whole class warfare thing is absurd. It's divisive, its tearing this country apart.
TheRealVille Wrote:Republican lying talking points. Would wars on two fronts, and a hole that was almost impossible to dig out of have any affect on the deficit? You are typical of your two twins.
So it's President Bush's fault? At what point does it become President Obama's responsibility? I always thought 6 months into a presidency you own it. You own the economy, you own the policies, you own everything. Historically you don't blame the previous administration but I guess President Obama is of a different generation- The it's not my fault generation
TheRealVille Wrote:Republican lying talking points. Would wars on two fronts, and a hole that was almost impossible to dig out of have any affect on the deficit? You are typical of your two twins.

So you're saying that America was in a financial "hole that was almost impossible to dig out of" when we owed 10 trillion in 2008. And, you and Ogoober think spending an additional 6 trillion his first term, and his projection to spend another 6.4 trillion his second term gets us out of a hole? Talk about your lying talking points. Confusednicker:

What is worse in your mind, doing some offshore banking AFTER the IRS has had it's best run and go at Romney's finances and all of his dealing with money in any way or, Obama cutting a side deal with the Russian president, the details of which promise to be so appalling they must be witheld from the American public until after his reelection bid? :please: A man willing to work free for 4 years as the governor of Massachusetts is not the kind of man that tries to hide money, as you keep putting it. What ever money he has offshore, is money that the IRS knew all about prior to him moving it. Haven't you heard about the trillions of dollars industry is maintaining OFFSHORE until they see what your boy has in store for them on the unhappy event in which he would be reelected? You want to talk about doing what's right? I liked the way that WideRight put it when he said Barry offered to leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal. I know you'll dodge the question completely because you or nobody else can offer any credible defense for such a shenanigan.
TheRealThing Wrote:So you're saying that America was in a financial "hole that was almost impossible to dig out of" when we owed 10 trillion in 2008. And, you and Ogoober think spending an additional 6 trillion his first term, and his projection to spend another 6.4 trillion his second term gets us out of a hole? Talk about your lying talking points. Confusednicker:

What is worse in your mind, doing some offshore banking AFTER the IRS has had it's best run and go at Romney's finances and all of his dealing with money in any way or, Obama cutting a side deal with the Russian president, the details of which promise to be so appalling they must be witheld from the American public until after his reelection bid? :please: A man willing to work free for 4 years as the governor of Massachusetts is not the kind of man that tries to hide money, as you keep putting it. What ever money he has offshore, is money that the IRS knew all about prior to him moving it. Haven't you heard about the trillions of dollars industry is maintaining OFFSHORE until they see what your boy has in store for them on the unhappy event in which he would be reelected? You want to talk about doing what's right? I liked the way that WideRight put it when he said Barry offered to leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal. I know you'll dodge the question completely because you or nobody else can offer any credible defense for such a shenanigan.
You didn't address one of my posts. After hearing you say you would not vote for someone that supports abortion, how are you going to handle Mitt's views on abortion? Or was that just that you wouldn't support a democrat that supports abortion? :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:You didn't address one of my posts. After hearing you say you would not vote for someone that supports abortion, how are you going to handle Mitt's views on abortion? Or was that just that you wouldn't support a democrat that supports abortion? :biggrin:
Great point, RV! Who will anti-abortion voters choose? A man who once supported abortion but now opposes it except in the case of rape or incest on the one hand. And on the other hand, a pro-choice candidate who has never met an abortion that he didn't like and is even on tape referring to a live born baby as a "non-viable fetus." Yeah, Romney is going to have all kinds of trouble winning over that pro-life group of voters.

The captain of the Titanic knew that he could not save everybody's life, but yet he still ordered his crew to deploy the life rafts. That is the kind of choice pro-lifers have in this election.
TheRealThing Wrote:So you're saying that America was in a financial "hole that was almost impossible to dig out of" when we owed 10 trillion in 2008. And, you and Ogoober think spending an additional 6 trillion his first term, and his projection to spend another 6.4 trillion his second term gets us out of a hole? Talk about your lying talking points. Confusednicker:

What is worse in your mind, doing some offshore banking AFTER the IRS has had it's best run and go at Romney's finances and all of his dealing with money in any way or, Obama cutting a side deal with the Russian president, the details of which promise to be so appalling they must be witheld from the American public until after his reelection bid? :please: A man willing to work free for 4 years as the governor of Massachusetts is not the kind of man that tries to hide money, as you keep putting it. What ever money he has offshore, is money that the IRS knew all about prior to him moving it. Haven't you heard about the trillions of dollars industry is maintaining OFFSHORE until they see what your boy has in store for them on the unhappy event in which he would be reelected? You want to talk about doing what's right? I liked the way that WideRight put it when he said Barry offered to leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal. I know you'll dodge the question completely because you or nobody else can offer any credible defense for such a shenanigan.

