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Top Juniors for 05-06 season
And just so you know I know Nick Fairchild and if I were him Id be upset with the administration and the coaches for cutting him for 3 years and a row and this kid is a decent ball player ive seen him play
I'm sure he did TBRID and your JJCHGSGDFF on there. I have proof. He gave me a 8) .
But, you do have a point rip10. He did get cut both years and I would be mad and jealous too if that happened to me back in the day. Never really seen him play, but thats a great point.
"rip10" Wrote:And just so you know I know Nick Fairchild and if I were him Id be upset with the administration and the coaches for cutting him for 3 years and a row and this kid is a decent ball player ive seen him play

Thats not the point..why would that kid make an account with the name "king james" last season posting how "jealous" all of centrals ball players were of Jamie McCarty and how the administration should do something about it.. Thats not a good point at all.
Do you ever think this kid doesn't like Jamie?...Maybe hes the real jealous one because getting cut from a team that you think you can beat the best player from that team would make me very jealous...Get what I'm saying?
You got a point, just like how someone could make up a name Coach (any name) on here so people would try to believe it and give their words a lot more credibility.
"JKWON33" Wrote:You got a point, just like how someone could make up a name Coach (any name) on here so people would try to believe it and give their words a lot more credibility.

Thats true...or maybe he even did coach at one time or better yet still does...
I wasn't really referring to you but since you want to be defensive about it maybe you are in the same boat.
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:Thats true...or maybe he even did coach at one time or better yet still does...

The only thing you've ever coached was the youth basketball camp at JCHS.
"TBIRD" Wrote:
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:Thats true...or maybe he even did coach at one time or better yet still does...

The only thing you've ever coached was the youth basketball camp at JCHS.

Once again...wrong.
This is becoming a habbit for you isn't it TBIRD.
Did someone give you a 8) .
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:Once again...wrong.
This is becoming a habbit for you isn't it TBIRD.
Did someone give you a 8) .

What am I wrong about, your little cronies ratted you out. No but I can assure you that someone will give you one of these :twisted: Or heck, lets just go ahead and call him the next Buddha, all praise McCarty :?:
I know everyone has there pick in this situation, but im going to be completely honest. These are both good players, and everyone in the 15th knows that. Landon is better then McCarty, you can ask any coach in the 15th and they will tell you the same. I'll give Jamie his props though, cause the kid can play, but Landon is just a special kid and thats the best way of explaining it. You central fans and players, i see how you wanna stick up for your buddy/teammate, but the facts are just being stated. You bash these players for Paintsville and show them no respect whatsoever in your posts, which doesnt surprise me at all. This summer, i was looking forword to seeing both teams in action, and hoping that both schools would be successful. I see how you central players post on here, and i have lost a lot of respect for a few of you.
Very well put Superman. Respect is earned and easily lost.
"Coach_Eagle" Wrote:I'm sure he did TBRID and your JJCHGSGDFF on there. I have proof.

Hey bub if you are so tough then why won't you tell me what that means and who you are, I already know so explain to me as well as the others what JJCHGSGDFF means? And if that is me what is your proof? If you even knew who I was son then you wouldn't think twice about that and hush real quick.
It's called sarcasim.
Back in the day I wore a jersey that said Johnson Central and had the number 33. As for being called a son, I'm actually a father and a coach. You must have talked to someone from the class of the 80's or below if you know who I am bub. I'm sorry, but once again your wrong.
Congrats on being a coach, I have done a little bit of that back home. If you really are that old then you should know how to use contractions....the words "you are" should shortened by the use of "you're" not your. Just a little FYI.
JC has alot of junior talent. I think alot of people overlook them, I've watched them play and they can play with the best of them.
Jamie McCarty
Jessie Meek
Justin Blanton
Coty Conley
Tommy Taylor
and a possible transfer from another region!
give me some facts on this jesse meek kid is he as quick as u all imply
"marchmadness" Wrote:give me some facts on this jesse meek kid is he as quick as u all imply
From what I have seen he is very quick. I dont think he is as quick as Blanton or Taylor, but he is quick.
I think Jessie Meeks will turn alot of people's head when it comes season due to his hard work ethic.
McCarty is probably best junior, but Brad Lowe is extremely close.
Drew McDavid - Ashland
Ethan Johnson from South Floyd
Brad Lowe is a senior by the way. The big Johnson boy from Valley will be the best Center and they have a good pure shooting guard in Jackson. Ethan Johnson from SF is also talented, McCarty is good but needs to pick it up on defense, offense wins the game, defense wins championships.
Eathen Johnson
a couple kids from blhs justin collins, brent charlesBig Grinrums02:
justin collins scored 40 some at camp and averaged bout 27 a game
defense makes a good player brent averaged 5 steals and about 10 pts a game(he;s awsome on defense)
I'd have to disagree with everyone's choices. Practically myself I have been scouting a kid from BL named Justin Kurkowski. I've watched him over the past years and that kid has come a long way. I think Coach Rose should consider starting him on Varisty this year.
justin kurkowski doesnt even play ball at BL just to let u know
From what I have heard, I hear that he will be startin this year. If he does play he would be the best on the team. And mr. Showstopper i'd say he could beat you 1 on 1 any day.
Best on the team maybe your forgetting Brandon Thacker Brandon Kidd Derek Case and he probaly would beat me one on one but idont really care about that and he isnt playing this year trust me by the way

I totally got ur back on tht 1 showstopper

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