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South Floyd Next Year?
"William Bonney" Wrote:Do not know where they learned it, cause last year they won the county but still played people that the coached liked. I am glad to see the middle school get a new coach and one who will treat everyone the same. " bring in someone midseason and take a younger kids spot on the a team who gave everything he had for the whole year, not let kids come up and play jv anf freshmen. thats not TEAM thats a coach thinking win first! I believe the raiders like valley will be down a little at the start of the season but will finish strong and make the region. GO wildcats!!!
Who would you have started? If I remember correctly the midseason transfer you mention only started two games.
I was told they where told they should play both and it would help their middle school game playing against bigger people and I believe that basketballonlyfan got his info wrong because one of the three told me over they summer he was told by the middle school coach not to play cause he came to the high school practice two days later and was toold if he did again he could not play middle school (FACT not rumor), and why would they let player dress on jv and freshmen as 7th grader then not as 8th (middle school coach) and none of the 3 where ever going to play varsity last year anyways. It is true he was dress as a manager at valley know that for sure to since I help with the region it being at valley. But Sf had a extra jersey so he wore it.
FACT is the other 2 decided not to keep coming to the high school practice after middle school season was over and the 1 came everyday.
ummm, nope, info not wrong william, one of the three is my boy... i know for a FACT that it was the boys decision not to play. funny how they let a 7th grader dress, but not when he was in the 8th grade considering they had the same coach for both years, so why would the coach say not play one year and encourage it the first year? I know for FACT not rumor that he wasnt told by the middle school coach not to play. FACT is not that two of the three didnt go to practice, I know for a FACT that one of the three wasnt allowed to go to practice because he just had braces taken off and also had oral surgery. One little slap to the mouth, he would have lost both front teeth. so i KNOW the FACT on that one, not just the rumors. but it is really funny how the middle school coach last year gets cut on for the 1 even playing. the FACTS for that is, the second semester transfer started 2 games, both in the state tourney, not because he replaced one of the regular starters, but because one of the regular starters decided he would rather come off the bench than start the game himself. It was the players decision, not any of the coaches.

so back to the other question, who should have started the full season who didnt? i hear the coaches favorites are the ones who played, who should have played or started over the 5 who did? if memory serves me correct, the middle school last year played 8 or 9 players regularly, and most of the game everyone played, and i know for a fact they tried to get everyone to score every game. so who should have played more than the ones who did? or who should have started over the ones who did...
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:ummm, nope, info not wrong william, one of the three is my boy... i know for a FACT that it was the boys decision not to play. funny how they let a 7th grader dress, but not when he was in the 8th grade considering they had the same coach for both years, so why would the coach say not play one year and encourage it the first year? I know for FACT not rumor that he wasnt told by the middle school coach not to play. FACT is not that two of the three didnt go to practice, I know for a FACT that one of the three wasnt allowed to go to practice because he just had braces taken off and also had oral surgery. One little slap to the mouth, he would have lost both front teeth. so i KNOW the FACT on that one, not just the rumors. but it is really funny how the middle school coach last year gets cut on for the 1 even playing. the FACTS for that is, the second semester transfer started 2 games, both in the state tourney, not because he replaced one of the regular starters, but because one of the regular starters decided he would rather come off the bench than start the game himself. It was the players decision, not any of the coaches.

so back to the other question, who should have started the full season who didnt? i hear the coaches favorites are the ones who played, who should have played or started over the 5 who did? if memory serves me correct, the middle school last year played 8 or 9 players regularly, and most of the game everyone played, and i know for a fact they tried to get everyone to score every game. so who should have played more than the ones who did? or who should have started over the ones who did...

Dude, just give it up. I know for a FACT that you have no clue what you are even talking about and I know for a FACT that they know more about the South Floyd program than you'll ever know. Just exactly what is your problem?
LOL, you say i dont have a clue... sorry dood, one of the three is my son, another of the three is one of my sons best friends.... they both say the same thing, dwayne never the first time told them not to play freshman or jv or anything, he left it up to them, also, i was there assisant coach last year, i know for a FACT what i am saying, if you dont belive me, ask they boys themselfs...they know what they was told. I also know for a FACT that i was there assistant coach last year. I know what was said at every practice because i was there. I was there at every game. and yes, i was on the phone with two of the three we are talking about and they both said the exact same thing, they wanted to win the middle school county championship, that is why they didnt play jv or varsity ball last year. But i have to ask, how can someone from shelby valley know so much about what went on in sfms practice and stuff the coaches said last year when they wasnt even there? so maybe i should be saying "dude, just give it up, what exactly is your problem?"
and you still never responded to the question on who should have played more or started over the coaches favorites??
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:LOL, that is what i was saying, when you are in middle school, middle school counts... but the three that was being asked to play varsity was told that middle school didnt count, and they should have played varsity instead of middle school.

yes, my facts are straight, i know the second semester transfer was listed as a manager, but the facts are the same, he dressed in a uniform, went threw warmups, but i know he couldnt have gotten in the game at all. My point was, instead of cutting the middle school program last year over him playing, think about how the varsity team treated the ones that was there all year and even two years....

I would appear by the post above that SFHS is not very supportive of their middle school program. But I also understand how high school players must feel when underclassmen - especially middle school students come in to a program and play or start in front of them.
OK guys. youall have both told your sides and neither is changing his/her position. This has been a good thread and it's over too keep you all out of trouble.

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