TheRealVille Wrote:You didn't address one of my posts. After hearing you say you would not vote for someone that supports abortion, how are you going to handle Mitt's views on abortion? Or was that just that you wouldn't support a democrat that supports abortion? :biggrin:

:thatsfunn Thanks for demonstrating my point in spades. You can't speak to the matter so you change the subject. Like I said before, that doesn't work with me. This is always the case. You don't care about truth, rather it is a matter of making the republican look worse than your candidate. Folks have a tendency to over simplify this problem by saying dems use the 'smear tactic' , thusly abbreviating the democrat's malicous campaign tactics gives them a bit of a pass on their unacceptable behavior. This spin, gives the penchant for unjust character assassination of those across the aisle a sort of undue dignity for the reprehensible method by which democrats lie their way into office at the expense of their political foe.

As far as your feeble attempt to entrap me for supporting a man (Romney) whose abortion position has been debated ad-nauseum, I look at it this way. There is an old saying applicable here and goes as follows; "Many a bird has straightened up and flown right." Experience teaches a wise man what the truth is, on a wide range of subjects. I'll take a guy who has seen the truth and adjusted his views accordingly, any day of the week, over the talking point spouting, baby slaughtering man now in the white house that liberals admire so much.
nky Wrote:Anyone with that kind of money does the same thing. I could careless democrat or republican or even Whig, I don't envy someone else's earnings. This whole class warfare thing is absurd. It's divisive, its tearing this country apart.

but this guy could be the most powerful man in the world
TheRealThing Wrote:So you're saying that America was in a financial "hole that was almost impossible to dig out of" when we owed 10 trillion in 2008. And, you and Ogoober think spending an additional 6 trillion his first term, and his projection to spend another 6.4 trillion his second term gets us out of a hole? Talk about your lying talking points. Confusednicker:

What is worse in your mind, doing some offshore banking AFTER the IRS has had it's best run and go at Romney's finances and all of his dealing with money in any way or, Obama cutting a side deal with the Russian president, the details of which promise to be so appalling they must be witheld from the American public until after his reelection bid? :please: A man willing to work free for 4 years as the governor of Massachusetts is not the kind of man that tries to hide money, as you keep putting it. What ever money he has offshore, is money that the IRS knew all about prior to him moving it. Haven't you heard about the trillions of dollars industry is maintaining OFFSHORE until they see what your boy has in store for them on the unhappy event in which he would be reelected? You want to talk about doing what's right? I liked the way that WideRight put it when he said Barry offered to leave the door unlocked to our nuclear arsenal. I know you'll dodge the question completely because you or nobody else can offer any credible defense for such a shenanigan.

there you go again blaming all the spending in 2009 on obama you know
that's not true
vector Wrote:there you go again blaming all the spending in 2009 on obama you know
that's not true

Maybe not, but he sure hit the ground running, and the ARRA is by no means all the money BHO is the daddy of for 2009 and onward.

The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. (Obama spent a trillion dollars before his first 30 days as president was up.) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, was an economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

To respond to the late-2000s recession, the primary objective for ARRA was to save and create jobs almost immediately. Secondary objectives were to provide temporary relief programs for those most impacted by the recession and invest in infrastructure, education, health, and ‘green’ energy. The approximate cost of the economic stimulus package was estimated to be $787 billion at the time of passage, later revised to $831 billion . The Act included direct spending in infrastructure, education, health, and energy, federal tax incentives, and expansion of unemployment benefits and other social welfare provisions. The Act also included many items not directly related to economic recovery such as long-term spending projects (e.g., a study of the effectiveness of medical treatments) and other items specifically included by Congress (e.g., a limitation on executive compensation in federally aided banks added by Senator Dodd and Rep. Frank).

The rationale for ARRA was from the Keynesian macroeconomic theory which argues that, during recessions, the government should offset the decrease in private spending with an increase in public spending in order to save jobs and stop further economic deterioration. Shortly after the law was passed, however, Keynesian economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman while supportive of the law, criticized the law for being too weak because it did not "even cover one third of the (spending) gap."

He owns the deficit alright. From the formation of our country until Obama's inauguration day in 2009, America had generated 10 trillion dollars in debt. If he gets reelected we'll see his ideas will generate a mind numbng 12-13 trillion in additional debt which eclipses the cumulative debt for our nation from inception to the starting day of his first term by 3 trillion dollars. And let's not forget. George W's debt numbers reflect the unfortunate ramifications of 9/11. The price tag for which, cost our country at least 3 trillion dollars in total losses.
vector Wrote:but this guy could be the most powerful man in the world
maybe American Exceptionalism will return
vector Wrote:but this guy could be the most powerful man in the world
So you have a wealth test when deciding who to vote for? Guess you didn't vote for Kerry in 2004
TheRealVille Wrote:Republican lying talking points. Would wars on two fronts, and a hole that was almost impossible to dig out of have any affect on the deficit? You are typical of your two twins.

My two twins? You talking about TRT and Hoot? You damn right I believe the same way!

Again - Obama has made this hole much, much deeper than Bush ever could have. How can you explain all this spending TRV? Does Bush still have a vote in office now? No. It's getting old man.

BTW, you STILL didn't answer my point! Barack, is that you? Did you happen to make a BGR username? It wouldn't surprise me if you did with all the time you spend away from your job.
vector Wrote:there you go again blaming all the spending in 2009 on obama you know
that's not true


Prove it!
This entire argument of Romney's money is ridiculous. How does it have any relation to the welfare of our country? It doesn't! All it is is a tactic from the President's side trying to deflect attention and criticism of his record, that's all it is. It's the same type of ridiculous BS that the whole President Obama birth certificate argument was...
vundy33 Wrote:This entire argument of Romney's money is ridiculous. How does it have any relation to the welfare of our country? It doesn't! All it is is a tactic from the President's side trying to deflect attention and criticism of his record, that's all it is. It's the same type of ridiculous BS that the whole President Obama birth certificate argument was...

RealVille thinks Romney should have to pay an enormous tax on his money so Obama can give it to folks that don't work. That's the people's money!
^Romney didn't build his wealth. He and his Bain buddies stole before he drove his dog on the roof of his car but after he killed that old lady
vector Wrote:there you go again blaming all the spending in 2009 on obama you know
that's not true

"Aput your hands on your head, Simple Simon says, abring em down by your si-i-ide..........":eyeroll:
TheRealThing Wrote::thatsfunn Thanks for demonstrating my point in spades. You can't speak to the matter so you change the subject. Like I said before, that doesn't work with me. This is always the case. You don't care about truth, rather it is a matter of making the republican look worse than your candidate. Folks have a tendency to over simplify this problem by saying dems use the 'smear tactic' , thusly abbreviating the democrat's malicous campaign tactics gives them a bit of a pass on their unacceptable behavior. This spin, gives the penchant for unjust character assassination of those across the aisle a sort of undue dignity for the reprehensible method by which democrats lie their way into office at the expense of their political foe.

As far as your feeble attempt to entrap me for supporting a man (Romney) whose abortion position has been debated ad-nauseum, I look at it this way. There is an old saying applicable here and goes as follows; "Many a bird has straightened up and flown right." Experience teaches a wise man what the truth is, on a wide range of subjects. I'll take a guy who has seen the truth and adjusted his views accordingly, any day of the week, over the talking point spouting, baby slaughtering man now in the white house that liberals admire so much.
Has he changed his views in the last two days? That was when he supported abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother. Two days ago. How do you feel about his views, as he has expressed them as recent as in the last few days?
nky Wrote:So you have a wealth test when deciding who to vote for? Guess you didn't vote for Kerry in 2004

i believe john kerry released 20 years of tax returns

like to see romney release last 10 years
vector Wrote:i believe john kerry released 20 years of tax returns

like to see romney release last 10 years
what does it matter? why on earth does any of that matters? If there was anything there the IRS would have charged him with something
WideRight05 Wrote:Really?

Prove it!

the budget for 2009 runned from oct 2008 to oct 2009 i do believe bush2
was president you know the year we bailed the banks and aig out you do
rember that?
TheRealVille Wrote:Has he changed his views in the last two days? That was when he supported abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother. Two days ago. How do you feel about his views, as he has expressed them as recent as in the last few days?
many in the Republican party feels the same way. So you view an abortion should be given at anytime?
vector Wrote:the budget for 2009 runned from oct 2008 to oct 2009 i do believe bush2
was president you know the year we bailed the banks and aig out you do
rember that?

Oh, I see we're going back with the stupid act

Very clever.
vector Wrote:i believe john kerry released 20 years of tax returns

like to see romney release last 10 years
and Bush released his college transcripts So what. It's silly nonsense versus the real issues facing the direction American is going
vector Wrote:the budget for 2009 runned from oct 2008 to oct 2009 i do believe bush2
was president you know the year we bailed the banks and aig out you do
rember that?
so are you saying a President can't push for spending outside of the budget?
nky Wrote:so are you saying a President can't push for spending outside of the budget?

no but all the spending in 2009 was not his and if i can rember i think
we lost maybe 2.5 millon jobs in 2009 thats a lot of lost tax money
vector Wrote:the budget for 2009 runned from oct 2008 to oct 2009 i do believe bush2
was president you know the year we bailed the banks and aig out you do
rember that?

Yeah, the last time we had a budget. Obama is yet to produce a budget...figures. By the way, you forgot to cover October 2009 - 2012. Even with that small stretch eliminated, obama has outspent Bush by a wide margin. Explain what Bush did from October 2009 through're excuses are running out.
vector Wrote:no but all the spending in 2009 was not his and if i can reamer i think
we lost maybe 2.5 Mellon jobs in 2009 that's a lot of lost tax money
So he wasn't responsible for job lose in any of 2009? Do businesses hire based on future projects or job growth? or do they just sit back and wait for the orders to come in?

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